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July Abbercise!

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    July Abbercise!

    Hey Abbercisers!!! WHERE ARE YOU??? :b&d: :sofa: Come out come out wherever you are!!

    Deter, you need to be careful!! Maybe we should all pitch in to get you some steel toed boots for your next birthday?? Might look funny with your martial arts outfit though..... Hope your toe is feeling better!

    Worked out Mon, Tues, and today at Curves so far this week and plan to make it a 6 workout week again. I still have a LOT of weight to lose but I'm starting to feel better about myself. Amazing what a few inches will do for ya!! I went "shopping in my closet" yesterday and was able to wear a pair of jeans that I have NOT been able to wear since sometime last fall.

    I know you are all on the edge of your seats wanting to know what the game of the week is this week, and how the Red Team is doing. Well, we are sucking so far at Bingo. Just not getting lucky with the numbers. Bing is sort of anti-climatic after such games as Bean Bag Toss and Jenga where at least a small amount of skill can affect the outcome. Or maybe I just haven't figured out how to cheat at Bingo LOL.

    I think I forgot to mention that last Friday, Dad's physical therapist at the hospital commented about the muscles in my arms. She couldn't believe I'm getting toned like that at Curves. She's young and obviously thinks us little old ladies who work out at Curves don't have it in us. :H

    Hope everyone is having a good abbercise week. Mame - are you back to your duathlon training schedule??? Where you been???? Caysea, I just hope you are not passed out on some tennis court somewhere in the heat. I guess Beck is off the hook for vacation. OMW?????? Det you just be careful OK?

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      July Abbercise!

      I joined a gym today and will go for a swim there tomorrow morning. Might try out some of the gym equipment as well as the pool. Baby steps, baby steps... :H

      I'm also going to try the yoga classes there. I've never been into yoga but I recently met a woman in her late sixties who is extremely fit and she does daily yoga as her main exercise, so I thought I'd better give it a go!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        July Abbercise!

        Hi All
        Well I realize I can't count on you guys.Yes I just got back from the tennis courts.I have been passed out on the court since last Saturday.Since no one told my wife I was playing tennis she has been looking in all my old hang outs thinking I must have slipped.She said she couldn't believe that I wasn't in the bar and can't get used to looking at the tennis court first.I guess the fact that I used to tell her I was going to play tennis and always wound up drinking kind of had something to do with that.Drank if I won Drank if I lost
        An update on physical activity which is what this tread is about.Sunday worked out with my doubles partner.Monday clinic with the pro and 2 friends. Tues usually new day off did a lite workout on the ball hard workout with hitting partner.The tennis is starting to come back not only the skill level but the mental toughness.It is a combination of the socializing and physical activity that I am getting so much out of
        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
        AF 5-16-08


          July Abbercise!

          LOL Caysea. This exercise lark is clearly dangerous. I shall watch my step at the gym tomorrow.
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            July Abbercise!

            Marshy, good for you joining the gym!!! We need to get MUCH stronger so we are able to carry Caysea around when he passes out on the tennis courts. Let us know how it's going. (especially after what your counselor said yesterday about exercise!!!)

            Caysea, I'm sorry that I dropped the "ball" when you passed out on the court. I really had the best of intentions and was on my way to rescue you and take you home to your wife when I saw a cute little tennis pro in little white shorts. He looked like he needed a baby sitter so I volunteerd for the job. Oops.

            I really need to remember to post every day!!! This was another 6 workout week and it feels really good. I never get the kind of "sore" where you know you over did it. But I DO often have that feeling of a little tightness in my muscles - not sore but that feeling that you've been working out and improving. I'm starting to really love that feeling.

            I'm ALMOST 20 pounds down from May 22. One more pound to go. So hopefully by sometime sooner or later next week I will hit that milestone. It's almost time to go "shopping in my closet" again to see if anything else that was too small will amost fit now.

