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July Abbercise!

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    July Abbercise!

    Aunty Mame;358487 wrote: someone kick my butt please!


    :b&d: :b&d: :b&d: :b&d: :b&d:

    I know it's cold...but.....they aren't gonna move back the date of your event cuz it's cold now...right?? (don't you want to slap me today??)

    Had a GOOD workout at Curves today. When I got to the end of my workout, my heart rate was as high as I should ever push I think I went as hard as I can go safely!! 2 machines on the circuit weren't reading this AM, so the Eville Sekwet Komputer said 430 calories burned, but that was without 2 machines. So I'm hoping I was up somewhere not too far away from 500!

    My scale weight dropped again this morning, and all I can think of is worshipping the ground that my wonderful hormone doctor walks on. I can't wait to see how this all unfolds - I'm actuall scared I will wake up from this wonderful dream!!

    Alright - out from behind the :sofa: you Abbercisers!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      July Abbercise!


      I did go for a run this morning and I will again tomorrow. Some much needed head clearing time. I've got company coming into town tomorrow and staying for a few days...going to need to keep my energy up and my AL thoughts at bay.

      You sound great DG!!!
      Mame, hope you are feeling more motivated today.


      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


        July Abbercise!

        Hi to All
        Monday is my hard tennis workout with the pro and one of my tennis hitting partners.Just got back a little while ago and can only sit here and down gator aid .That now is my reward as compared to the couple of 6 pacs that I thought I earned in the past.Dg ,Beck ,Aunty just imagine coming home from your hard workout day and diving into the drinking life we used to live .I sit here typing this and realize how I rationalized that I earned my beers because I did a hard workout. I can't believe the state I used to put my body into.What a mentality.
        I will never go back .I have to state it that way even though it might not be the future.I don't want to acknowledge that I can slip.It makes me feel strong in this fight to think I am the one on top which I am .
        Went to a party over the weekend and my friend had the bottom shelf of the refrigerator stacked with beers for me. Felt great telling him I could not drink any more.I told him I was on medication and couldn't have al. Was an easy out for me without being pressured by anyone.I am on medication but that didn't stop me in the past, thats another story.
        I must be on the RUNNERS HIGH from my workout don't usually type this much .I hope everyone is enjoying their workouts its great when you put in the work and see and feel the resultsGot to Go
        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
        AF 5-16-08


          July Abbercise!

          Hello abbercisers!! Caysea, I love the sound of your Monday workouts - XXXXX to the wall as they say!! In the old drinking days, it would make me cringe to thing about physically working that hard.

          Beck - GOOD FOR YOU on that running. I too would have to work up some positive mental strength for house guest (if they are over night ones). I have no problem hosting things like big BBQ's but I HATE having over night company - I don't care who it is. I wouldn't even want to babysit Rafael Nader over night at my house. There is a reason me and Mr. Doggy do not have a guest bedroom outfitted.

          I was up early doing my little me time and then at the computer this morning before the sun was up and I left for the mornings activities. It would have been SO easy to use my sad feelings about my Dad as an excuse to skip the gym. I could have skipped the leads group meeting too. I could have rationalized with something like "I really need to get to the hospital early to see how Dad is doing."

          The reality is that mornings at the hospital are crazy. They start poking and prodding very early and it's hectic in the patient's room. Also, my Dad's brother and sister did not get a chance to visit him last night since he didn't land in a room until after visiting hours were technically over. So I knew they would be there along with my Mom. And both of my brothers were planning to call to talk to Dad on the phone. So morning was NOT the optimal time to plan my visit today. (I'll be heading out in another hour or so for an afternoon visit)

          EXERCISE MAKES THE GOOD TIMES BETTER AND THE BAD TIMES BETTER. I'm so glad I went. For the 45 minutes I am there between signing in, changing shoes, saying hello, doing the circuit, then stretching, then playing the game of the week, then checking the Eville Sekwet Komputer and saying goodbye, it's HEAVEN and I don't think about anything else. Not AL, not my Dad, not what's in store for the work day, nothing but feeling my workout. I am SO glad I went. Exercise really is a valuable part of my new AL free life no matter what else is going on.

