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BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

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    BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

    Happy Monday all you Booze Busters out there!!
    (and Happy Tuesday to our New Zealand Booze Busters and anyone else in the way out time zones!)
    On-going Booze Busters, go to the next post! For anyone new, here's what us Booze Busters are all about.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

    Q: What the sam hill is a Booze Buster?
    A: Anyone who has a serious goal of staying Hangover Free (HF) (=Alcohol Free (AF)) for 30 days in a row, no matter what.

    Q: Do I have to join at the start of the month?
    A: NO!! Your "Day 1" can be at any time. And if you are already into your first month or your hundredth month AF, you can join at any time. All who desire to be AF for at least 30more CONSECUTIVE days are welcome.

    Q: Why are you being such a hard a$$ about 30 consecutive days AF?
    A: Because that's how tough I have to be on myself to succeed, and this challenge is meant to be "tough love" when it comes to the goal.

    Q: What if I fall off the wagon - do I get kicked out?
    A: NO!! We do hope you will let us help you dust off the seat of your pants, and drag you right back onto the Booze Busters wagon. You will get your butt kicked, but you won't get kicked out. Oh - and we have a Fugly Green Suit you have to wear for a day during your butt kickin'. That polyester green suit with high water pants is worse than the butt kickin'. Give back your stars and bling and start over at Day 1 (for purposes of this challenge).

    Q: What if I am tempted to drink - really really badly tempted?
    A: Come here for a kick in the seat of the pants! Read inspirational threads from start to finish, and if the desire to drink still exists, scream for help in the "Need Help Now" Section and yell for someone to join you in chat. (I wish I had done all that before the falls!!)

    Q: What does the Booze Beast look like?
    A: :alf: Is one ugly SOB

    Q: How does the group keep track of what day people are on?
    A: We count on YOU to shout out your stats loud and proud every day in whatever way suits you. For me, I'm collecting a star *
    for every AF day out of due respect for my inner child. At 30 days, collect your :bling (thank you Liv for the bling bling word!) Grab a shiny gold :award: for every consecutive 30 days. SHOUT OUT YOUR OWN MILESTONES so we can help you celebrate!

    Speak up if you have other questions!! We are here to prove that WE CAN DO THIS! And that we can have a little fun while we're doing it! Let us know if you have suggestions as to how we can improve the BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Perpetual Challenge.

    Celebrating 47 Hangover Free days!
    :award: + *****************
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

    Hi, Doggy Girl and all BBers,

    I am jumping on the thread today.

    Feeling GREAT this morning. Woooo Whoooo!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

      WHEE!!! Cindi, I'm so glad you are feeling good today. A little rocket fuel in your Kudzu?????

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

        hi All boozer busters,

        Cindi.. its good to see you jumping on the thread and feeling great. you know im feeling great to!
        DG...did you enjoy cleaning yor bathroom? or did you just do whatever? that sounds a bit like me what ever! Wow looks like you have loss a lot of weight.well done.
        Hannah...good luck on the three days tournament you can do it just say that small word NO.
        Aunty Mame...that red curry sounds really nice is that with fish?
        Marshy...i've been watching a bit of tennis as well, that young british girl is good.
        Greeneyes.... well done 3wks AF, and welcome aboard. ok to feel confused. when i first start in october did not know weather i was coming or going. i started the ODAT thread then started nov fireworks thread (30days AF) i did not straight away did my 30days until i realize what i really wanted, and how bad AL was really making me feel. So i started a second 30days thread boozer buster as a back up for myself if that makes sense. If you feel you can moderat that is good the doors are always open for you here if you need us.

        my son really enjoyed his prom didn't come home til the next day in the afternoon...had a shower and went back out again come back home in the evening. i didn't take any photos but im glad someone did. i will post it on the post below.

        Take Care everyone i have not mention.

        family is everything to me


          BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

          This is my OFFICIAL (as I finally figured out what day it is) 21 day salute! Three big fat glorious booze free weeks in a row!!! WOWEE!!!!

          Everybody's upbeat! I love upbeat Mondays!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

            my son is the small one with black hair.... i will detele these pic's after the end of the week.

            Teardrop.x Attached files [img]/converted_files/550097=3590-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/550097=3591-attachment.jpg[/img]
            family is everything to me


              BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

              sorry about the size dont know how to make the picture look big.
              family is everything to me


                BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                Hello Doggygirl, Cindi, Greenie, and Teardrop!!!!!
                I came here to check out Teardrops photos of her son. She told us about them on another thread.
                I'm glad I came to check them out!!!!!

