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Mon 7 July

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    Mon 7 July

    Good morning Absters!

    Hope all the Americans had a good holiday weekend. Ours was marred by that perennial changeable weather. It's cloudy and nippy again, i.e. good weather for getting work done. Perhaps the scientists will come up with a global weather-share system some day where we can send the clouds to where they're needed.

    Reading through the weekend daily threads I was struck by some long-term absters experiencing cravings. I'm not that far along so have no words of wisdom in that department. Perhaps that will happen periodically, hopefully with decreasing frequency, and we just have to ride it out.

    Meanwhile, do drop in for a group hug: :hug:

    I do love the 'sign posting' that's available from people who've already walked the walk before me. I've stopped counting my daily AF days but 2 months is coming up shortly, and I've read of others reporting emotional spikes or slips around that time. My hifi system broke down a while ago so though I have the MWO hypno CDs, I've haven't used them yet. This weekend I finally went out and got a cheap portable CD player for now and started with a stress busting CD. Very interesting dreams followed!! That will be my new tool to push me over the 60-day hump.

    Cindi and Mame - stay strong!

    Have a great AF day everybody!!

    Mon 7 July


    Good Morning!! Thank you for starting the thread. I sure wish I could send a bit of our heat your way and the mugginess that is part of living in the southern US.

    I am staying strong just dealing with some cravings. I am sure part of it is dealing with my health issues so much lately and the nervousness that comes from that. I don't have my "normal" method of dealing with my nerves. It is good to just deal with them, though, and over time I won't be thinking about a drink to calm them. (Heh, A drink?? Yeah, right...)

    All abbers to come, have a nice day. Det, hang in there, too. Mame, I know how you feel.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Mon 7 July

      Good Morning Abbers!!!

      Thanks for the very thoughtful opening Pamina and as far as cravings I feel mine are my own fault as I just can't seem to not wax nostalgic for the "good ol' days" even though I know all too well there was nothing good about them!?!

      Nice set of wheels Cindi and it is a super nice day here in the midwest where a drive through the countryside in a convertible would be ideal!

      Have a great AF day today everyone!!
      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
      Watch this and find out....


        Mon 7 July

        Good morning all! I was AF that long 25 & 30 years ago. Scary isn't it? That's why I can't mod.

        Holiday weekend was quiet in a good way. Lots accomplished, but not in a visible way if that makes any sense. Only in ways I can see. (translate to lots of paperwork), although I did get some things flowers and herbs planted. I'm a bit late :H, but I was my problem kept getting in the way.

        Cindi - Makes me want to put the top down and go for a ride!

        Sign posting? What's that?

        4tb, Yeah, I have wistful feelings from time to time. Fortunately they pass and are not too much of a struggle.

        Have a good day!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Mon 7 July

          Morning abbers
          Nice avatar Cindi!!!
          After 8 months, the thoughts of drinking do subside but I think will always be lurking....For me, that old saying "we always want what we can't have", comes to mind. I sometimes get that poor me attitude where I really "think" I want it...even though I really don't....and even though I don't..get pissed because I can't......Now that you all had to read this babble about 5 times...make any sense to anyone???
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            Mon 7 July


            Complete sense to me.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Mon 7 July

              Good morning everyone,

              Good to see so many here today.

              I don't think it is unusual for the long term absters to still ocassionally have that old WANT to drink. I've had my share but have managed to brush them aside though sometimes as Cindi said I just want a drink. I recognize it as such and move forward.

              And to be honest sometimes I still think I can mod - my drinking history goes something like...binge drinking in HS, college, young married, kids job so really non-drinker for 10 years- though I did have the odd binge (2x per year maybe)....about 7 years ago when I was living overseas and not working I fell into social then social daily....then daily...and finally alone daily drinking...about 2 years ago (back to work) drinking 4-5 nights per week...9 months ago moved back to states and drinking started ramping back up again to alone daily. and 5 months ago I quit.

              So really I harbor the fantasy that I can go back to the 10 years of non-drinking again. But realistically...

              Anyway, i do believe we all pulled through.

              Mame and Det, great chatting with you last night. Mame, I shall use my karma wisely.

              Pamina, thanks for starting us off - you are doing very well. Many people say that the key to not slipping is in remembering your drinking past...the longer you are sober the more you tend to forget how bad it drinking thoughts creep back in.

              4tb,'s just nostalgia.

              Cindi, love your honesty.

              Greenie, good to see you here. I think Pam means that those of us further down the path are letting her know what to expect. Much the way I feel about Char...

              Off to have my day,

              Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                Mon 7 July


                Makes perfect sense to me!!!

                Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                  Mon 7 July

                  Pamina thanks for starting things off today! I have been very inconsistent posting in the daily thread, and that is NOT very nice of me to not keep up on what everyone is doing - since I get consistently great support from each and every one of you!!

                  Pamina, I took a hard fall last summer at 60 days. Here I am at 47 days and you BET I'm armed with a plan because I will NOT F it up this time. I think the biggest part of my plan is just KNOWING to expect that AL might talk a little louder than usual around that time. I've got my arsenal of AF beverages, and the L-Tryp, Kudzu, GABA as backup. Along with a humongo dose of determination. Hopefully that will get me though!

                  I too really value the participation and input of the longer term and experienced AFers here. The fact that you stay here posting, and share your wisdom means a LOT to everyone behind you on the path - me included of course! Even with my thick skull and seeming determination to learn everything the hard way, I know I have avoided many pitfalls due to great words of advice here.

                  :colorwelcome: to IBelieve!

                  Det, Mary is indeed on vacation but I think she should be back soon.

                  Charlee, your words of wisdom make sense!

                  cindi...I am so sorry that you are still experiencing such pain and frustration. I love your new avatar - makes me think of you just "getting away from it all" in SYTLE and without AL!!

                  Beck, I bet you are looking forward to the VBS week and some "you" time! (took me a moment to figure out VBS...but was reminded of my own time there as a kid...we LOVED it!!)

                  OMW, Deter, Mame, louise (I was indulging in your Louise Special's all weekend!), Greenie, 4tbz, and anyone I missed and all yet to come....[pause for a deep breath] have a GREAT AF day!!

                  :award: + *****************
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Mon 7 July

                    Top of the Monday ABadoooos far and wide!

                    thanks for the nice kickstart Pamina.

                    well, feeling mighty fine happy to report. Dx and I have been resuming our nightly bicycle rides which is great. Sadly I'm on the road tomorrow but just for a day or two.

                    don't really know why I have been having cravings to deal with lately....perhaps because I have been taking less supplements since my cravings have been so reduced over the previous months...guess cravings just come and go like aches and pains.
                    I used to dose up on LGlutamine before a party so I shall start that again and I'm sure it will help.

                    be well everyone
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

