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July Abbercise!

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    July Abbercise!

    New month and already 6 months through the year! It seems to have gone so fast!

    Hope everyone is doing well with their goals! My July ones are to put the June ones into effect! I still haven't pumped up my bike tyre! Its partly because the weather here has been so cold and wet. I've been doing some RPM classes at gym though.

    Anyway, my 13 week countdown to the October 5 duathlon started yesterday! I've always been an early morning gym person, but I'm finding it really hard at the moment ...... we are just past the equinox so my body clock tells me it is in the middle of the night when the alrm goes at 6am! Too often over the last couple of weeks I've rolled back over to sleep some more.

    Anyway, trying a new tack as from today - letting myself sleep for another hour, then heading into work a little earlier, and heading off to the gym mid-afternoon. Today I'll do it before my hypno appointment, as I plan a 20 minute run and a 20 minute swim, and hopefully the swim will start the relaxation process before I get there!

    Hope everyone is doing well whether you are walking for the first time in 20 years or training for a marathon! - where are all those people who are starting july off with new exercise goals?????!!!

    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe

    July Abbercise!

    yep! count me in! I haven't posted for a while, I've slipped and slid and am now back on track for an AF month of july, set to include some workouts and aiming to loose the beer belly. Yoga is a daily thing for me, as is walking about 3 miles a day to school and back, but I'm planning on taking slow but real llife changing steps, like swimming once a week or a badminton game or just one sporting activity. I'm planning on starting to use my weights again too and I think if I can acheive all that AND stay AF for a month that will just be a brilliant start, and then I can maybe up the pace for the month of August! I'll keep posting. This for me, is day 2 AF , last drink was on the 29th June. feeling good and posative!! Me and the kids are going to be happy! and hopefully my alcoholic hubby will see the light too X


      July Abbercise!

      Hello and thank you Mame for gettin us off to a great abbercising start for July!! Well, the countdown is here so you better get your a$$ in gear!!! (I promise, I will keep my day job and not try to write poetry for a living!!) Let us know how the swimming and running goes.

      Welcome to abbercisers mickeyshell!! I like your idea of VARIETY!!! That sounds like an awesome plan trying new sport things on a regular basis. I'm lucky that I enjoy going to Curves, because historically any sort of "formal-yep-it's-officially-exercise" type activities always turned me off. I did best with fun stuff that is also good exercise!! I used to be on the badminton team in HS - but that was so many years ago I wouldn't recognize a birdie if it fell on my head!

      These 80% work out days are getting sort of relaxing, even though the machine pushes me a little bit. I can talk a little bit going round the circuit - on 100% days I have to keep my mouth shut, which I think burns some calories from that effort right there. (Hannah, see what you have to look forward to!!) Eville Sekwet Komputer says 415 calories burned - I'm really happy in the 400's on an 80% day. Hopefully I can get regular with that!!

      I am thrilled to report that the Red Team won the "Heat It Up in June" contest. We also won the putting game last week and let me tell you what - that was with barely any help from me!! The contest is working out well for the club and lots of ladies - The circuit coach on duty today said that many more people are coming in more regularly than normal - especially for this time of year when everyone has lots of summer excuses lined up!! So the game is continuing with Heat It Up in July. We are starting over with the points. The game this week is another word game - we all started with the word "FISH." You have to make a new 4-letter word using 3 of the letters from that word, and one different letter. The the next person has to do that same thing with whatever word you came up with. Of course one team's first word was "SHIT" but I'm happy to report it was NOT the Red Team who did that. (somebody beat me to it)

      So...we will have fun losing more weight and inches (hopefully) in July.

      That's it for my workout report today. Gotta run off and grab a low carb lunch. Shrimp with garlic (lots) butter is for dinner - YUM.

      :award: + ***********
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        July Abbercise!

        Good Grief Mame... I wish I had your stamina. Love ya, Vera Charles

        aka JB
        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


          July Abbercise!

