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BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

    Hee hee. I LOVE thinking in terms of Hangover Free days (a huge benefit) than Alcohol Free days (sounds a bit like deprivation). So there you have it!

    Happy Monday all you Booze Busters out there!! (and Happy Tuesday to our New Zealand Booze Busters and anyone else in the way out time zones!)

    On-going Booze Busters, go to the next post! For anyone new, here's what us Booze Busters are all about.

    Frequesnt Asked Questions (FAQ):

    Q: What the sam hill is a Booze Buster?
    A: Anyone who has a serious goal of staying Hangover Free (HF) (=Alcohol Free (AF)) for 30 days in a row, no matter what.

    Q: Do I have to join at the start of the month?
    A: NO!! Your "Day 1" can be at any time. And if you are already into your first month or your hundredth month AF, you can join at any time. All who desire to be AF for at least 30more CONSECUTIVE days are welcome.

    Q: Why are you being such a hard a$$ about 30 consecutive days AF?
    A: Because that's how tough I have to be on myself to succeed, and this challenge is meant to be "tough love" when it comes to the goal.

    Q: What if I fall off the wagon - do I get kicked out?
    A: NO!! We do hope you will let us help you dust off the seat of your pants, and drag you right back onto the Booze Busters wagon. You will get your butt kicked, but you won't get kicked out. Oh - and we have a Fugly Green Suit you have to wear for a day during your butt kickin'. That polyester green suit with high water pants is worse than the butt kickin'. Give back your stars and bling and start over at Day 1 (for purposes of this challenge).

    Q: What if I am tempted to drink - really really badly tempted?
    A: Come here for a kick in the seat of the pants! Read inspirational threads from start to finish, and if the desire to drink still exists, scream for help in the "Need Help Now" Section and yell for someone to join you in chat. (I wish I had done all that before the falls!!)

    Q: What does the Booze Beast look like?
    A: :alf: Is one ugly SOB

    Q: How does the group keep track of what day people are on?
    A: We count on YOU to shout out your stats loud and proud every day in whatever way suits you. For me, I'm collecting a star * for every AF day out of due respect for my inner child. At 30 days, collect your :bling: (thank you Liv for the bling bling word!) Grab a shiny gold :award: for every consecutive 30 days. SHOUT OUT YOUR OWN MILESTONES so we can help you celebrate!

    Speak up if you have other questions!! We are here to prove that WE CAN DO THIS! And that we can have a little fun while we're doing it! Let us know if you have suggestions as to how we can improve the BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Perpetual Challenge.

    Celebrating 33 Hangover Free Days
    :award: + ***
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

    Happy Hangover Free Monday!!

    The weekend went by WAY too fast. The Big News for me was getting through dog training without thinking much at all about drinking - now that's progress! The other news is that my office is almost ready to move back into. It's connected to the new roof top bee porch. Since we had to replace a window with a door, that led to the decision to give my office a face lift - fresh coat of paint and some re-organizing. Yesterday I had the YUCK job of cleaning the carpet with Mr.Doggy's ancient Bissell thingy. Water leaked all over the bathroom where the hose was (not firmly) connected - what a mess. Today we have to move the big pieces of furniture to their final destination and I have to face the Bissell thingy once again to clean where the two big pieces were. While I'm at it, I should do the mater bedroom and landing and stairs but......we'll see about that. I haven't forgotten my status as a PRO-Crastinator. I love the paint color in the office - it's sort of like fresh made key lime pie filling. Green sunshine.

    This morning I'm off to Curves and then to my Monday leads group & errands. It's going to be a busy day so I'm REALLY glad to be up and at 'em sans hangover!!!

    I hope you all have a FANTABULOUS BOOZE BUSTIN' DAY!!!!!

    Celebrating 33 Days HF
    :award: + ***
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23


      Your office sounds like it's shaping up just nicely.

      Hello to all the other abbers...hope you are doing well.
      Spending my day painting today as well.....for money though. Got a portrait to finish and half a dozen other canvasses to get finished so I can get some ???'s coming in.

      Gorgeous day here...the sun is streaming in. May get my hiney out later for a stroll in the park.
      Day 21 today (week three) and not really any urges.
      Spoke to Inland Revenue an hour or so ago about some tax that I owe....and you betcha,....I did think about a drink!! No chance though....I am all Antabused up so there is NO CHANCE...just the way I like it too.

      Big hugs to you all. Hope you are all doing well.

      Sober since 30/06/10


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

        Hello all,

        Great news that your "problem" day is getting much more manageable Doggygirl. That is progress!

