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July Abbercise!

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    July Abbercise!

    Mame that is so cool that you are going to take your biz partner's daughter to the gym with you!! Making the time to do a cool thing for a kid can be very rewarding. And I'm sure you will feel good getting a workout too. Sometimes when we are the busiest is when a good workout feels the best - or at least I always find myself glad I went!! I hope the move and conference go well for you this week, Mame!

    I worked out yesterday, and will work out again today. Mr. Eville Scale is stuck again, but after dropping a few pounds so quickly I guess that's to be expected. This fat didn't get on my a$$ overnight, and I must be patient as it won't come off overnight either. The game this week is Jenga (sp) which is not that fun to me. So I guess I'll just have to concentrate on getting joy from my workout!! :egad:

    HELLO HELlo Hello hello there is an echo in here!

    Day 55 AFHF
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      July Abbercise!

      Hi All
      Dg i think no one is here because they are all working out. Had a good hard workout with my hitting partners yesterday, and will be going out for a 15 mile bike ride this AM. Had to take the weekend off sore knee I think it did my body good the couple days rest.Its great that we are realizing some of our goals in our activities.It is very rewarding to see progress and improvement.I do keep in mind that my biggest goal is to be AF and the workout makes it so much easier.I don't want to get on the soap box [ especially to our group ]about the benefits of a workout, be it what ever activity you enjoy,but it makes the goal of being AF so much easier.
      Hey today I am 60 days AF and feeling GREAT
      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      AF 5-16-08


        July Abbercise!

        garlic breath has been very proper exercise for more than a week now due to the crappy air and my lungs (official excuse) lol
        temped to go to my martial arts class tonight for the first time in too long....just trying to decide if I can go and not 'overdo' it. I constantly fight the urge to go bananas and hurt myself. Must be a genetic thing being a darn guy. d-oh!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          July Abbercise!

          Caysea, congrats on your 60 days AFHF!! I totally agree that excercise is making AF easier to accomplish. I had an easy breezy workout today (relatively speaking) as it was my 80% day. Hey...has anyone heard from our Hannah Banana? Haven't seen her in Booze Busters either and I know she had Mr. Hannah's yuppity yups from his work in town last week. I will PM her...

          At any rate...Deter, it DO think some of that machismo stuff is absolutely genetic and you can't help it!!!!!! I keep meaning to mention in the Daily thread that I feel bad you too are going through a rough time with these continued scary fires. I'm sure the smokey air makes breathing difficult in general. But I wanted to just ask if you might also be allergic to something that is burning???? One of my neighbors is severely allergic to poison ivy and those of us who know her try not to ever burn any when we are burning down trees, etc. because the smoke from that makes her really sick. Just another thing to think about...

          Anyway...back to Curves. I survived Jenga again today without knocking the whole thing over - I'm sure my time is coming for that this week! Although there is a benefit to working out in the morning as they start with a fresh...whatever you call that the beginning of every day. Playing early is much easier! I couldn't get a good read on my calorie burn as THREE machines didn't read today. Initially I was thinking "I'm getting sick of this!!" But then I remind myself that it really is a good system overall - and very innovative. With new technology comes some kinks to be worked out. And at the end of the day...the computer pushes me to a much more effective workout than I would have if the owners had not decided to invest in the system - even on those days where the post workout analysis stuff isn't all there. (I like how the non-hungover me can think that through without just being mad!!)

          Anyway....:b&d: to all of you who might still be on the fence today about whether you will workout or not!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            July Abbercise!

            DG - what is Jenga?!

            Caysea .... I feel a sense of reassurance over your regular sessions!! I've lost a bit of that recently with my trainer (and several others associated with her) leaving town, so our regular group seems to have disintegrated. I have a plan for getting some people together for training for the Oct duathlon and a sumer tri .... and you are so right that AF makes these goals so much more achieveable!!

            Det - dont see the US news so dont know about the fires. Doesn't sound good. But inside activity sounds a better option! Try to fight the testosterone and keep your self injury free!!!! I do health and safety work in amongst my other portfolios, and you would not believe how many stupid and thoughtless decisions (aka lack of brain engagement!) result in major injuries. Hurting yourself will compromise your ability to maintain your levels of activity in the future (ie; your ageing self) and activity in older ages is what keeps us alive and enthusiastic!

            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              July Abbercise!

              Hi All
              I am hoping the reason it is slow here is because everybody is working out.I am still playing tennis daily and am trying to use the next 3 months to build on my endurance .Aunty nice meeting you in chat the other night.I thought we could bring a few members over.It is always nice to hear of others getting into a healthy lifestyle be it what ever activity they enjoy.Dg we told them if they needed motivation you would get them going.
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08


                July Abbercise!

                heya health-units!

                a little pole you exercise at morning or evening? I know there are pros/cons to each.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  July Abbercise!

                  Doin it in the PM helps my stress level and boozin urges. Doing it in the AM ensures i get it done. I like it better in the PM

                  I ran with the cross country kids this morning and the kicked my a**. Walking hurts.