          Hi Everyone! I found out about this thread because I wrote a vent on the boards about how frustrated I was with myself because I was not working out like I wanted to. I made my 30 day AF goal, but I had not been exercising like I wanted to and had not lost the weight I wanted to.
          So, a lot of people informed me of your thread here and suggested I check it out. I am on board if you will have me. I have until July 18th to lose some weight. I leave for California that day to go visit my daughter. I have lost 10 pounds so far, but would like to lose a at least 10 more. Or at least lose more inches by losing fat.
          I love to do step aerobics and I have everything at home that I need. They don't have many step classes in the gyms anymore. So, I bought videos to do at home. I have free weights and a weight machine in the garage. I have a treadmill, and I have a weighted bar for strenght training. I have Wii fit, which I have never used. And several other aerobic videos. I could hold classes at my house with all the equipment I have. There is NO excuse for me to not work out.
          Back in the 80's I was in a bad marriage and I lived in the gym and at work to avoid my husband. I grew to love working out back then, though and wish I could find that motivation again. I used to take my step with me on vacation so I wouldn't miss working out. How dedicated is THAT!!!!????
          Well, I am glad this thread is here. I think it is just what I need. If I am held accountable for my goals, then I will be more apt to follow through. It is easy to talk myself out of it, but if I know someone else knows, then it isn't that easy.
          So, I'll keep you posted. My goal is to do Step at least three times a week, and strength work at least twice. I also will ride my bike, rollerblade, walk or get some other outside activity in as well.
          As far as my diet, I eat a fairly well-balanced diet. I try to avoid simple carbs. I eat a lot of brown rice, whole grains. Not a lot of whites or sugars.
          Thanks guys, for being here.


            July Abbercise!

            Welcome 57Shelby! Sounds like you are outfitted with ALL the right workout stuff and some good goals to boot. You've come to the right place!!!

            Curves is done for the day - third workout this week. 400 and some calories today - I forgot the exact number. Somewhere under 450 though. I was hoping for another 500+ calorie 100% day, but those don't happen very often unless it's Monday or after a day totally off. That's OK!! I "felt the burn" and definitley worked up a sweat!! The Pink and Brown teams are coming on strong with their people working out, and subsequently getting lots of words in this weeks game. The Red Team will have to pick up the pace if we want to win this thing again in July.

            Have a great abbercisin' day everyone!!

            :award: + ************
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              July Abbercise!

              Hi All
              Getting tough down here in Florida to get in tennis.Recovered from last weeks workouts.I had my clinic with my hitting partners and the pro on Monday and used yesterday as an easy day to work on my serve.Temp is around 90 and just going through gal of gator aid.Some of my friends who I play against i know enjoy the drinking a little to much.Not my place to get on the soap box and tell them what to do, but I can see the effect that al combined with the heat is having on them.That was me just a few weeks ago.I am able to push my self much further now than when i was drinking. It feels great! Something to consider when we workout.Everyday is not going to be our best some days we might be tired but we are still getting the training effect.If you think back to our drinking days we won't even show up because we were hungover or still drunk.What a shift in our lives.We are in control and lets keep it
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08


                July Abbercise!

                You know what Caysea? I think some of the most DREADFUL days were those days where you start out in the AM feeling still drunk. (well, not just "feeling" it - you know what I mean.) That's disgusting and I shake my head at how AL can even have a LITTLE tug in my mind when that's the sort of bad place AL leads me....

                So much better to have a good Al free workout and just feel good. Or if it doesn't feel good, it has nothing to do with Al!

                Thanks as always Caysea for your insights!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  July Abbercise!

                  Morning all!

                  Caysea, you are so right!! Heat and alcohol do not mix with exercise! I cant believe that you are still playing tennis in that heat though!! I was listening to someone in Florida on one of my NPR podcasts this morning and she said it was 112 degrees, which made me want to melt!

                  57Shelby - welcome! You're right, you have no excuse with all that hardware!! Just think of how great you will look in California though!!

                  DG those Curves competitions sound really fun! My gym is going through a bit of a slump at the moment - it is very popular but a couple of the really good trainers have recently left (all for unrelated reasons), and so the programmes they weer running have fallen over. The good news is that the gym is a lot less crowded (our cold wet mornings probably have an impact on this as well!) but I miss seeing all my gym buddys there in the morning.

                  But I've had a good week exercise-wise with a mix of things and so far have stuck to my duathlon training timetable ... which is pretty good for me. I told myself I was just going to MAKE myself do it for 2 weeks, and by then it will get into routine.
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    July Abbercise!

                    Mame, congrats on a good exercise week - especially meeting your duathlon training goals!! The people in the gym really do create the majority of the "atmosphere" don't they? Sorry that the trainers who sound like they had a real positive impact have gone. Hopefully some folks who are at least that positive will show up to fill in the gaps!!