          I must have been subconsciously distracted though, as I got NO points today in the bean bag toss. I was also in a rush to get to my 8AM meeting and someone was already using the Eville Sekwet Komputer so I weighed myself instead and am quite proud of my 15 pound weight loss since 5/22. :egad: can't believe that! (better double check tomorrow)

          Actually among my morning errands was a trip to Wal-Mart (I'm thinking of no ma'am's funny stories about Wal-Mart now) to exchange something. While I was there I browsed the sale racks and found a pair of tall size jeans (always on the lookout for non-high water pants!) and a pair of jean shorts. When I started this adventure I was SQUISHING not very gracefully into size 18's and for the heck of it I tried on 16's and while I didn't end up buying either of them due to the styles just not working on me, both pairs fit without being tight. YEAH!!!! Now I can't wait to reach my optimal weight / shape where you can where practically anything and it looks OK.

          Anyway, I need to run and touch base with Mr. Doggy about the afternoon client work and fold the clothes out of the dryer and then be off to visit Dad.

          For anyone reading this thread who is not yet a believer in RJ's recommendation to include exercise in your recovery plan...please consider it. It it sure making a BIG difference to me in my efforts to keep AL out of my head. Wish I had committed to this sooner.

          :award: + ******************
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            July Abbercise!

            Dg, sure agree with you on RJ recommendation to include exercise, it does work. Anyone who feels better and looks better will gain self respect and confidence. And lets be realistic, it doesn't hurt to fit into a smaller size either. I know going out to run has saved my butt many times!

            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


              July Abbercise!

              Hello abbercisers!!! OMW we are among the enlightened here on the Abbercise thread!!!! :nutso:

              Just got back from Curves and had at least a 400 calorie workout. I'm guessing it was a little more - one regular resistance machine wasn't reading, and the dang stepper wouldn't read my heart rate and I believe that factors in. But it was a VERY good workout and I was able to stay in the "green" (desired pace to get in the target reps in 30 seconds) on EVERY machine. :cheering: That usually doesn't happen 100%!! (Now for the bad next 100% workout is gonna kick my butt!)

              Hannah....I know you have a busy week but did you get set up for SMART on Monday? You might have had to reschedule with your hubby boss coming to town and all...

              I got over the top mad at two chicks who work out every day and at the same time as me almost every day. It's a mother and daughter. Nothing personal - I enjoy talking to them. But they are OBLIVIOUS to anyone else when they are on the circuit. They want to stay on certain machines as long as they please rather than moving to the next station when the "cue" happens and they bop around the circuit out of order. Neither of those things is a bad thing per se - as long as you are staying out of the way of the people who are doing the circuit as it is intended to be done. But they don't care a whit. They pay zero attention to the fact that they hold people up. They do this EVERY DAY. I try to stay away from them by starting at the opposite end of the circuit when they are already going, etc. But it's hard to stay away from them because they bop around, and they will get on a machine right in front of you, and then stay on it for 2 or more cycles.

              I went to the circuit coach today and just said I've had it with them. One of the owners happened to be there too. I just said that next time it happens to me, I'm going to say something, and it won't be nice. However the circuit coach should be paying attention to what's happening on the circuit - especially when it's busy like it was today - and noticing / intervening when people do that. So anyway...I vented and am probably on the shit list but I don't care. I love having fun there, but the #1 goal is my workout and there is no reason for people to show such lack of consideration for the rules and other members day after day after day. (they strut around like prima donnas as well - VERY few people do that at this Curves. It's one of the reasons I DON'T care for a lot of gyms - dont' like the Princess Mentality!)

              Anyway, thanks for letting me rant.

              Until tomorrow abbercisers!!

              Day 49 AF
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                July Abbercise!

                The mom, daughter team would be killed on the golf course...when I work out I am pretty focused, don't like people to get in my way either. I'm sorry they're getting in yours, omw
                Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                  July Abbercise!

                  on my way;360537 wrote: The mom, daughter team would be killed on the golf course...when I work out I am pretty focused, don't like people to get in my way either. I'm sorry they're getting in yours, omw
                  LOL - good thing the game of the week this week is bean bag toss and not putting!!! Or they MIGHT have been killed on the golf course!!!

                  When it's busy it's busy and have NO problem waiting when some of the little old ladies can't move quite as fast as the circuit goes. Then I will either wait or switch to a different part of the circuit. But these two are perfectly able to keep the pace, and they just don't. :b&d:

                  OK. Moving on now.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    July Abbercise!

