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BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

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    BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!


    hello to all my BB friends -

    i hope all had an excellent day. i enjoyed reading your posts tonight. things have been busy the last two days and i have not been as attentive to my new friends as i should be.

    DG - you are so kind to note i have reached double digits - day 12 for me. i don't know how you keep track of evryones doings. i do hope you heard good news about you
    Dad today. unfortunately, illnesses with the elderly can often be a roller coaster --- .
    good news one day, bad news the next, good news then so so news, then bad. I don't want to sound negative but it is difficutl and will continue so. it seems your Mom is Ok - am i remembering correctly? i hope so becasue having 2 on your hands can really be rought. how far to you have to travel to go to the hospital. maybe some poistive books on tape would pass the time. you must be very careful not to get too physically exhausted because for me that is when the temptations are really strong.

    Sothankful - i have never had migranes but they must be really terible. i hope it passes very soon.

    Pamino - funerals - the worse. however, it does my little daily complaints and problems in perspective.

    can someone tell me what ODAT stands for. i can't figure it out.

    warm regards,



      BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

      Hi Diane

      ODAT- One Day At A Time



        BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

        evening all - day 1 of conference over! Did the presentation thing and was well received. Thank to you all for your warm thoughts and good luck charms - they worked!! Tomorrow I am "rapporteur" - fancy name for commentator!! I had a very bad nights sleep before the thing today, and have had several dreams over the last couple of days about turning up to do this work very drunk and unable to function. Isn't it interesting how this all comes up?! Also had a dream about Crabbe and Goyle (from Harry Potter series) being in the audience, but I think this was to do with us reading them with Uncle Mame's son last week!!

        DG -congrats on your weigh and measure results! Hope things okay with your dad.

        Pamina - thinking of you for monday

        Louise - have a great holiday!

        So thankful, I believe, sheepish, everyone else to come - happy Thursday!

        And this is the time of the week where I am happy that I will get to the weekend before y'all!!
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

          Hi all,
          Hey Auntie Mame, we are big HP fans here - me and my kids.
          Anyways, last night my youngest daughter and I went to the pool until 8pm, and I thought - I would have had at least one by now! But I was 'in life', my daughter was so happy, and then well, the evening just went on, and well, I'm just saying I get ONE gold star!!!
          Lila *


            BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

            :cheering: Mame for a great speech!! Glad it was well recieved - we had no doubts around here!! Dreams really are funny things. I don't really have drinking dreams (maybe the Sleep Learning CD keeps them away??) but I had some doozies in the first few months after quitting smoking. The most memorable one was sitting at my kitchen counter opening a fresh box of cereal. Remember as kids when there would be a prize inside? Inside the cereal box as the "prize" were a pack of my secondary brand of cigarettes, and TWO packs of matches (in case the first pack got wet??? I dunno...) The mental pull for our addictions really is strong isn't it. WEREN'T YOU GLAD TO BE SOBER!!!!!!!! Yeah!!! Have fun commentating today. THAT sounds like fun.

            Sheepish, good to see you checking in and going strong and using .

            Ibelieve, I don't do a good job keeping track of everyone's days so if you're about to be due for a 30 day or multiple milestone party, somebody's gotta remind me! I just know I felt great to get to 10 days - those first 10 feel like forever to me - so I noticed when you got there. Congrats on Day 13 now!!!

            The drive to the hospital isn't bad - about 45 mintues each way so music or news is fine. And it's country driving. I always bring my "bag" with books, work stuff, etc. for when Dad takes a nap. I still haven't heard anything about the upper/lower GI tests they did on Tuesday. But last night Dad seemed to think they are on the hustle to get him out of the hospital which is fine by him. (I'm sure Medicare is about to stop paying) He says they are trying to find him a spot in one of the re-hab live in type facilities. The really nice one is full . Mom is healthy as a horse thank goodness. I hope I got an extra dose of her genes.

