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BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

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    BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

    this is a lightening visit - gave myself an hour to read and post and it expires in 5 minutes!

    Louise - thinking about your BIL. And DG, your dad. (I felt you you with your last weeks posts about your far away brother's ...... I have 4 of them, and I am younger than all of them. My most successful riposte to them is that I still have my hair and that I plan to outlast them all!)

    I hit the wall yesterday - worked quite late Sunday night, kept waking up worrying about my friend and all the work that I had to do in the coming week - (like that's really useful to worry about!!), woke up early Monday morning to take my friend to yet another blood test, and got to work and really couldn't function properly. Managed to get myself together enough for the 2 bits of work that I couldn't put off, then came home for a bath and an afternoon sleep. Have been very kind to myself today ........ only did the absolutely necessary. Packed up the office for the shift on Friday which was a nice antidote to some of the other things that have been going on. And 7:15 pm and I'm in my dressing gown and an early night beckons.

    hope all have a goood day all
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

      Good Day Booze Busters!

      July, welcome back from your 1st AF vacation and thank you for stopping by to see us!! It sounds like you had a really good time and if you write more about what it was like after almost 1 year AF - and also about your 1 year anni coming up next week, please let us know here where you write it!! Cuz I want to read it if you do. You really inspire me July and I'm so glad you keep popping in. (LOL - every time I write "popping" I first type "pooping" and then have to fix it.) Hey I'm only 300 days behind you!! Just think - 10 years from now 300 will seem like a small number.

      Ibelieve, I too think the dishonesty and hiding became one of the worst things about drinking for me. Lying to my friends and family to "get out of" activities so I could stay home alone and drink was the worst. Oh how I wish I could get some of those times back - but we can't. Somehow my drinking evolved to the point where drinking was my number 1 priority. I guess it only makes sense that to fix the problem at this point, NOT drinking has to be my number 1 priority. You are doing GREAT!! This is a mental game in large part, and you are obviously doing your job thinking about what AL has done to you, and what it will mean to give AL up. Congratulations Double Digit Girl on Day 11!!!

      cindi, thank you so much for your kind thoughts about Dad. I'm starting to wonder if he will ever see his beloved yard / gardens / fruit trees again. That is a difficult thought to face.

      Mary, congratulations on your successful dinner party! You are doing great and you have so much good wisdom that you share with all of us.

      louise, thank you for your kind thoughts of Dad, and I'm sending positive vibes right back your way for your BIL. I know you are so busy and looking forward to your trip - I'm so sorry that this had to happen at this moment in time. I hope your BIL is doing better today - please keep us updated as you hear things. Does he live near you?

      Sheepish, it sounds like you are doing a great job breaking down your AF goal into whatever size pieces it takes so you can succeed. A one week goal is great - I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!! I LIKE the resolute Sheep!

      sothankful, thank you for your kind thoughts of my Dad. I know that if you make your sobriety #1 and KEEP WORKING AT IT you can do this. Congratulations on Day 4!!

      gelgit I'm so glad the smoke is starting to clear and the depression along with it. You handled this situation a whole lot better than I could have. How are your chickens?

      Mame, I'm glad you slowed down a little and were kind to yourself with a nap and an early night of it. You've been running like a crazy woman for too long now!! I hope once your office is moved and this conference is past things will slow down a bit for you. Positive thoughts your way for your friend too. How long before the tests are done and she can start getting some REAL pain medication again?

      I took a nap yesterday afternoon too. I was planning to go to the hospital but when I talked to Dad in the AM he wasn't sure when the doc was going to be doing the GI testing or how long that would be - so he wanted me to wait until today. As long as he is somewhat stable I am planning to make the trip every other day or so. I'm worried about this internal bleeding. I won't know until later this morning if he is even still in ICU or moved to a different room. ICU is frustrating since you can't call the room directly and half the time the calls get routed from the operator to the wrong place - and into someone's voice mail box - rather than the ICU nurse's station. Please pass the cheese to go with my whine......

      In good news, today is Day 55 AF (gotta go update Drink Tracker - will we ever be able to see multiple months???). I am so glad to NOT be drinking. The saying "Nothing in life is so bad that drinking won't make it worse" is true. I can't imagine trying to work in all this hospital travel around my drinking schedule. I couldn't. So AF ROCKS!!!!!!

      Have a good day everyone.

      :award: + **************************
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

        Morning DG and all-
        Boy- it is tough when people we love get older isnt it? DG and Mame- we are in the same boat. My older friend (neighbor, 82) has been back and forth to the hospital in the last few days and is having a rough time. She is a real trooper though. Sat night when we were there I reached into my purse to pull out some lip balm and she said-' Good! Put some lipstick on! Go roam the halls and find yourself a nice doctor!' (I am single) She is such a hoot- I love her dearly.