                    Today was an 80% day and I was very happy when the Eville Sekwet Komputer thought I burned 413 calories. If I can start getting close to or over 500 on my 100% days, and over 400 on my 80% days consistently, I will feel OH SO STRONG!!!!! Another person at Curves today said I looked slimmer and asked me how much weight I've lost since getting back on the Curves wagon. I hope it wasn't just my outfit!!!! :nutso: I'm looking forward to my official weigh and measure around 7/20. Well, I know the weigh part...but it will be interesting to see what the tape measure and body fat thingamajig have to say.

                    Apparently there was confusion about the word game for this week, so they threw out the results up until yesterday afternoon, and it's now up to those of us on the red team who are NOT going out of town for the holiday weekend to beef things up. It was looking abysmal this morning, but I was there pretty early. I'm hoping lots of Reds are yet to come today, and on Saturday. Is it any wonder I am turned on by these :award: and these * ??

                    I'm off to the doc this afternoon to get these stitches out of my belly and also to get feedback on the Thyroid meds. I can't wait for my thyroid to be "right" because than I should REALLY see some rewards from this effort!!

                    Where is everyone?????? I'm chasing you all out from :sofa: with my :b&d:!!!!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      July Abbercise!

                      maybe its just you and me???!!!

                      Glorious morning this morning - I woke up late but decided that I was going to stick to my schedule anyway and work be dammed! So walked along to the pool, did my 30 minutes of swimming and then walked to work. The pool is right beside the harbour so it is a beautiful walk there and back and it was a great start to the day!!
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        July Abbercise!

                        Good AM ALL
                        Beautiful day in Florida. got in a 15 mile bike ride. I use the biking to help my fitness level in tennis.Its a nice feeling riding with a clear head.How did I fool myself all those years living in a fog.I didn't realize how apparent it was to some of my friends the condition I was showing up in to workout . More than one person has commented on how I seem more focused lately. Time to go watch the real tennis players play at Wimbledon.
                        If you have the opportunity to watch the Tour De France bike race its great for motivation. They are incredible athletes.They will be racing everyday all month.
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        AF 5-16-08


                          July Abbercise!

                          My tri training schedule says 45 minutes bike ride today but it is howling a gale and not safe to ride - have already been out tot he markets his morning and the wind is strong and icy cold! So I'm off to the gym to do it on the stationary bike!

                          This will be a whole week where I have stuck to my traning schedule so I'm feeling very pleased with myself! Another week of this and it should all become a bit like routine!
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            July Abbercise!

                            Hello abbercisers! I can't believe I forgot to post yesterday!! I DID work out before dog training and the computer said 430 calories burned. I was hoping for more after a day off (they were closed Friday) but it was not to be. I felt I worked as hard as I could...BUT...there were only a couple of us on the circuit and the circuit coach on duty was hanging out in the center of it and wanting to chit chat. Just goes to show you how excessive chit chatting affects your workout!! I'm there to get the most out of my 30 minutes, so if she wants to do that next Saturday I will just say I can't chat until I am done.

                            Mr. Eville Curves Scale says I have lost 14 pounds since May 22!!! LOL - Only about 43 more to go. But I won't think about that number!

                            Caysea, I bet the cross training on the bike really does help your tennis game - probably endurance wise, right? I would imagine keeping your leg muscles strong and in good shape helps? Just guessing. But good workout - WOW 15 miles sounds like forever. I just can't even imagine working out like I am with a hangover. YIKES that is a disgusting thought. I don't know how I muddled through anything in life with such a negative start to each and every day.

                            :cheering: Mame!! Good for you on sticking to your training schedule all week. Your weather sounds TERRIBLE!! From a training standpoint, is there a difference in results if you were to train all the time on a stationary bike v. biking out doors? Just curious. I'm sure the stationary bike is an excellent alternative to NOT training when the weather stinks. I bet the scenery outdoors when the weather is good makes the real bike more interesting.... ????? Happy Monday to you!! (nanny nanny boo boo have fun at work while I'm having a lazy Sunday! )

                            Am looking forward to the next week at Curves with a full 6 days!!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              July Abbercise!

                              yes, definitely a difference between stationary bike and a real ride out on the roads! Real rides have wind in your face, hills (lots of those around here!) and bumps in the road. All in all, a stationary bike ride is much easier (but as you say, much more boring!) that a real one.

                              Right at the moment I am supposed to be out running. I'm posting instead ....... got up and into my gym gear, but just cant get out the door .....! someone kick my butt please!
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe

