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July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

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    July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

    Hi Everyone:

    I have a huge sense of accomplishment today. I had a very rare dinner party in which we served wine, & I didn't drink. I feel so great today! I know I can do it again. I think that I've been feeling so great sober...exploring new outer & inner territory...that I didn't want to spoil it w/a slip. I also think that exercise helped. I even opened a bottle of red wine to cook with & didn't sample it.

    Here's how normal people drink: one 1.5 L bottle of wine & 4 bottles of beer. That's for 5 people, all night. If I had been drinking too, we would have opened a second bottle of wine (which I would have finished up later or today).

    We now have an unopened bottle of white (my nemesis) in the fridge. We're having people over again in a few weeks. We'll save it for that...that's a sacred pledge.

    I'm going to continue the Jazzercise & stay centered. Also, of course, I'll be checking into MWO regularly. I couldn't have begun this journey wo/MWO & thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Last year at this time, I was just beginning my first very long AF run.

    For the newbies here, those AF stints are getting me ready for the deeper changes I've needed to make in order to lead an AF life.

    Next Sat., we're going to a wedding. I'll have my plan in place.

    Love, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

    Mary - that is SO good! It is very inspiring for those of us following in your footsteps!

    I love the fact that you are so confident that you can do it again - that is great!!

    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

      hi teach congrats on yur af party,do yur self a favor,if its red wine it probably go bad,they do hav a habit of doin tht aftr a short period of time,white i dont no, for som the temtation is an unberable one to hav an open bottle of anything in the fridge,if you can handle it,way to,one more step to total, sobriety gyco


        July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

        Good Morning everyone,

        I'm just back from my run and feeling good. I've got an open bottle of red on my counter that I will be pouring down the sink today. Went to the fireworks with the kids last night (one local community got rained out last sat.) and had a great time. My 7 year old sitting on my lap and my 11 with her head on my shoulder. So happy to be a full time sober person.

        Has anyone heard from Janice? I PMed her but have received no response.

        Mary, you sound so confident and happy!!! You have earned it

        Good morning Mame and Gyco.

        Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


          July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

          Beck - great that things are good your way! have been thinking about you! Enjoy your 7 and 11 year olds while they still do that!!!

          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

            Hi everybody! Thoght I'd drop in and say hello. Inspiring post Mary. Funny, I was thinking of you this morning... nothing in particular, just came to mind. I had dinner at home with my visiting, non-drinking brother last night. We watched a movie after and I looked at my glass of tea on the coffee table and smiled thinking how nice that it was tea and not alcohol of some sort and that I would remember the movie today. Not worth remembering, but that's beside the point. :H Tomorrow is 30 days so I may hang around more if that's OK. I still love my ODAT's though.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

              Greenie, of course you are welcome here!!! It is sooo good to hear you so positive and upbeat.

              Mame - my other girls are 13 and 15. Always busy at my house...

              Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                Morning all
                Mary, I am loving the way your posts are seem to be beaming confidence.

                Beck, It is great to be a full time sober person.....I never thought I could cram so much into one day!!!...Sometimes exhausting, but it is a good tired. I find myself thinking back and wondering if I could have accomplished then, through the haze of the alcohol, what I am accomplishing now. Think we all know the answer!

                I have not seen Janice around either, hope all is well...Janice if you are reading, please check in...

                Aunty Mame, good to hear from you..

                Greenie, 30 days, a hugh milestone tomorrow......welcome to the ab's thread ( I too, will always be a ODAT person)...

                Last of the summer celebrations today (I hope)...a wedding yesterday and a baptism today..sure doesn't leave much of a weekend!!!
                Hope everyone has a great day!!
                sobriety date 11-04-07


                  July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                  Good Morning, everyone.

                  Mary, I am so happy you did so well last night. Yay. You are right. "Normal" people drink a bit and just a bit. It has always boggled my hubby's mind that I can drink so much. He cringes.

                  Greenie, omg 30 days? The time has flown by. I am so proud of you.

                  As for Janice, last I heard she was going on holiday. Perhaps she isn't back yet?

                  Love to all,
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                    nice to here positive thts ,congtrats on your A F days and nts all keep up the good work gyco


                      July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                      Good Morning all

                      Mary, I didn't realize that we are neighbors. I live in New Hampshire. I was born and grew up in Mass. Just checking in. Today is day 9. Yesterday was close. I went to a Tatoo Expo and they were serving beer. Was tempted a bit because I felt pretty good yesterday. I chose not to be roped off in the drinkers' section and spend the time with my sis, daughter and cousin. We had a Great time. Yes I did cave and get another tatoo, but I did not drink. Woo Hoo!!
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                        Happy Sunday Abbers!!

                        Mary, how far you have come! You sound so confident and happy!! I am so proud of you and happy for you. You are very vigilant with your sobriety and take it seriously. Huge hugs to you.

                        Everyone enjoy your day and meet your goals whatever they may be.

                        Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                          July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread


                          Many thanks for the positive feedback. I COULD NOT have done any of this wo/all of you. I just came back from my Sunday walk w/my friend & our dogs. Could I have done that w/a Sun. morn. hangover? No way! I have the opened red wine bottle in a corner of the basement where I rarely go. The unopened white is in the fridge, but my husband knows it's there. I won't be skimming. Once I start I cannot stop until I finish it, & then replace the bottle. The insanity of it all. Instead of spending the money on wine, I think I'll get a new t-shirt.

                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread

                            Happy late check in from garlic breath!

                            Mary, so happy you excelled with flying colors.

                            I know the feeling about finishing the darn thing once you start. for me when I was having a bad day I'd say to myself: ok, just one more glass then that's it! then a few minutes later I found myself being animated by some supernatural force and pouring another damn glass! arh! that used to amaze and disgust me all at the same time. sure don't miss that crap.

                            be well everyone
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              July 13 - Sun. - Daily Thread


                              This is MWO. My Way Out.

                              You are more than welcome here and you belong here.

                              Glad you are here. :welcome:

                              AF April 9, 2016