                I'd like to join you all! I just completed my first 30 days AF in June (actually had 32). I was going to decide whether to stay AF or try to moderate. I celebrated a little over the fourth of july. It wasn't as much fun as I remembered it to be. Truthfully, a big big waste of money. So, I am back to being AF. This sounds like where I want to be. Straight forward, honest, but fun. Today is day 2 for me. So, here we go....

                Teardrop! Your son is adorable!! Thanks for sharing your photos.
                DG- I know I said this in a post a long time ago, but I love your Beagle. He is adorable, too!!!!!! I used to have one and I miss him a lot.
                I am glad to be on board with you all. I look forward to having some fun.
                Have a great Monday. I am off to get my house back in order after the weekend Holiday company.


                  BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                  Hi BBers
                  Happy BB Monday. Thanks for all of your kind words while I try and chase my spinning head around the room. I guess if it is causing this much consternation then AF is probably a better place from which to contemplate a solution. I would like to stay here as I really like you all, if you don't mind my crazy ramblings once in a while.

                  Teardrop- your son is so cute. You must be very proud.

                  Greenie- isnt this your 21 day salute and your 3 big fat glorious booze free WEEKS in a row? I think you may have typo'd there sister and want you to get your due props!

                  Cindi- so glad you have found something that is keeping your pain at bay.

                  Mame- how is NZ? i have been there many times and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. You live in the most beautiful country on earth.

                  Louise- thinking of you, hows it going

                  Hannah and Pamina- thank you for your words of support

                  and Doggy Girl- thank you for being the BB Rock of Gibraltar. Your enthusiasm is such a joy. And you are doing great. 47 days...

                  have a great Monday all-

                  -a thankful Sheep


                    BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                    Damn Sheepish!!! I can't belive I had a dyslexic moment on my days!!!! :H :thanks: It IS my 21 day salute!!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!


                      Weeks! Change the WEEKS TOO!!!!!!


                        BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                        TEARDROP your son is SO cute. As a parent (I am not one!) did you get nervous with him staying out all night? Or are you relaxed about it? LOL - I guess I remember way to vividly all the trouble I got into as a teen! I bet they had a blast!!

                        Greenie, I think early in sobriety there is a disease we all get called CRS (Can't Remember Shit). It can cause stuff like confusion over days and weeks and "shit" like that. One thing I know I won't forget is how happy you sound these days!!

                        Sheepish, with my own CRS problem, I can't recall who posted something I recently read. It might have been Wonderworld but if not, someone equally wise as Wonderworld! "If you aren't sure whether AF or mods is the thing to do, stay AF until you are sure." Sounds like you are already thinking along those lines. You WILL get this all figured out eventually! I'm almost relieved that my own situation is a lot simpler - mods is nothing more than a fantasy for me, so while developing an AF life might not always be easy, the decision of what I must do is very straight forward!

                        Hey Shelbey glad you are joining us!! I know what you mean about Beagles. They are just precious no matter how loud they are, and no matter how "run off" they are. My grandparents on my Mom's side of the family always had a slew of hunting dogs like Black and Tans and Blue Ticks (Tics?) and breeds like that. But ALWAYS one Beagle that would hunt some, but was mainly a house pet. That was the ONLY dog ever allowed in the house. I fell in love with Beagles then, and when we were asked to "house sit" this one until a permanent home could be found....well....let's just say that street only went one way!

                        Now it's time for an update to the Abbercise thread and some LUNCH!! Keep Kickin' :alf: butt! :b&d: :b&d: :b&d:

                        47 HF Days!!
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                          A good Monday to all! First to answer the question about what to serve with the mango salsa. We served it with blue corn tortilla chips, then put leftovers on salmon. I think it would probably be good with chicken too (and maybe pork, don't know as don't eat it).

                          Mame, hope it has warmed up a bit for you. When does Uncle Mame start his new job? Teardrop, so glad you are feeling good! Sounds like you have turned a corner. Your son is a cutie!

                          Sheep, yes I would be proud I moderated. I think the question of what goes on when you don't (and how often that occurs) is a good one. I myself would love to mod. And have told myself I can try again after I lose 35 lbs. Ha ha, this may be never. In the meantime, we enjoy having you here and I do think that 30 days AF is an interesting experience. For me it really helped me see that if I do need to stay AF forever and can't mod, it really will not dramatically alter my life. I no longer feel I'm losing a good friend. If you decide the mods thread is a better place for you, do check in. We love your sense of humor.

