Mame that is so cool that you are going to take your biz partner's daughter to the gym with you!! Making the time to do a cool thing for a kid can be very rewarding. And I'm sure you will feel good getting a workout too. Sometimes when we are the busiest is when a good workout feels the best - or at least I always find myself glad I went!! I hope the move and conference go well for you this week, Mame!
I worked out yesterday, and will work out again today. Mr. Eville Scale is stuck again, but after dropping a few pounds so quickly I guess that's to be expected. This fat didn't get on my a$$ overnight, and I must be patient as it won't come off overnight either. The game this week is Jenga (sp) which is not that fun to me. So I guess I'll just have to concentrate on getting joy from my workout!! :egad:
HELLO HELlo Hello hello there is an echo in here!
Day 55 AFHF