            Lila I felt like such a prisoner in my own home during the last many years of drinking - including my falls from the wagon in the last year. I WAS depriving myself of a life by choosing to drink. My pattern was:

            1. Start day with lots of coffee to get past fuzziness
            2. Once I feel good, make a list of all the things I'm going to accomplish that day.
            3. Before starting on productive things, pour a drink to get motivated.
            4. Pour another drink to get more motivated.
            5. Oops...too many drinks - can't really get anything done now.


            What a non-life. When I think about it, I still can't believe I kept choosing that day after day. I just can NEVER afford to forget THAT is the life where AL leads me. Not some fantasy (for me) life where I have one or two drinks and that's it.

            Today is day.....(gotta go count 'em up which is great!!) 57!!! WHEE!!! Hope everyone has a great Booze Bustin' Day.

            :award: + **************************
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

              hi everyone hope everyone is doing ok
              sorry not been on for a bit,,,been very busy
              there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                Good Morning BB Team
                Just a quick check in this AM.
                I am on day 4 AFHF!
                Went to dinner last night with friends- we ALWAYS drink wine together- and I DIDN'T DRINK. They drank and I did not. (sorry I had to write that again) It was actually not hard- just a little weird. And I am quite pleased about it this morning. But cannot stop the vigilance. Another AF day for me today. I will not drink today.
                Thank you all for listening and being there-
                PS- congrats Mame on your speech!


                  BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                  Hi All, Sounds like everyone is doing good. I am doing better today but not there yet. It usually takes a few days for the migraine to leave me completely. I am still so tired. thank you all for the well wishes. I hope to write more when I am feeling better....

                  God Bless
                  I will check back tomorrow.
                  Love You all AF 6


                    BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                    Hi Kaddy how's the painting going this week? Good to see you - not only do you motivate me not to drink, but I always think about cooking when you post!! Then if I see a post from Deter right away I think of cooking with lots of Garlic.

                    Sheep, congrats on Day 4 AFHF and HUGE congrats on staying out of the wine at your dinner with friends last night!! :cheering: THAT is an important accomplishment. If we truly want to be AF, we CAN be - I believe it with all my heart. Not easy, but certainly possible.

                    sothankful, I'm gald you're feeling a bit better - keep on resting until you are 100%!! Thanks for checking in and letting us know you are OK. Congrats on Day 6!!! :cheering: softly!!

                    Dad is hanging in there and it looks like they want to move him to re-hab but are having trouble finding him a room at the inn(s). I think Medicare is about to run out for the hospital stay, so I hope they find him something by tomorrow so he's out of there for the weekend. He sounded pretty good on the phone today, and I'll be going there for a visit tomorrow, wherever that ends up being. Then Mr. Doggy is coming with me on Sunday which will be very nice for Dad - they love talking "guy stuff" together.

                    Mr. Doggy's Bumbling Bee Adventure was successful - it looks like the second colony or whatever they are called in bee land, are getting settled in. We'll know for sure in a couple more days if they are for sure staying. I still cant' believe they were building comb on an open tree limb. Mr. Doggy has a picture somewhere - I need to find it and post it.

                    Well, I'm off to take care of my roof top flower pots and tomatoes, then settle in with a good book until an 8PM conference call that will be a complete waste of my time oops I mean highly informative and interesting.

                    Have a great rest of the AFHF day everyone!!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                      Hi all,
                      I got home with my kids after 8pm tonite. I thought one beer - how civilized - but I really want my gold stars. And I do feel very very good today. Last time I quit I felt exhausted. I am on St Johns Wort, and supplements. I just think how thin I am going to be very soon.
                      DG - how do you feel being off carbs - I'm guessing white flour too -processed carbs?
                      Lila *


                        BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                        Hello BBers,

                        Great to read the posts of new, old and kind -of-old friends here. Keep those gold stars comming.

