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Sat 12 July

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    Sat 12 July

    Good Day Absters,

    It is Day 60 for me today!!

    Things are a bit upsy downsy right now in my 3D world so I am treating this week as though it were week 1 AF. Planning and vigilance. And lots of water!!

    Having said that, if I look at the big picture, I am in a much better place than I was over Easter weekend when I first stumbled upon this site.

    Thanks so much to everybody for your support and encouragement, this week and other weeks.

    Beatle - please come back and rejoin us soon.

    Have a good start to your AF weekend everyone!

    Sat 12 July

    Good Morning,

    Company left yesterday so today is about getting things back in order. Having 10 kids over makes my 4 seem like a piece of cake. Lots of boring errands to run and just generally stuff I don't like doing. Oh well...I also have to plan our family vacation and I'm a bit behind on that. Will nake it all work though...

    Pamina - Congrats on your 60 days!!! You sound like you know what you are doing. I'm glad you did not leave at 60 days as I almost did. Stay vigiliant.

    Okay off to have my day,

    Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


      Sat 12 July

      Hi Beck & Pamina: Pamina, congrats on the 60 day mark. That's big!

      I'm getting ready for my dinner party (in which I WILL NOT drink). I filled in DrinkTracker w/a zero. This will be my first AF dinner party hosting where we're serving wine, but I'm not imbibing.

      I went to my first Jazzercise class today. It was hard, but I think it was the high (both physically & emotionally) that I need to stay sober tonight.

      Take care everyone.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Sat 12 July

        Happy Saturday ABadingos!!

        well, many of the crew must have slept in past! sure feels better to have gotten some sleep last night. the air has been so bad it's been torture. My head has also felt weird. Like odd headaches and just not feeling right. Not sure what the heck that is...?

        Pamina, good attitude about thinking like you did bet there.

        Mary, you are becoming a pro at AF social events I'm happy to see

        Beck, glad you survived the onslaught of kids!

        so I'm just taking it easy this weekend and recuperating from whatever has been beating me down. I'm sure lots of garlic will have to help

        be well friends!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Sat 12 July

          Pamina... awesome work on 60 days AF.
          You are an inspiration.
          I keep telling myself... "just avoid the first drink and your on easy street, " well, sort of.
          Today is day 15 for me. I've gotten more done in the last 10 days... it's amazing! The real challenge will be when work starts again.... enjoy the weekend!