        I'm with you on the Antabuse, Amelia. It's saved my skin a few times over the past couple of months. I don't take it every day because most of the time I'm OK at the moment but I use it as "back up" if I'm going to a boozy event or if I'm having a particularly stressful time so that I know I can't drink if I'm tempted. (I did end up smoking instead once though - duh!).

        It's going to be essential this week, as I'm visiting my parents for a few days. They are both heavy drinkers and last time I saw them I was trying to be AF and my dad spent the whole time badgering me to have a drink. They start drinking about 10am so it was a constant refrain the whole time - "can I get you a drink? why aren't you drinking? do you want a drink yet? surely you want wine with lunch?" etc etc. After a few days I gave in and drank (not my dad's fault, it was my choice). Had too much, as usual, and the next day my dad kept making snide remarks about me drinking too much! Ah, family fun!

        So, I'm packing the pills and heading north. Have a great week everyone!
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

          The greatest last week of June ... coming up

          Okay BBers - we are in the last week of June - let us not end this month on a down note - but lets make this week the BEST of June ever. Lets leave this month feeling so FANTASTIC about the beginning of our summer that we will FOREVER have the greatest memories of this time in our life. So .... make a plan - work your plan and plan on having a FUN week!

          :goodjob: to all
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

            Hey BBers,
            Hope you all emerge refreshed from your weekends. Mine's been very laid back, and I've perfected the art of making Louise's Special. Unfortunately my energy levels are nowhere near DG's. Some filing did get done but the carpet is still waiting for the cleaning fairy. Repainting sounds a good idea, DG, to wipe out traces of your old lifestyle. Marshy, good luck with the parental visit and Amelia - wow, I didn't know you painted! We should have commissioned 'before' and 'after' portraits of our BBers. Too late now that we're all AF...! As for plans, I have some long-term planning to do which will probably occupy most of my week. I'll be moving at a snail's pace but don't let me hold you up. Have a good week all!


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

              Good Morning BBer's

              I love the idea of HF days too, DG - and happy to report am on day 54! Yippee!

              Sorry I've been MIA, just a busy week. My business supper on Thursday went great. I didn't go the route of asking the restaurant to serve me AF wine, but armed myself with kudzu and L-glutamine, and ordered a tonic and lime. I think most everyone else ordered an alcoholic drink of some sort, but we got there after a few others had arrived, so can't be sure. Hubby, bless him, had a diet coke. I was a bit nervous about what to do if sometone ordered wine for the table, and sure enough, someone did. I had decided, again before hand, that if that happened, and I found myself with a glass of wine in front of me, I didn't have to drink it. We also decided that hubby would drink his, and I was ok with that. Well, after the appetizers, and salads, sure enough - someone ordered wine to go with the main courses. So I found myself with a glass in front of me, with a splash of red wine in it. And I simply ignored it. If anyone noticed, they didn't comment. However, if I hadn't armed myself with the kudzu and L-glutamine, I am sure I would have been sitting there craving like crazy. Just a lesson that it sure pays to plan ahead, and have a strategy.

              So the supper went well, but the beginning of the day............Well! I dye my hair, since it is 95% grey now....and have been toying with the idea of just letting it grow out and to h*ll with it....but thought if I had a few streaks put in it, it would make the growing out a little less noticeable? So I went to the hairdresser....she took one look at my roots, and said - No, you don't want to grow this out, if it was mostly silver I would say go for it, but this is salt and pepper, and that tends to just look ugly (sorry, if there are any of you out there with S&P! Her words, not mine!) - so thought, okay, resigned to continuing to dye. But still liked the idea of a few streaks. She said she would touch up the roots, and do the streaks at the same time - the wonders of modern hairdressing! And what color would I like? I said, well, my hair has a lot of natural red in it, so maybe something complementary? (Meaning auburn! AUBURN!!!!!!!) Well, she did her thing, did the cut, dry and fluff, and I stared at myself in shock in the mirror. Think RED, as in cherry red, big huge chumks of it, looked like something a teenybopper would do - not a woman in her 50's!!!!! EGAD!!!!!!! And I have a business supper to go to tonight! But, thought maybe wouldn't look quite so ghastly once I got home and had a good look at it....WRONG!!! Luckily I still had a box of hair dye at home. So I called my hubby in a panic, and said, don't be bringing anyone to the condo for the next few hours! And dyed it again. Even with a mediium/darkish brown dye over top, I still have some streaks, but they look more socially acceptable now. Sheeeesssshhhhhh! From now on I will stick to my drugstore boxes of dye, and no more adventures!

              Livingfree - Hiya! Yup, planning is so important! Have a great week, Liv!

              Marshy - Hope you have a good visit with your folks. So glad you are on the antibuse - it's such a great safety net - You KNOW you can't have a drink. I am so impressed by your strength and determination - with your family being heavy drinkers, it is all the more awesome that you have beat the beast! You go, girl!