                        A beautiful night here in the mountains of Tennessee, a full moon casting soft light over the valley floor with Jupiter large in the night sky rising with it. These are the moments when you know deep inside yourself that this reality is the payoff for this commitment.

                        Good night friends,


                        Day 357 AF


                          BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                          Looks like we have some big celebrations coming up - july your 365th and DG your 61st!!

                          Conference over, office packed up, house empty of extraneous furniture! we are on the climbing up side of things now!! Uncle Mame has just returned with pizza and then I have an early night with Harry Potter planned.

                          I also plan to catch up on lots of posts over the weekend!!

                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                            Lila!! :cheering: for you and your decision NOT to have that beer and your *. GREAT JOB!! I don't know about you, but I've learned the hard way that the mental conversation about "just one" is a total Booze Beast LIE. I don't want one...I want ALL of 'em. That's the problem. GOT FOR IT today!!

                            I finally heard from our wonderful Ms. Hannah!! She is fine and survived the golf / boss week fine but is having horrid computer problems. She said to tell everyone hi and that she's OK except for that! She has funny stories from golf/boss week too - so Hannah we are wishing you a speedy internet recovery for more than one reason.

                            Mame, we gotta come up with something REALLY outrageous oops I mean special for July's 1 year anni! I'm so happy for you that you are FINALLY getting settled from all the chaos. I hope you are enjoying that pizza and Harry!

                            July, that scene sounds gorgeous. Oh to be in the mountains of TN.

                            Day 58 - WOW almost to 60. I've never done 61 days in my whole adult life so I'm looking forward to breaking new ground. I'm glad 60 doesn't fall on dog training Saturday like it did before - that would be too much de ja veux. (actually, I would make it just fine but I'm glad just the same)

                            Today I will be out early to get in my workout before my 7AM Friday meeting. I will be going to visit Dad today and he's sure to be a grizzly bear. Usually when th hospitals are going to release you, they make you sit and wait and wait and wait to hear anything at all, then wait and wait some more for a doc to come by and give you the nod, then wait and wait for paperwork, a wheel chair, etc. Waiting is not my forte, and I came by that feature quite genetically from Dad. So the two of us together will be like a blood pressure explosion of impatience waiting to happen!

                            I hope everyone is developing a great AF plan for the weekend. Special AF wishes to everyone on vacation! I think louise is gone now, right? We're thinking of you!!

                            Signing off for now..

                            :award: + ****************************
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                              Morning everyone.

                              Winding up the week here. I need to do something fun this weekend or at least indulgent for myself. Taking scotch to my dad doesn't count :H. I did buy it and it was nice to go into the store and not buy for yourself. The PTs do not seem optimistic about his ability to use a motorized wheelchair. He chose to not participate in a productive manner when therapy was offered so now there is further decline in left side neglect (lack of spatial awareness of the left side, etc) and he runs into things. That, of course is unacceptable. I guess we'll see.

                              If my car is ready, maybe I'll go visit relatives I haven't seen in a while. Invite myself to spend the night! Two of them drink a bit, though and I was always right along with them. I have to be AF as I fear an attempt to mod would send me into a spiral to you know where. I don't dare take the risk. I'll think of something fun to do.

                              Have a fun Friday and keep a lookout for that nasty old AL. Watch your back!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                                BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                                HI everyone,
                                Two days for me - and you are right DG, suddenly I do have more time.
                                July, I liked your post about the mountains, too. Being in nature is so soothing.
                                I will watch out this weekend, counting my stars and imagining my clothes comfortably hanging on me, not me trying to hide my tummy that is sticking out a bit...NOT having to take out the recycling!!!! (all those beer bottles)
                                It does not sound fun to deal with that hospital stuff, so I wish you both strength in taking care of your parents, Greeneyes and DG.
                                Which book or movie is it, AUntie Mame? I have seen and read all!
                                I am going to swim a lot more - it is such a stress-releaser for me.
                                Lila **

