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BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

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    BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

    Hi BB Land
    Good to read about you all. Doggy- that is an EARLY gym appointment. I am impressed. Yikes.
    And greenie- my vote for your weekend plans would be anything that would 'keep you safe'- I remember you said not drinking makes you feel safe and I really like that.
    Lila, Mame, Hannah, Vacation Louise, All to come- Have a good day
    Day 5 AF begins for me... weekend is here so I am going to try and take the advice I just gave to Greenie!

    PS- July- wow!


      BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

      Hi All, Well the weekend is here and I have been sick all week with migraines. I know that in the past that would a great excuse to drink I am better and I have been in the house all week. So I deserve to go out and drink right. Well, That is a bulls##t lie. I am going to be AF Today.
      However I am going to treat myself to a movie today. I am going to see Mamma Mia this afternoon.
      I think that is a much better reward.

      DG I am so happy about your 60 days 61 days that is so terrific.
      You have been such a source of inspiration. Thank you
      I hope you the daddy home today.

      Well, I will check back later.
      Hello to everyone, Glad everyone is doing so good maybe we are all on a good roll. AF DAY 7


        BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

        I hope your Daddy comes home today. That's what I meant to say. I guess I am still spaced out. WOW


          BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

          Helloooooo BBers in BB land!

          I haven't had a lot of time to be on the boards lately due to a CRAZY work schedule - but just wanted to dash in and say hello and way to go on the busting!! I am now 6 1/2 months AF and feeling stronger and stronger every day. FINALLY more good days that bad days by far in the emotional bank.

          Have a great weekend. Anyone seen Hannah?? She's missing in action.
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")


            BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

            Happy Saturday (Sunday for Mame) Booze Busters!!

            Thanks to all for the continued good wishes for Dad.

            Liv congratulations on over 6 months AFHF. You and the other longer termers' posts are so appreciated. You teach us that living an AF life is not only possible, but a GOOD LIFE. Hannah is fine - just having computer problems. She is hoping Mr. Hannah can fix it this weekend. She says hi to everyone and she misses us!

            Greenie, it sounds like you Dad is having such a rough go of it too. I guess at some point we just have to support them and respect their choices - even the bad ones. So what plans did you settle on for the weekend?

            Lila, here you are at Day 3 HFAF ***!!! You will be amazed at how those stars start racking up and you WON'T want to give them up and start over. Beating AL takes some good mind games for me anyway! More swimming sounds like a great plan. Hope you have a good weekend!

            Sheep - Congrats on Day 6!! "Be safe" this weekend and you will be a double digit girl next week.

            sothankful, I'm glad the migraine is better! LOL - I can relate to that OLD reward system filled with Booze Beast Lies. Let me know how you like Mamma Mia - that sounds like a great plan. Congrats on Day 8 AFHF!! (and hopefully MF = Migraine Free!)

            Today is Day 59. AL has been tappin' on my shoulder the last couple of days which is down right annoying. The only thing AL's gonna get is a :b&d: of my whip and maybe a AF beer if he's lucky. I WILL NOT blow this again after almost 2 months. I like being free too much!

            Dad is still in the hospital. He's no longer on any IV's which is good - I think they are just waiting for a room for him in a re-hab place. He CANNOT go home the way he is - he can barely stand up. He is so weak and he has no balance. I was there yesterday for one of the physical therapy sessions, and it about broke my heart. He is trying so hard. This gal gave him some arm exercises to do which I think is good. He needs more arm strength to help push himself up out of the chair or bed, and also I would imagine that will be good for balance too. Mr. Doggy will be going with me tomorrow for a visit.

            Mean time, it's dog training Saturday. Intermittent storms are predicted so I'm not sure how much photography will be possible. Overcast is good - especially in this yard where there are SO many shadows in full sun. But rain? Not so good for the camera. The dogs don't care though!

            Have a great Booze Bustin' day everyone!

            :award: + *****************************
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

              Hi all,

              DG - I've had alcohol tapping on my shoulder too. Quite a wobbly week one way and another. And last night I had a very vivid drinking dream, which ended badly so I suppose it was a cautionary tale. I woke up feeling really hungover and had to lie there for a minute thinking "was I drinking yesterday?".

              So I don't know what's going on in my subconscious lately but I just have to ride it out. Maybe it's because I passed the 100 days AF mark (yay!) and saw that as a big personal milestone, and part of me now thinks I've "proved" I can stop drinking so I can take a break and get hammered!

              It's an interesting journey, that's for sure.

              Have a great day everyone.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                Hi everyone,
                Thanks for the encouragement DG - I am at 3 stars. I wanted just one beer last night. One thing that helps is being a little busy in the evenings. We were swimming again, and the pool closes at 8, then it's home, dinner, chaos, and then it's nearly my bedtime.
                I am also planning to make lists of things that might be nice to do. Instead of just being fuzzy-headed every evening.
                I have to make my daughter breakfast now. Take care, everyone!!!
                Lila ***


                  BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                  Marshy, I DO believe there is a strong pull around certain milestones. 100 Days is a very well recognized "potential trouble spot" for people who quit smoking, and I think these addictions have a lot in common. CONGRATULATIONS!! We will get past this...just gotta hang tough.

                  Lila, a list of nice things to do is a great idea!! What's for breakfast in case I want to come over?????

                  This mornings workout felt really good. I realized that one of the reasons I love working out in the AM is that it "centers me" for the day. I can't have the clear head I want, full flexibility with my time (i.e. NOT being a prisoner in my house once the drinking starts), control over my body to look and feel my best, etc. with AL in my life. So no matter how good drinking might sound "in the moment" at any given time, it's not worth what I'd have to give up for it.

                  OK - off to the showers!!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                    I'm in!