              Amelia - Happy painting! Must be wonderfull to do something you love well enough to earn a living at it! Congrats on day 21!

              DG - Happy Monday! Your office color sounds awesome. Have you taken the pics of the raspberry bushes yet? Congrats again on your 30 days, and you are rockin, girlie - getting through those Saturdays - awesome!!!

              Well, off to run a few errands, hopefully get to Curves myself, and this evening, assuming the sun continues to shine, a friend and I are going to go tour through the Botanic Gardens which I am fortunate to have practically across the street from me.

              Have a terrific Monday everyone - hope it's the start of a GREAT booze bustin' week!
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                Hey DG - so sorry I missed your 30 day party, but a belated congratulations.
                I was at my great niece's 1st birthday and visiting a friend who just started chemo recently. Home now but tired. Had no temptations to drink but did manage to gain back the few pounds I had struggled so hard to lose. Sigh. Oh well. Your office is an inspiration to get back to work here!
                Hi to all other BBers. Hope you are having a great Monday.


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                  Good afternoon BBers! (well...afternoon here. Where is Mame and what day is it in NZ for us time zone challenged people???? )

                  Wow Amelia! I didn't realize you are an artiste!! How cool. I really admire people who have that kind of talent. (I did not get any!) Taxes Bite The Big One. That's all I have to say about that! I hope you get a nice walk in the park to get rid of the black tax cloud!

                  Antabuse really does sound like an amazing and effective deterent from all I've read around here. That's awesome. If I ever find I need an extra secret weapon.... Marshy, your parent visits sound difficult when it comes to drinking. Thank goodness you're packin' your pills. I'm sure you love them no matter how difficult it can be at times - parents can be like that. I hope you have fun and that AL doesn't bother you too much.

                  Liv - you are so right about having a good plan!! I've been using the drink tracker this month and believe me, I ain't blowin' it now. This will be only the second month ever for getting a full calendar month of "0"'s The only other time was August 2007. This year I'm going for 2 in a row (for now...then 3,4 5, )

                  Pamina I finally got the ingredients this AM for Louise Specials!! I'm going to make a batch as soon as I'm done catching up here. Can't wait!! Have fun with your long term planning!

                  Hannah, congratulations on your 54 days (eh em.....we all need to be planning Hannah's 60 day party for Sunday!!). And BIG congrats on having YOUR plan and dealing with the wine at dinner. LOL on your hair color!!! Well...not really LOL because I know it's not funny when it's you. But that's a funny story. I can totally envision the teenybopper with the bright red hair!! I think I'm with you, and will stick to the drug store color in a box. The botanic gardens sound wonderful. Do they have a web site so we can sort of enjoy it with you???

                  louise, welcome home!! Sounds like you had a good family visit. Weight management is such a bear....I dont' even want to talk about it!! I'm looking forward to trying your Louise Specials later today!!

                  OK - off to check in on abbercise and then back to work!

                  :award: + ***
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                    28 days AF

                    Hi to Everybody

                    It was a glorious day here so I spent it in the garden -hours of planting up, tidying, streamlining - hard work at times getting rid of the weeds around the concrete slabs but I enjoyed every minute!

                    I have just rewarded myself with some dark chocolate with chilli - so yum.

                    Marshy, I think it takes real guts to be among family who are drinkers, but you have a plan, so you'll be fine. My parents didn't drink-well my mum liked to sip from a small wineglass, just to be sociable. I don't think I could have coped as well as you are doing.

                    Hannah, your hair nightmare! I have been deliberating about getting my hair cut and livening it up a little-three times I passed the home hair dye section and stuck with dull dark blonde instead of changing to red. Reading your scary story,I think maybe I was right to err on the side of caution!

                    DG, love the sound of Green Sunshine on the walls! I am a safe white walls everywhere kinda person - the hallway needs doing, as does the toilet - maybe it is time to break out-put poppy red on the walls if not on my hair!

                    Amelia - I love portraits-I go to the National Portrait gallery quite often as artists' interpretations are always fascinating.

                    Living Free-I like thisidea- lets make this week the BEST of June ever. Lets leave this month feeling so FANTASTIC about the beginning of our summer that we will FOREVER have the greatest memories of this time in our life. So .... make a plan - work your plan and plan on having a FUN week!

                    Nearing the end of my 30 day AF stint and I do feel fantastic! And I am having lots of fun.
                    Get outdoors everybody especially those in UK land, enjoy it while you can!