        Louise- how is your BIL?

        I am on day 2 AF- yes, ladies and gentlemen I actually achieved NOT having a cocktail (or 3 ) yesterday. And I am going to do it again today.

        All of you BB pals- Louise, Gelgit, Cindi, Mame, Retteacher, sothankful, ibelieve...... and all to come
        Have a GOOD day


          BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

          Hi all .... feeling very cheerful and on top of things today! How is that for a lesson in stopping acting like a crazy woman by taking some time out!!?

          Office is packed up and essentials (like my favourite toy - my i-mac!!) temporarily occupying the dining room. My friend's daughter has arrived from out of town so she has her family around her, and conference is over-prepared for! nothing else I can do apart from relax, sleep well and iron my clothes for tomorrow!
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

            Sheep I'm really proud of your determination! And yes, it sure is difficult when our friends and loved ones start aging. Your neighbor sounds like she has an awesome sense of humor! I love that. Hope you are psyched for another AF (and HF!) day.

            Mame, you sound relaxed and ready for life this week! Glad your friend has family near especially while you will be at your conference. How long does the conference last? When do you speak? I hope you have a great and successful time.

            It's Day 56 here and I'm excited to get beyond that 60 days stickler point which was my downfall last summer. I know I can do this and WILL do this. There is just no question about it this time. I know there will be other potholes in the road ahead, but AL ain't gonna reach out and grab me at this particular milestone again. No way.

            Dad was really tired after the tests they did on him yesterday so our visit was short but Mom and I had a chance to go get coffee and visit for awhile. That was nice. Hopefully they will hear something from the doctors today about test results and next steps. The physical therapist helped Dad get up yesterday and he managed to walk 10 steps with the help of the PT and a walker. On one hand that is amazing in a good way after what I saw last Saturday. On the other hand, that's a long way from imagining him being able to function at home. It's so frustrating that Mom & Dad don't really hear anything from the doctors. One day at a time and hope for the best is all we can do.

            Today is weigh and measure day at Curves. I know what the "weigh" part is but I'm curious about the "measure" part to really see if the hard work is paying off!! (I know it is but it's fun to look at the printed report!)

            Hello to ALL Booze Busters - even those we haven't heard from this week. Please check in even if you are struggling. If you have to wear the Fugly Green Suit for a day, best to come get it over with and get back to being Hangover Free.

            That's it for now - let's Bust some Beast Booty today! :b&d:

            :award: + **************************
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

              Hi all,

              It's good to read about the positive vibes and resoluteness on the thread. Sheep, ST and IB, well done on the forward momentum!

              Good luck with your conference tomorrow, Mame.

              Louise, so sorry to hear about your BIL. Cyberhugs coming your way. :l If you're still going ahead with your trip, it has at least been a bit warmer and sunnier here the last couple of days. Make sure you bring a big wallet/purse for all the heavy pound coins.

              Sorry to hear about the continuing uncertainty with your dad, DG. It's great that you've got your 2 months AF under your belt and that wonderful clarity of determination to help you deal with it all as best you can, ODAT. Which really is all you can do.

              I can relate to Greenie's post the other day that she wasn't ODATing AL so much as her spouse. In my case I'm ODATing bereavement. AL itself, or my motivation, isn't really the issue but I'm feeling more vulnerable which could potentially lead to an ambush. So keeping up my guard. My friend's funeral is next Monday. I think it's going to be pretty much ODAT for the next week.

              All to come, have a good AF day!


                BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                Morning all!

                Another spousal ODAT day. Never came home, no phone call. IMercy, he could drive one to drink. But not THIS one! Last night in a dream, I was in a car in a crowded festival. I was looking for hubby. I made the people stop the car so I could go into a liquor store (as they tried to talk me out of it but I shook them off) and I went straight for the vodka. An employee was showing me the sizes and I had a big bottle in my hand. I gave it back to her saying, "I'm sorry, I don't drink." WAY cool dream, don't you think?

