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Tues - June 24 Monthly Abs

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    Tues - June 24 Monthly Abs

    Good Morning Abbers,

    I hope all are doing well today and are feeling great.

    It is so good to be sober, no matter what is going on in my life, sober is better than drunk and then hungover. Period.

    AF April 9, 2016

    Tues - June 24 Monthly Abs

    Morning Cindi and all abbers to follow:

    Yes, great to be sober...Period

    Crappy work schedule for the next 2 weeks, no days off for me, except my son's wedding on Saturday..All the I's are dotted and T's crossed, just hoping for good weather as the ceremony is outdoors....if not, oh well........

    Wishing everyone a great day!!
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Tues - June 24 Monthly Abs

      Good Morning Abbers!!

      Yes it *is* so good to be sober as it makes whatever is going on in your life just that much better!

      Charlee, busy is good and do enjoy that special day with your son and new DIL on Saturday!

      Have a very great AF day Abbers!

      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
      Watch this and find out....


        Tues - June 24 Monthly Abs

        Top of the Tuesday ABaroooos!

        amen to that Cindi! and nice to see you here. I hope your not having to travel so much.
        I take off tomorrow but I think it's going to just be an overnighter. woooo!

        had a drinking dream last night. and while I didn't overdrink in the dream what was so crappy was the self doubt, guilt and self esteem issues I recall all too well. ick!

        so here's a coffee salute to all you great folks and all to come!!

        be well friends
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Tues - June 24 Monthly Abs

          Hi All I'm here -- busy but AF ... hope to check in later... I had the opportunty to drink yesterday and just did not want to -- how about them apples???


            Tues - June 24 Monthly Abs

            Hi Everyone: We had the little g-sons overnight & then to the park this AM. All is peaceful now, & it's moments like these that I feel grateful to be a g-parent (dropping them off at home was a welcome relief). It was good reading this thread today. I need the support at the moment. Take care everyone. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Tues - June 24 Monthly Abs

              Hi Abbers,

              Kind of quiet here. Maybe some of you were like me yesterday. I read through all the posts, and then the phone rang and I signed off. I never found a moment to get back on and post.
              I'm here at day 9. Feeling solid but ever vigilant.
              Charlee, I heard weather in NE should be partial/partial clouds for Sat. We are having people over on that day so I have been watching the weather forecasts. I hope you all have a wonderful day.!!

              I've been trying to follow DG's advice and rent tv series or shows to watch at night to distract myself from the thought of wine. I've rented several BBC series which don't show on major stations here and have enjoyed them thoroughly. Most evening I only watch about 20-30 minutes but it really relaxes me and now that I've made it a totally AF experience I find that I don't think about wine at all while watching. I've even changed the chair I sit in while watching. It's my AF chair!!!
              Have a great day abbers. It's always nice to know that you(or your thoughts) are always here when I need you.