                    Hello, I have been AF for 2days and 7.5 hours and going for 30 days. I have also banned cigarettes as well, the thing I have noticed like so many others is how much time I have now. Last nights sleep was one of the best in a while and woke up today feeling fresh and motivated.

                    I have one problem that I had not thought of before. I am a restaurant manager at a fine dining restaurant and we taste wine approx. once every two weeks. I know I could spit but I do not want to budge from being AF one inch. I do not want to lie as I have done that way too much in my life about alcohol, but I also am not ready to talk openly, outside of here, about my addiction. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


                      BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                      Welcome to Booze Busters CXD and congratulations on your 2+ days of sobriety!!!

                      As far as your job goes, I understand what you mean about not wanting to lie, but maybe not being quite ready to "come clean" either. The work environment to me is more sensitive than close friends or family.

                      I know this is back to lying again, but since the full truth is out... can you say you are on a medication that prohibits you from drinking? Or some other "doctors orders" kind of thing?

                      I'm sure others will be along with additional ideas! Mean time, have a great AF and HANGOVER FREE weekend!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                        Good Morning DG and all the Booze Busters!!!

                        Just wanted to chime in briefly about AL thoughts. Once or twice late this week a drinking thought popped into my head too, and with much more, um, "vividness" than I ever expected at this point. Because I really DON'T WANT TO drink, you know?. Its weird.

                        Two things: first - Full Moon (last night). I know. Kind of woo-woo, but I think it can really be a factor. I've seen it in myself and on these boards before. A full moon gives AL ideas I think.

                        And secondly - just forget it! I think there's a temptation when a drinking thought comes up to go down a whole road of asking "WHY do I still want a drink? What's wrong with me? Why am I so f$*%'ed up? Will I ever be 'normal'? " blah, blah, blah. It gives me a headache - and eventually makes me want to drink if I dwell on it long enough. Better to just notice the thought, acknowledge it, and move on. It ALWAYS passes. And I'm ALWAYS glad I kept my ass (and the rest of me) sober. Simple. Not always easy. But very very simple. No drink. No romantic thoughts of drinking. Just move on. Starts to be second nature. The "new me" !!!

                        And Hi CX!!! Welcome and congrats on your new life. I agree with DG - medication! An antibiotic for a vague infection is good for "explaining" unexpected abstinence I've found. People don't challenge that. And if the wine-tasting is every 2 weeks, that will give you some time to figure out how you want to handle it long term. Just keep going!!! Good to meet you!

                        Okay - DG I bought the Allen Carr smoking book. There's MY next hurdle. You've given me hope. Woo hoo!!!

                        Hope everyone has a great day!

                        WW xox


                          BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                          Good Morning All
                          Or I should say- pass me the green suit.:upset:

                          I drank last night. I had 4 beers. At home alone. I feel like crap this morning. And that is a GOOD thing. Although I am disappointed in myself for drinking, I know that I was the one that made the choice and I can choose not to do it as I had done for 5 days before . I was very lonely last night- and that always leads me to want to drink. It was almost like I was observing the process as I was doing it. was it helping? No. Did I feel less lonely while drinking? No. Was there a momentary 'buzz'? Yes, but I WAS STILL LONELY. So- all those calories and a headache this morning FOR WHAT? I also don;t feel like going to the gym. I don't feel 'strong' this morning like I had been when I was waking up from an AF day/night.

                          So- BB friends- I feel like I have disappointed you along with me and I am sorry. You all are important to my journey to become AF. I am trying to look at last night as a learning experience as I am finally paying attention to WHY I drink in the hopes of not drinking in the future. Previously I would have used any slip to beat myself up- and that would lead me to- WTF I am going to drink tonight too. BUT NO. I have made plans to babysit a 2 year old (AF definitely!) and am going back to the ODAT approach. Wonderworld wrote in another thread about the importance of the 30 days and I believe that as well. I really want this. I feel like a switch has been turned on or something and I believe that I have to work at it but I can do it- so can we all.

                          Thanks for listening .



                            BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                            Hey Sheep-

                            A big hug there little wooly one :l. I know just how you feel. I REALLY related to your analysis. Well said. Each time I drank after getting here was a valuable learning experience too. Some "things" you really just need to find out for yourself I think. There's no other way. And as long as you keep your intention keen on getting to the 30 day goal, you'll be okay. And you'll get there!

                            The sheep is back on the horse. The horse is on the wagon. ( I can make you a diagram ?)

                            Don't fret sheep. Al's ass WILL be beat. We're with you all the way-

                            Love WW xox


                              BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                              Well, Good morning sheep. Can I share the green suite with you. I had a great plan yesterday and I went and did what I said i wasn't going to do. I feel kind of embarrassed today. I was so adamant.
                              wasn't I. The good news is that I only had a couple of beers and then I had AF beer so I did have some victory. I didn't get drunk and I don't have a hangover. I just wished that I would have just had the AF beer to began with then i wouldn't have to start over today. that is kind of pissing me off. I did it to myself. I can see that AF Beer is very helpful though.


                                BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                                I actually ended up giving up red meat for a month and sold it to them as a cleaning of the system for a month. It went over pretty well. I haven't had too many thoughts of drinking and when I do, I actually realize how much I don't want to. However, I work in a part of town where a lot of people walk around and there are at least 20 bars in a half mile radius. I live fairly close(15 minute walk) from where I work and have adopted a new route to avoid most of the bars. Talk about pressure though. Anyway in one hour it will be three days and that is unbelievable, except it is believable because it is happening.

                                Good job sheep on the learning experience and the new outlook, the negative self talk is a killer isn't it? And SoThanks as well you may have had a (tie) on your battle last night but the war is still on. We will prevail! LOL. Anyway, goodnight now.