                    Hi too Louise and Pamina, and everyone else to come

                    IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                    Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                      Hi Anna and congratulations on Day 28!! We're gonna have a party on Wednesday!!
                      I bet your garden is really pretty. Can you post a picture? ITA on the white wall thing. I'm trying to lose my inner beige. I wish I could say I picked the colors that are actually on the walls in this house now. If it had been left up to me though, I'm sure they would all still be beige. I say you should STEP OUT with something wild and crazy on your walls! (better that than your hair!)

                      From the tail end of last weeks thread, welcome Red-Wine and congratulations on 27 AF Days!

                      So who else is partying this week???? So far I've seen Hannah (60 on Sunday) Anna (30 on Wednesday) and Red-Wine (30 on Thursday).

                      Tried another fish recipe tonight. It's not as "different" as the Cuban style one. But...for a basic way to cook fish without fuss and bother, it turned out really good. And Mr. Doggy had seconds, which for fish is a FIRST around here in 10 years. Maybe everyone already has good basic fish recipes in hand. I've never been much for cooking fish myself - but I'm trying to learn and eat more of it. If anyone wants this basic type of recipe, say the word and I'll post it in the recipe section. Dessert ROCKED - sliced up a fresh peach and put loads of cinnamin (sp) on it!!!

                      Well, another busy day is coming to an end. So I'm gonna say nighty night, go collect my "0" on the Drink Tracker, and call it a day. See you all tomorrow for Hangover Free Tuesday!!

                      :award: + ***
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23


                        Whoo Whoo for a hangover free Tuesday.

                        I am with all of you.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                          Hi again, I've dropped out of 30 day BBs 3 times already and felt rather ashamed and embarassed. Now, i"m 16 days AF because of antabuse and sort of felt like that was cheating I've been Odating for awhile, but I really missed you guys. So, please allow me to pop back in here...hey, I'm good for the rest of the Summer as long as I take my little white pill! I will make myself post about taking it everyday as I need to keep telling myself that I must.
                          I'm tired right now as we have been on alert for 3 days already. There have been 80 fires burning all around us (the closest being 1/2 mile away) but we have been really lucky with the wind direction. Big winds came up this afternoon and cleared out some of the smoke. Good news for us, but very bad for others. There has been very little information as all of CA is watching the big fires around San Francisco. This has been freaky... over 800 recorded lightning strikes in a 24 hour period in Northern CA. I think the last serious lightning attack was in 1983, but not even close to this one. Saturday morning I woke up to a hail storm. The dog was terrified!
                          You all put out such good energies. Thank you. xxx g.:l


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                            Good (frightfully early here) morning Booze Busters!! And another Happy Hangover Free Day it is.

                            Hi Cindi! How are you feeling these days? Are the docs any closer to figuring out this NotSinus Infection? Hope you are hangin' in there. At least you're not hangin' over which makes anything stressful easier to take. (no matter what AL might want us to believe to the contrary)

                            gelit!! I'm so glad you are back and please don't ever drop off like that again!! :b&d: People have such wonderful things to say about the deterrent (sp) effect of Antabuse. GOOD FOR YOU on 16 Days HF. WHATEVER WORKS!! Oh. I know why you disappeared. You thought you could get out of wearing the Fugly Green Suit. Not a chance. Put it on and take your butt kickin'!! Seriously - it's great to have you back!!!

                            It's HF Day 34 here already. Feels like the days are just flying by. I woke up the requisite 4 times (at least) last night, but had an easier time falling back asleep so I hope things are improving on that front!! I'm getting my hair trimmed today. I'm really all thumbs with my hair but I'm hoping my new hairdresser - I really like her - can show me some fun things to do with it. I like it up off my neck in the summer. I see women with these really cute ways of putting their hair in a pony tail v. my plain one. I want to learn some hair tricks!! I have the itch to get more flowers and make more pots...we'll see if I get around to that today! I probably should focus on getting moved back into my office first...then start new stuff. That would make so much sense though...just wouldn't seem like me to do the logical thing and finish one project before starting another.

                            Hope everyone has a rockin' Booze Bustin' kind of day today!! Where is everyone??

                            :award: + ****
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 6/23

                              Day 29 A(bsolutely) F(abulous)

                              Hi Doggy Girl and all
                              I am here, for a short respite from the call of the outdoors. Well, I don't know what you think, but I reckon this gardening lark makes me ache in new places! My fingers are especially sore and I was out there again today doing battle with the weeds between the paving, boy is it hard work! Not sure how to get a photo on here but will try later this week. I do love pot gardening though-am going to the plant shop in a minute to buy some more instant colour! Got a huge hanging basket of deep pink petunias yesterday and put it over the table-it's like an outdoor floral candelabra!

                              all for now, hope everyone is having themselves a great AF( Absolutely Fab) day.
                              DG - enjoy your visit to the hair lady !

                              IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                              Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter

