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Day 6

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    Day 6

    Does this get easier?
    I'm so grumpy and irritable I can hardly stand myself!

    Day 6

    It does get better. That does not mean this is easy, because we would not be struggling if it was. 6 days is a great accomplishment. You can do this and we will all be here to support you. Good Luck and stick close to this site.You will find alot of support here and it will help during the difficult times.


      Day 6

      Congrats on 6 days! Yes, it does get easier. I think part of the irritation is that when we drink we just let a lot of things slide but sober we are more aware. It got much better for me after 10 days so hang in there.


        Day 6

        Hello 1967 - hang in there! I'm on day 13 - day 5 for me was a b(*&h! It does get better and I must say I'm actually cheerful and positive today! :goodjob:


          Day 6

          When I did my 40 day abstaination a year ago - days 5-7 were the worst for me. After that it became much easier.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            Day 6

            Louise... I do feel frustrated when faced w/reality. One of the big reasons I drank anyhow; to avoid life as much as possible. Even the TV pisses me off... I never know what's on as the adverts are all in Spanish! And my poor friend is driving me insane talking to me about current events all time. I could care less. He means well... I'm insufferable!

            I know abstinence is the only option at this point. I can't be intoxicated my entire life (or can I?).

            Hopefully I can swing a bit of positivity today? I did sleep through the night for the first time in a few weeks. That should help. I would like to thank everyone for your input. Clearly I've never done this before so I don't know what to expect. I've tried before on my own, but after a while decided it wasn't worth the effort.

            louise;357624 wrote: Congrats on 6 days! Yes, it does get easier. I think part of the irritation is that when we drink we just let a lot of things slide but sober we are more aware. It got much better for me after 10 days so hang in there.


              Day 6

              Congrats on 6 days AF!! In my experience I will agree with the others who reassure you that is DOES get better.

              I also like a little mood leveling from either GABA or L-Tryptophan. I tried GABA first (the form sold here at MWO) and found that it just helped keep my moods from swinging high/low, and mainly low. Later at the recommendation of a couple of posters here, I tried L-Tryptophan which I like even better (although everyone's mileage seems to vary with any of these!). I buy mine from Source Naturals. (also suggested by posters here as a good quality brand and source.)

              Not being able to sleep is a b*$&% and certainly affects mood!!!! Hang in there. We CAN do this!! Join the Booze Busters!!!

              Celebrating 44 Hangover Free Days!
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Day 6

                doggygirl... i wrote down ur advice re: mood stabilizing. I will check the vitamin store when i'm out and about. yesterday i felt so poopie i just stayed in bed until mid afternoon! i don't plan to do that today.
                congrats on your 44 AL free days. today is day 7 for me (big sigh).
                i really wanted a drink yesterday afternoon. i really, really wanted to sit in a restaurant and eat and drink. the thought of how much money i've saved in just a week has crossed my mind a time or two. that's a plus! i'll look for the L-tryptophan ... or go buy a 1/2 dozen turkeys.

                one more day of strength.


                  Day 6

                  1967;357722 wrote: :thanks:
                  I've tried before on my own, but after a while decided it wasn't worth the effort.
                  YOU are worth the effort. Thats the trick. Yes, you could spend your whole life drunk, but it would be shorter, much less productive, might result in much tragedy or trouble (Yet ANOTHER trial going on here for someone who killed several people driving drunk. The 4 bars that served him are being sued. The LAST of the 4 bars served him 7 drinks so who know how much he had.) AND who knows what karma you would set up for your next life! (Not sure I believe this but never know!) At any rate you would miss learning what you are here to learn about sobriety.


                    Day 6

                    yikes. horrible thoughts.
                    i've lived through day 8.
                    i'm a bit speechless pertaining to the rest of your comments.