                    Hello all,

                    I finally made it into a local gym I'd noticed to have a look round, and they explained how their "system" worked and that it's a "new concept" etc, and I come on here and read Doggygirl's tale of "circuit rage" :H - and it's the same system as my "new concept" gym. They've nicked the Curves system! Isn't that illegal?

                    Anyway, I haven't joined yet because I wasn't sure if it was a good concept or not - but I guess it must be! It's a small, independent gym and when I went in there about 3pm it was totally empty so no fighting!

                    They have an offer on of ?45 ($90) for a month's trial, so I think I'll give it a whirl. Maybe if I tell them I won't put in a call to Curves' lawyers they'll let me in for free!
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      July Abbercise!

                      Marshy - thank you for the Circuit Rage(tm) name!!! LOL - that is the perfect description. I worked out early early today so I missed them - thank goodness! 417 calories burned (on my 80% day!!!) and 3 points in the Bean Bag toss. All in all an excellent workout day!

                      Marshy it's great that they offer a month long trial membership. Circuit training is not unique to Curves in the US and I'm not so sure they were the first. I do believe Curves holds some patents on some things related to their equipment. Everything is based on hydrolics rather than the more traditional weights that have to be adjusted for each person. But I think you SHOULD try to get your month for free!! What the heck!! Let us know if you decide to try it out, and how you like it!

                      Come out come out abbercisers wherever you are!!!! :b&d: :sofa: :b&d:

                      Day 50 AFHF
                      Day 500 Nicotine Free - I can BREATHE!!
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        July Abbercise!

                        Hi All
                        Mar give the gym a try it is a great feeling doing something for yourself that is positive.Goals can be simple like just getting their 3 days a week .It will become part of a routine just like the negative al one became a routine.
                        Dg I bet you now have the witching hour but instead of for the al its for the exercise.I know at night I am planning my workouts with the same brain work I used to use for planning on getting my next drink.I am with you DG on the benefits we are getting out of the physical activities we have embraced.The other benefit is socializing with people who are living a healthy lifestyle. Works in many ways.
                        I thought we had one of us that was training for a triathlon? Did I miss the results? Would like to hear about the experience.
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        AF 5-16-08


                          July Abbercise!

                          Forgot --played tennis yesterday 2 hours singles split sets great workout .Going out for a 15 mile bike ride this AM .Well I guess I am still working on the memory thing .Funny thing my wife used to blame my forgetting on the al.Now she realizes I CRS
                          Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                          AF 5-16-08


                            July Abbercise!

                            caysea;361105 wrote: HI
                            Funny thing my wife used to blame my forgetting on the al.Now she realizes I CRS
                            :H!!!! Mr. Doggy used to do the same exact thing. Isn't it great - now we can forget whatever we want to and not feel guilty about it!!!! :H

                            I find that I can't wait to get to the gym in the morning. It just boosts my energy and gets me wide awake for the day. I was there at about 6:05 this morning, and LOL - I was "late" according to the group of 6AM ladies!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              July Abbercise!

                              I can't believe I didn't get around to posting Friday or Saturday, but I DID work out at Curves both days. Sunday was a day off from exercise, and I'm rarin' to go this morning. I'm planning to work out at 6AM before my 7:30 meeting. I don't care if I stink everyone out of my meeting.

                              Hope everyone had a great weekend and got some exercise that felt GOOD.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                July Abbercise!

                                I have not had any exercise for a week and I'm really feeling it. This is not a question of being lazy - just not enough hours in the day at teh moment. I've been packing up the office and hauling books around though and I reckon that has to count.

                                However, I will go briefly tomorrow - my business partner's 10-year old daughter, who is a real tom boy, has been very curious about my going to the gym, and feels particularly drawn to descriptions of the ellliptical trainer and the boxing gym! So I promised her that I would take her some time this school holidays. I have to say that on the weekend I was reviewing all I had to do this week and decided that that was one thing that might fall off the list of things I felt obliged to do ..... but when she was picked up from her other parent on Sunday, apparently the first thing that she asked was whether we were still going to the gym. So it got bumped up the priority list, and a good thing too as it will get me back!!
                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