            Since I know you are all dying to know what's up with the Red Team, I will share that we sucked the big one at bingo this week. SIX days and SIX tries, and I only got one number all week long. Seems it was like that for most of the team. Next week will be our finish off for the "Heat It Up In July" contest, and the game of the week is golf. I suck at that too LOL. But at least I know I will be making a good contribution to the team effort in the pounds and inches lost category!

            Have fun abbercising everyone!

            Day 66 AFHF
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              July Abbercise!

              Hey, All

              The past two weeks I have managed to take the bike to work in the car, ride it home
              that night [ 23 miles ] and ride it back in the next day take a day off and do it again.

              I don't think I am ready to ride in, work and ride home. So this works for me. I have
              not lost any weight to speak of, but I an strong as a horse.

              I hope y'all do what ever it takes, Sam


                July Abbercise!

                Sam, that's a LOT of bike riding! That's a creative solution you came up with between car/bike to manage the distance. I bet you are not losing scale weight because you are losing fat and gaining muscle - a great trade!

                I'm sort of looking forward to my day off of Curves today, but at the same time I'm looking forward to my workout tomorrow - if that makes any sense. Which it probably does not. One of my shoulders is a bit sore today, but I think that's from sleeping on it funny - not anything about yesterdays workout. I hope that feels better by tomorrow.

                Have a great day abbercisers!

                Day 67 AFHF
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  July Abbercise!

                  Doggygirl;370288 wrote:
                  I'm sort of looking forward to my day off of Curves today, but at the same time I'm looking forward to my workout tomorrow - if that makes any sense. Which it probably does not. One of my shoulders is a bit sore today, but I think that's from sleeping on it funny - not anything about yesterdays workout. I hope that feels better by tomorrow.

                  Have a great day abbercisers!

                  Day 67 AFHF
                  Sounds like you might have over done your shoulder. maybe you should be take
                  it easy on the shoulder on monday.

                  I love my bike distance now! I get to work and I am charged up, or I get
                  home in the evening and have less desire for food. Not really worried about
                  the weight at all, as I like what the exercise does for the soul.

                  All the best to All, Sam


                    July Abbercise!

                    Happy Monday Abbercisers!!

                    Sam, endorphins definitely rock. I know you alternate between AM and PM due to your whole set up. I can't speak to the PM because I always work out in the AM. BUT...I sure love starting my day that way. It's nice to head off to my morning meetings feeling awake and energized instead of hungover and wishing I could just go back to bed for awhile.

                    I pushed hard today and it felt really good!! But I sucked before at the golf putting game, and sad to say I still suck at it. I mean, I was hoping for some sort of miracle like Hannah just vibing me some good putting vibes or something. Here in the home stretch of Heat It Up In July, my main contribution to the Red Team is still inches and pounds lost. But that's a good thing. Oh.....I hit the 20 pounds lost mark today...YEAH!!!!!! Time to go shopping in my closet. There is a pair of jeans I'm wondering about - I hope they will fit well enough now to wear them for at least a couple of hours without them cutting off my circulation.

                    :b&d: :sofa: GET TO WORK ABBERCISERS!!!!

                    Day 68 AFHF
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      July Abbercise!

                      Hi All
                      Sam way to go .Great distance and combined with commuting great lifestyle change.
                      Dog It must feel great getting back control of your life in so many areas.The weight drop and getting in better shape has to be just as good a feeling as going AF. Well I know not really, but it is really just as big an effort to get those type of results.
                      i have been playing tennis 6 out of 7 days a week.Just as the gym workout, I have to go on an easy day hard day schedule.The workout is paying off big time in regards to my physical fitness level.Having gotten a renewed interest in my tennis game also brought me back to teaching tennis.I have been volunteering 2 days a week at the local boys and girls club helping with their tennis program.I get just as much out of working with the kids as they get from me .I could never have done this with al in my life.It is not only stooping drinking but lifestyle changes that have to take place.I have no time now for my old ways. I have also made an effort to be around positive people and places .It is working 75 days AF and doing great.
                      Stay Healthy And Keep Fighting
                      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                      AF 5-16-08


                        July Abbercise!

