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Thursday 26 June

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    Thursday 26 June

    Morning all,

    Birds singing, Sun shining, Loppy posting!!! It must be a beautiful dawn in London.

    Sorry I have not been around lately but I have been majorly stressed, panic attacks etc about something which on reflection is not so important. I have occasionally turned on the computer but even after logging on haven't been reading much because ......

    Staying off the booze is less of a problem for me than just getting on and living my life. It is almost as if everything but work stopped on 1 May when I went AF. I am having to learn everything from the beginning again. It is very scary.

    At this stage I can still remember how bad things got when I was drinking, so I know that when I have learnt how to do it, this AF life will be so much better. It just isn't yet because the world outside is all too big and scary. I am very conscious form other people's posting that people often lapse at around the 90 to 100 day mark because they tell themselves that it wasn't so bad. I keep telling myself that however hard things seem now, things will get better. Whereas with drinking things were only ever going to get worse.

    So to make you all laugh.. what I was stressing about for the last week or so is a ball that I have to attend on Friday night. Yes me!!! The person who last week couldn't even manage dinner with 6 others!! Long frocks, masks the works. It is a works event so no getting out of it.

    Sun shining so feeling optimistic. I can do this.

    Pamima, My thoughts are with you. Thankfully when I lost my parents I didn't live too far away and could see them when they were up to it.

    Love to all who follows. Hope you have been finding life easier than I have.

    Catch you later.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Thursday 26 June

    Morning everyone day 5 and I cant believe I've made it so far my insides are still aching though

    I can completely relate to what you are saying about everything stopping and relearning again loppy. I don't do the same things in the evenings now when I used to just veg out in front of PC and neck the wine.

    I have been having showers every night (unheard of before) and early nights with a book, even wierder! anything to get me out of the habit of drinking.

    Sun shining here on the south coast too.

    That ball sounds like fun, I love an excuse to dress up but sadly there is no-one in my life to take me to special places atm. Im going to work on that when I am happy Al has no more control over me

    Hope everyone has a lovely day.


      Thursday 26 June

      Not being funny, but I'd be stressing about that ball too... I just hate fussy events!
      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


        Thursday 26 June

        Good Morning abbers,

        Loppy,as you HAVE to attend the ball try to enjoy it as much as possible. These formal occasions are nothing but ordinary people getting dressed up in fancy clothes. I'm sorry you're not feeling great these days. You should be so proud of your AF days(almos two months now... right?) Hang in there. I want to hear all about the ball on Sat.

        Nia, great job on 5 days. It's nice to meet you.
        Vlad, nice to meet you too.

        I was away yesterday on Cape Cod and really enjoyed myself. I met a friend from high school who was also a previous drinker. She stopped several years ago and we had such a nice time sailing and discussing how heavy drinking after time diminishes one's ability to enjoy the simple things in life. We so enjoyed the weather, the scenery and each other's company.I would not have enjoyed the day, in such a way, with a hangover.

        Enjoy an AF day all. I hope to check in later.



          Thursday 26 June

          Morning all
          I am not a fussy person either, dressing up..specials bras, underwear...SHOES!!!!......I'll take my sweats anyday!!!
          Nia, good job on day 5...feels pretty good huh?
          Vlad, good to see you on the abs thread!!..welcome
          Vino...aren't you usually our late poster?....good to see ya so early...I am from New England and never been to the of the many things on my "to do" list...
          Hope all to follow will enjoy and AF day!!!
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            Thursday 26 June

            Hi Absters:

            I too am grappling w/relearning how to navigate the world as a sober person. Yesterday, I was really down. I had a serious discussion w/my husb about some issues that I've been reluctant to share...nothing earth-shattering but bothersome anyway. The discussion was emotional but led to some real thinking on both of our parts. I'm so grateful for my sobriety. I would NEVER have had the talk w/him if I was drinking.

            Today I feel a whole lot lighter. I'm taking my g-sons this AM to a children's museum, & we have plans w/friends for tonight. I won't be drinking today.

            Take care everyone. Life has its ups & downs. I'm beginning to realize that no amount of drinking will erase the downs. I have to learn to go w/the flow. I'm so grateful that everyone here at MWO (especially this forum) is on a similar path. We can share our experience, strength, & hope & find a new way of dealing w/life.

            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Thursday 26 June

              Good Morning Abbers!!

              Loppy, an alcoholic life is living a life full of lies, finally a life free of alcohol, is a life full of new beginnings. This is something that should be embraced and grateful for and not feared. THe only thing scary about an AF life is realizing how messed up your life can get when AL is in control. Now every day AF is an opportunity to do the things in your life the right way.

              Nia, 5 days is awesome and better days are right around the corner for you!

              Janet, the sailing sounded just wonderful and how nice to enjoy such things AF and in good company!

              Hi Vino! And Charlee, I too would wear sweats all the time if I could, for me nice clothes are such a bother to take care of and nothing ever seems to match together for me especially when I need them to everyday at 5 am!!

              Mary, I too have had to confront a myriad of neglected "issues" with my wife, the blessing of it all is we now able to "discuss" the issues as opposed to just "argue" over who was at fault.

              Well today seems like a day for many to "face the music" and I too see I have my own share of curve balls to contend with here at work. Oh well, things could be much worse as we all painfully know.

              Let's all make this another great AF day!
              Is Addiction Really a Disease?
              Watch this and find out....


                Thursday 26 June

                Hi Abbers!!

                Loppy I too hope you can make the most of the ball. Sounds like a masquerade type ball maybe?? (the masks) While I'm not much for dress up parties just to be dressing up, a masquerade ball sounds like fun. Can I go with you??? I know the 90-100 day mark was rough when quitting smoking and I suspect the issues must be similar with drinking. But my last BIG fall was at 60. So I guess I better be on guard every day. (duh)

                Welcome Nia and vlad!! Nia, much MUCH better to find a special person when you are sober and so is he!! I'm enjoying reading more too. I always liked reading and of course that becomes a blurry activity when one's head is in the bottle.

                Janet, sailing sounds wonderful!! I've never been to Cape Cod either and it just strikes a peaceful and beautiful tone in my mind.

                Charlee thanks for the reminder about the bras and shoes. And I suppose panty hose too??? Loppy, maybe I don't want to go with you after all.

                Mary, have fun at the childrens museum, and with your friends tonight.

                Today I will mainly be putting files and other stuff away in the freshly painted office. My dilemma for the day will be whether or not to attend a Business After Hours function from 5 - 7PM with Mr. Doggy tonight. It's a drinking function sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Of course everyone doesn't drink, but I'm not sure I want to be around any drinking today. Mr. Doggy doesn't mind going without me, so I might just take a pass. We'll see...maybe I'll feel different later in the day.

                Hope everyone has a happy AF day!!

                Celebrating 36 Hangover Free Days
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Thursday 26 June

                  Happy Thursday ABaroonies! just a quick "howdy" as I'm off to have breakfast with my boss. driving again all day but hopefully home tonight.
                  zoom zooom

                  be well!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Thursday 26 June

                    QuIck hi from Tiny -- swamped at work... but checking in and am A-ok ... I'll have some relief next week...


                      Thursday 26 June

                      Thanks for the welcomes and kind words

                      Finding it harder now Ive a few days under my belt, the temptation was a lot stronger today but resisted again. I am determined to do the 30 days first and see where I go from there.

                      Im worried about my permanent internal organ ache atm my stomach seems to be permanently bloated and feels swollen inside, is this normal?


                        Thursday 26 June

                        Nia70;353344 wrote: Thanks for the welcomes and kind words

                        Finding it harder now Ive a few days under my belt, the temptation was a lot stronger today but resisted again. I am determined to do the 30 days first and see where I go from there.

                        Im worried about my permanent internal organ ache atm my stomach seems to be permanently bloated and feels swollen inside, is this normal?
                        Are you taking any new meds or supplements your body may not be used to "digesting"? Or have you changed your diet as well? I also remember becoming dehydrated quite easily in the early days and that can leave your insides in bad shape as well.
                        Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                        Watch this and find out....


                          Thursday 26 June

                          Im taking the recommended dosage from the starter set I got from here so it could be those?

                          I haven't really changed my diet much, the only change is that I make sure I eat some cereal in the mornings now, skipped breakfast all the time while I was drinking, just didnt feel hungry in the mornings.

                          This ache was around for a few days, perhaps over a week, before I stopped drinking. Im thinking of it as my body repairing itself perhaps? if it doesnt calm down over the next few days I might drop the meds and see what happens.

                          Thanks for replying by the way