                  Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                    July Abbercise!

                    Oh my. Deter does an AM v. PM "POLE", and OMW says "Doin' it in the AM" and Doin' it in the PM." BE STILL MY DIRTY OLD LADY MIND!!!!!!!

                    OMW, that'll teach ya to run with the young 'uns. You need to find an activity where you can work out with folks who are in many cases much older than you are. It will make you feel youthful instead of like you just got your A** kicked.

                    Speaking of A** kicking, Deter have you been to your martial arts class?

                    Caysea, you're damn right I can motivate people!!! :b&d: :b&d: (none of that :cheering: sissy motivation stuff either!)

                    Mame, here is a Jenga demonstration. [ame= ]YouTube - Controversial Jenga[/ame] I am sad to report that I was the one to knock it all over today. I've already made up my truthful story though. I'm going to tell my team that I did it on purpose because people get mad at us when the Red Team just keeps winning everything. In more important news, the machines seem to all be reading right so yesterday and today I confirmed that my 100% workouts seem close to 500 calories burned, and 80% in the low 400's. Now if I can just get this hormone crap straightened out I'll be cookin' with gas.

                    Mame, I hope you are able to reassemble a training group since your trainer left!! I'm sure getting ready for a big event like you are training for is better with some group support. A guy who trains dogs here with us runs the Chicago Marathon every year. (yes, we have certified that he is truly crazy) He has a group he trains with every Saturday morning before coming out here for dog training. I can't imagine how his legs must burn after doing 10 or more miles in the AM, then having to run with his dog up an incline that we fondly call The Hill of Death. He just tries to better his time every year. I would need LOTS more motivation than that to run 20+ miles.

                    I was thinking on the circuit today how good it feels to know that I am much fitter than 2 months ago. I was really happy at the weigh and measure yesterday. Another 9 pounds lost in the last month. More importantly, a nice drop in body fat%!!!! More muscle and less fat just rocks. Thanks to ALL you abbercisers for keeping this thread and the motivation going!!!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      July Abbercise!


                      I feel like a slug. Hope you folks start an August thread - I'll be in CONSISTENTLY. Will be on vacation for a few weeks and then I'm in.

                      DG - I'm jealous of your progession. Well done, friend.

                      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                        July Abbercise!

                        Beck;365406 wrote: Alright,

                        I feel like a slug. Hope you folks start an August thread - I'll be in CONSISTENTLY. Will be on vacation for a few weeks and then I'm in.

                        DG - I'm jealous of your progession. Well done, friend.
                        Hee hee. Progress is relatively easy when you have as much fat on your a$$ to get rid of as I do. Where's that butt smiley?? When people see my :bum: they SCREAM and then tell me to go put on some :grannypants:

                        Given the scope of the project, not only will I still be here in August 2008, I will still be here in August 3008.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          July Abbercise!

                          thanks DG for the Jenga u-tube!

                          And Beck - theer will definitely be an August thread .... but start practicing for it now!!

                          Now that the last 2 weeks are over i am going to be properly back on my exercise track tomorrow!

                          I've always been a morning exercise person - even when i was boozing! (although now i cannot imagine how I managed it!)

                          I like the idea of doing something in the early evening as an antidote to the witching hour cravings (which still get to me) but I dont think it suits my body clock. Although 2 summers ago, I had tri-training at 6pm and I really enjoyed that ...... but that was in summer! At the moment evenings are dark and cold .........
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            July Abbercise!

                            Hi All
                            heading out for a 2 hour workout on the tennis court with a hitting partner.When I workout hit with this person i know I will be crawling back home.It isn't tennis for me it is survival.If I don't come back on it means I didn't survive.Hope to be able to report back. If you don't hear from me tell my wife to go down to the park and scrape me up off the ground. Enjoy your workouts
                            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                            AF 5-16-08


                              July Abbercise!

                              Mame, I'm with you on that AM body clock. I'm just not motivated for exercise later in the day. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend with some of your moving and house guests and speeches, etc. etc. etc. out of the way!

                              Caysea, LOL - will check back for you later and notify your wife if necessary. Have a great workout.

                              Today I focused on keeping a high energy going even though it's an 80% workout day. Since tomorrow is a day of rest from exercise, I wanted to make this last workout of the week a good one! And...I'm happy to report that I did NOT knock the Jenga tower over yesterday or today. Whew. Next week it's bingo so much less stressful for the Red Team. :H

                              Have a good abbercize day everyone!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                July Abbercise!

                                well done DG!!!

                                no...not been to my ass kicking class in a couple months now due to a combination of things. I've put two punching kicking bags in the back yard now (they are ganging up on me!!) for motivation and I did a small workout 2 days ago and now I can hardly walk since my broken toe from last Nov is STILL giving me grief. argggg!!!!

                                guess I'll have to take up bingo, or macrame. LOL. yeeesh.
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