                          Cindi, so glad you are finally feeling better. Greenie, congrats on 21 days! You sound so happy. Welcome, Shelby. Glad to have you here. Congrats on your previous 30. Marshy, hope you enjoyed your lazy Sunday. So thankful, Congrats on day 3. Yes, it is a lifestyle change. A very positive healthy one!

                          Hannah, I have faith you will be a very gracious hostess and mange to stay AF. And have fun at least some of the time with the boss’s wife. We will be thinking of you even if you aren’t here as often as usual. I like DG’s idea of a reward after. In fact maybe a massage before will relax you enough to make it easier.

                          Hi Pamina! Hope you are doing well. I’m sure DG would let you start the new thread on Mondays since I’m sure you are up even before our star early riser. In fact, maybe Mame should start it? Or Teardrop? I love DG’s enthusiastic cheering at the beginning of every week but what will we do if she sleeps in one day?

                          DG, hope your business picks up this weekend. I’m sure it will. And thanks again for keeping us all together here with your continuing inspiration.

                          I had a lazy weekend. We went out to dinner last night and DH asked whether it would bother me if he ordered wine. I said no. He ended up ordering a bottle as bottles were 50% off so it was cheaper than ordering a glass. This of course meant the waiter brought 2 glasses but when he started to pour I covered my glass and said, No thanks, none for me now, maybe later. I did take 2 small sips later. Did not taste that great. It was interesting to see that at the end of the meal, there was 2/3 of a bottle left. A little reality check on how much I was drinking of all those previous “shared” bottles of wine at dinners out.

                          Hi anyone I missed and all to still check in.

                          Louise, day 6 (not counting 2 sips)


                            BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                            GEEZE! If you never hear from me again, it?ll be because I?ve been pulverised by lightning. We have the most massive thunder storm on top of my house, and a thunder clap just now almost threw me out of my chair!! YIKES!!

                            Welcome 57Shelby ? good to have you. Knowing what you want sure simplifies life, doesn?t it.

                            Welcome too Greenie ? yeah, you don?t want to get your days wrong!! There?s a massive party and bling bling coming your way shortly?

                            Hi Cindi ? carry on with the good day!

                            Sheep ? keep chasing! You?ll find that head eventually.

                            So Thankful ? good on you for coming back. How?s it going today?

                            Joy ? well done at the beach party!! Having a plan is half the battle, it?s great you pulled it off!

                            Kaddy ? the AF Queen! It?s good to hear you enjoyed your visit with your son and also your party. I?m serious about that cooking school?

                            Marshy ? water? Is that all it takes? Well done, you!

                            Teardrop ? cute picture of your son! He sounds like he enjoyed himself, as it should be.

                            Louise ? Thanks for the mango salsa recipe! And well done on just having that 1 AF beer. LOL. Though my AF beer fest was fun, and the ?hangover? really nothing compared to the real thing, I?ll definitely tone it down next time.

                            Hannah ? so it?s hail and rain over there? Well, I empathise, and with your week as well. That does sound like quite a challenge, but maybe by hanging out with the boss?s wife you can minimise the number of times you?ll be bombarded with offers of drinks. You could also surreptitiously tell her some ?reason? for not drinking ? and she may stop her husband from getting on your case.

                            Mame ? great news about Uncle Mame?s new job! What about you - are you feeling better after your stint in chat the other day?

                            DG ? any time you want to come clean out my drawers and cabinets, just let me know and I?ll make you lentil stew all day!! I am very impressed with your weight loss and fitting into smaller clothes ? YAY!! Did you know 14 pounds is a stone in the UK, which means you?d get your second ?silver seven? at Weight Watchers. A form of bling, in other words!! :bling I?d also, finally, lost some weight last Friday after a long plateau. It puts a spring in your step for many days!

                            I?m feeling a bit sad today listening to the news coverage of the 07/07 anniversary. I lived near King?s Cross at the time and went out to the corner shop about 30 minutes after the two bomb blasts in our neighbourhood. The streets were packed with bewildered people trying to get to work, and I ended up spending the whole day watching the news in pubs and talking to total strangers. It was one of the eeriest experiences of my life and not one I?d ever want to repeat.


                              BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/7 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!


                              Sheepish, I had to reread greenie's post 3 times before I could find the typo. :groupluv::groupluv::groupluv: great greenie just GREAT! Sons, no matter how old they get, always make a mother's heart beat faster!! But then, I never had a daughter. Teardrop, what a cutie! O.K. I'm truly looking foward to starting another 30 days...that's starting not having done the finishing part yet A fine, fine day to all. xxxx g.

