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June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

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    June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

    Hi Everyone: It's the wee hours again, & I thought I'd start this off. We just came back from a get-together w/friends. It was sober fun...very nice to be able to talk to people & make sense. I couldn't help noticing the wine drinkers (when will I stop doing that?). Anyhow, seeing how normal drinkers drink just reinforces my belief that I'll never be able to drink like that (ever).
    -teeny little sips (no gulping).
    -leaving glasses half empty.
    -not looking at the bottle.
    -not sneaking a pour while others weren't looking.
    -a small amount (for me) of wine lasting several people all evening.

    No one got red in the face, loud, raucous, or had trouble navigating out of the house. I thank God that I didn't even consider having just a taste, because I know what happens to me when I do. A little drinking sets off a chain of binge drinking that I wouldn't want to get started on

    I hope all is well w/everyone at this thread. If you're having a hard time, keep coming here. Eventually, you'll reach your goal. I know I am. I haven't been perfect. However, I've had much, much more sobriety since I've joined MWO than I have in many a year. I'm sober today, & I plan on being sober tomorrow as well. The more distant future will take care of itself.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

    Thanks for the insomnia kickstart Mary

    just got back from 7 1/2 hours drive and I'm a big muscle cramp. ugh. had a rough couple days at work and and sooo glad Im not using al for stress relief because the way I've been feeling I would have really hurt myself if I was.
    well it's good to be home in one peace and sleeping in our bed is a treat.

    Nia, looking at your thread today about bloating all I can say is that drinking al in excess causes our bodies abdominal cavity to fill with fluids which is quite unnatural. Bloating also occurs for other reasons including organs being inflamed. After a week or so of AF time you will begin reversing the process. From my experience the bloating comes right back when you start drinking for thought.

    gnight or good morning everyone for now....

    be well
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

      Hi Retteacher, you have just described exactly what I used to do at parties to a "T"

      Well done for staying AF

      Cant believe I have reached day 6 without touching a drop. Im so so pleased with myself about this and put 50% of my new found strength to reading the stories and support here, thank you everyone for being here.

      Wishing everyone a happy AF day and bright blessings to you all


        June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

        Sorry for the "Tiny" messages -- all is good except this workprogram ends July 2nd and maybe I can breathe...

        Hope eberyone has a great day!


          June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

          Good Morning Abbers!!

          It's so great to see everybody doing so well today and is *the* reason I love starting my day here.

          I am already psyching myself up for my first sober 4th of July celebration which will be a good thing since this year we have a fair amount of fireworks to fire up and being AF will keep me from getting too crazy with it all!

          Got to go, have a great AF day everyone!
          Is Addiction Really a Disease?
          Watch this and find out....


            June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

            Hey Absomniacs!

            Yes, the getting through parties routine. Think 'getting through receptions with free wine' - not something I was ever particularly good at. Good reason not to engage in professional networking. Well, and maybe it also has something to do with me not being good at small talk with people I've never met. But guess what - I did it yesterday!!! I mean, I'm still not good at it. But I went to a gathering at Oxford and shoved my business card at total strangers and even made follow-up plans with several people. It's taken 6 weeks of sobriety to work up the nerve, but I did it!! I still can't quite believe it as I almost talked myself out of it the day before. It's been absolute eons since I put myself out there. Not to mention leaving the house at 6.15 to catch a 7am bus from Marble Arch - I know many of you are up with the birds, but I'm SO not with it in the mornings. I decided I need to get out of London more. It was very pretty with the green pastures, cows, spires, shires...

            Loppy - good to have you back! Good luck tonight. Just think you are the Queen of Sheba mingling effortlessly with the crowds in your beautiful frock, fully protected by your invisible shield of sobriety. You'll be fine, girl.

            Have a great day everybody!


              June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

              Sounds like all the abbers are doing well.....I would love to think that someday I would be able to have a drink or two, just like the drinkers at Mary's gathering. My biggest fear is not the one or two drinks itself, but what it will unleash.... I almost typed "may unleash", but I know better...been there to many times...I would just be kidding myself and end up back in that deep, dark abyss. I don't want to go back bottom is still so vivid in my mind..guess thats a good thing...
              Hope everyone has a great day..
              sobriety date 11-04-07


                June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

                I am back. I was on, then bought a six pack. Well, it is gone, and it is time to start over.


                  June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

                  Lila, I know the feeling. I am right there with you.
                  Pamina: good on you for doing the "meet and greet" sober. That stuff is difficult for me too. I usually always think I need a couple of beers to become more extroverted for those events. Of course two beers is never enough...
                  Love and Peace,
                  Love and Peace,

                  Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                    June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

                    Char: You ALWAYS say exactly what I'm thinking &/or feeling. Yes, the actual drink at the party isn't what I'm worried about. It's the next day's excursion to the liquor store that would do me in.

                    Lila & Phil: Keep coming here & posting. It may be just what you need to reenergize your committment.

                    Thank you everyone for all the wonderful feedback.

                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

                      thanks Mary and Phil, and everyone for the encouragement. This really is a good source of strength. It's a tough day, but it will be over, and tonite I have fun stuff going on.


                        June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

                        Thanks for the positive thoughts Pamina but it is just gone midnight and I am home already, sobbing my heart out and trying to find some good reason for putting myself through this.

                        Not drinking is a walk in the park, it is everything else that is a nightmare.
                        Should probably go to bed and sleep this mood off.

                        Catch you in the morning.
                        Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                        AF 8 June 2012


                          June 27 - Fri. - Daily Thread

                          Oh Loppy...what happened? My heart is breaking for you.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.