                Yesterday I went to the coast to the dentist and then to visit a friend at the beach who was at a family gathering for the week. Nobody there drank. No beer cans, booze bottles, nothing. I knew all about the family and vice versa but we had never met. No worry about booze on my breath. (I love that part) Three of us went to dinner and had water. I had a lovely mahi-mahi and dew potatoes and fresh green beans (how fittting :H) (Juicy greenbeans if you are aware of the ODAT post :H)

                Good luck everyone, may reaching your goal become easier and easier until it is no longer a goal, it is the life you live.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                  Just a quick note before I take off for 2 weeks. I may be able to check in sporatically. DG, glad your dad is a bit better.
                  My BIL is stable, still in hospital, they don't really know for sure what is going on. Anemia from chemo and somehow got fluid around lungs - sounds like congestive heart failure but they said no so that is good. At least my sister finally relented and said someone could come to visit to help. (I have been offering and been turned down all summer, now can't go - they live very far from me in a hard to get to place.) and so my nephew is flying in today.

                  Hope everyone has a great 2 weeks! Louise


                    BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                    Pamina I'm sure this is a really difficult time with the upcoming funeral. We will all be thinking of you - ODATING your grief sounds like a good approach.

                    louise, I'm sure you don't feel great about leaving with your BIL is such a condition. I'm glad it's not congestive heart failure though. And I'm sure it's comforting to know that your nephew will be there since you can't be - at least for now. I hope you are still able to enjoy your vacation as I know you have been looking forward to it. Think of us and smile if you go on that big ferris wheel thingy, OK? Have a GREAT trip and please take some pics for sharing!

                    Greenie, that's a cool dream! Sorry that husband is not coming home, etc. Is it time to just move on? I know these situations suck the big one - no other way to view it, really. You sound SO terrific in your AF life - you deserve better than a partner who doesn't bother to call or come home. And you are better lookin' in those BGP than he is anyway. WAY better lookin'. And with a much better personality too. And let's not forget good taste of which you have lots and I'm sure he has little. Aren't I a good friend when you are mad at your man????? :H Hope that made you smile.

                    Had a good visit to Curves - today was weigh and measure day with good results!! Now I hope there is good news from the hospital and life will be grand. And AFHF.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                      Good morning BB Buddies

                      Pamina- sounds like the next week will be tough. Keep checking in and letting us know how you are...wise words about the vulnerability and AL relationship. Looking back- that is one of my main triggers, feeling vulnerable in any way. Be gentle with yourself.

                      Mame- when do you speak? Good luck!

                      Louise- have a wonderful trip. The UK is amazing- I am jealous.

                      Greenie- nice dream and sounds like a good beach day. Agree with DG- you deserve to be treated with respect by your partner. Funny how you get stronger and he hides?

                      DG- keep Curves-ing, that is great. And yes, ODAT is all we can do with our beloved older ones.

                      I believe, thankful, gelgit, cindi and all other BBers- Have a great day....Anyone heard from Hannah yet?

                      as for me- I am starting AFHF Day 3. And nope- no I will not drink today.



                        BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                        Hi everyone,
                        I want to be on this thread. I need your help because I don't feel strong. Now isn't the best time to stop drinking, but when is? But I am kinda shaking a little, because I feel like it is time to do positive things, and I am asking for it to come into my life - to go forward, to grow, not go backward, which this alcohol as comfort thing is.
                        I am intending not just to stop drinking, but to start going forward in my life.
                        And I want to know where you all are getting your gold stars for every day, because I will want my stars, too.


                          BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                          Hi Sheep!! Hangover Free is the Way Ta Be!! :cheering: for you on Day 3!!!! Glad to know there will be NO drinking AL for you today. That bodes well for tomorrow as you will have NO hangover and will wake up feeling great. What are you gonna do special with all that energy??

                          Welcome Lila!! The scariest part of learning to live without AL is just getting started. There are millions and zillions of gold stars just waiting for us!! They are hiding above the number 8 on your keyboard. Is today Day 1 for you? If so I hope you think of some things you would love to do that AL has been preventing you from doing. A good book? Some exercise or activity you like? Something you've been procrastinating that would feel great to get done? I think the more we can stay positively motivated, the eaiser it is. The more we allow ourselves to feel "deprived" the more miserable it can be. But either way, if we don't drink, we will get where we want to go.

                          :award: + **************************
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                            Hi All, I haven't read post today. I have had a migraine for a couple of days. Really bad today. I just wanted to check in . day 5 AF Back to bed for me. Love to all. I hope everyone is doing great AF


                              BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                              sothankful, I'm sorry to hear about the migraine :egad:!!! Congrats on Day 5AFHF and I HOPE the migraine goes away soon. Rest rest rest in a nice dark and quiet place.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                                That is a good way to look at things - like I have been depriving myself, not the other way around. I am focusing on being good to myself and being healthy. I think I will get a list, and start to have a life again.
                                Sothankful, I hope things get better very fast.
                                Have to run now!!