                        WOW Caysea that is awesome news - all the way around. Your workouts, 75 days AF, and :cheering: for your volunteer work. I totally know what you mean when you say that wasn't possible in the old AL life.

                        Volunteer work is high on my list to get involved in too. It's been on my mind as a goal in life for many years - i.e. once I finish with the high stress / travel / work hours "corporate life" (which is now done for me) I always envisioned doing something meaningful. And here I am - a few years into the time of life where I envisioned doing that - and haven't been able to because of my horrid choices with AL. In fact I was just thinking about this yesterday - all the possibilities in front of me. I'm right behind you on Day 70 AF, and so I think I will start getting serious about this.

                        It was a 100% day at curves today. I didn't sleep as good last night as I've been sleeping in the last few weeks (had a cramp in my foot that I couldn't seem to get rid of...), so I had a tough time keeping up with the computer on some of the machines. But I worked hard at it - that's for sure! I didn't really eat right yesterday today has been better in that department, and tonight I'm making Greek Roast Chicken and something called Kolokythia Krokettes (a low carb version) which are made with zuchinni. YUM!!

                        Sam, hope you check in about those bike rides!! Where is everyone else!!


                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          July Abbercise!

                          Hello Everyone, Would like to join you abbercisers! I am on day 31 AF. Have been getting back into working out. I have a "Gazelle" machine that I started at 20 min. and now am up to 25min. plus 25 sit-ups on the big ball. I actually have been getting up early every other day to get it done in the morning. Going to make it everyday I feel so much better all day knowing that I have done my body good. And then this evening instead of saying I will mow the yard tomorrow I found myself "just doing it!" that is amazing for me, because before I always relied on al for the help. ha!

                          Doggie girl- "and haven't been able to because of my horrid choices with AL. In fact I was just thinking about this yesterday"
                          When I read this from you I read "horrid CHORES" lol! I used to have horrid chores and they were horrid choices.

                          You all are an inspire me. Maybe I will be able to jump on the trampoline with the kids soon!

                          Day 31 and going to be an Abber til beyond!

                          It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                            July Abbercise!

                            Hi all,

                            I went to the gym for the "exercise as therapy" reason - and it worked. I was having a crappy day but did some gym work (bike and rowing machine) and then went for a swim. I dropped my locker key in the pool and in diving down to get it I lost a contact lens. But I still felt better afterwards than when I got there, even minus a contact lens.
                            I'm still pretty lazy about going to the gym but I definitely need to crank it up a gear. It is so worth it.
                            AF since December 22nd 2008
                            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                              July Abbercise!

                              great to hear of all your successes! great inspiration here.

                              at the hotel room Tuesday night I belted out 60 nice, slow VERY deep squats, and 35 pushups all very quickly and without warm up. managed to hurt something in my back and my quads are so sore I almost fell over walking up some steps today (two days later!) yikes. that's me though....all or nothing.
                              must learn to exercise 'nicely'. arg.

                              keep up the good work everyone!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                July Abbercise!

                                Welcome to the Abbercisers mwo2!! I would like to hear more about your ab work on that ball. I need to add more ab work to my program. I feel the Curves circuit gives me a nice all around workout, but if I ever want even a semi-flat tummy I'm going to have to put some extra effort there I think. I have to be careful as I had back surgery a few years ago in my lower back, so some forms of sit ups and things are NOT good for me to do - even though strengthening the core is EXCELLENT for my back.

                                Marshy!!! I'm so glad the gym is feeling therapeutic for you. Just keep hangin' onto all of your stuff when you get in the pool!!

                                Deter, are we going to have to get you a padded room to exercise in so you stop hurting yourself????? Hopefully you are feeling better by now.

                                I'm going to start a new Abbercise thread for August!!!!!

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

