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BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

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    BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

    For Doggy girl!!!

    Well done on your 60 days and hope you have a really good day!! I may be a bit early, but being ahead of your time I'm celebrating your achievement already!!

    may your dogs and tomatoes bloom!:rays::rays: Thank you for all the energy and joy you spread on this site!!!

    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

      Good Day Booze Busters!

      Sheepish, don't worry about other people being disappointed or any other feeling that other people have. Drinking is a selfish sport, and stopping drinking is in many respects a selfish sport too. How YOU feel and what YOU know inside as the truth and putting YOUR sobriety first has to be your #1 priority. All of your family and friends (including us!!) and your loved ones will benefit from your selfish POV in the long run!!! Realizing why we drink, and the most important thing - that drinking doesn't solve the problem is so important. I can empathize as I became a home drinker. Not only did AL NOT cure lonliness, AL turned my home into a prison - an even lonlier place. (wouldn't drink and drive, so there I was)

      sothankful, sorry that AL got to you too. I know I would be thinking the same thing if I were in your shoes - The AF beer was fine - why not just start with that?? I think WW is right that for whatever reason, we all seem to need to *F* up first hand (even though we know better) before we finally get it through our thick skulls.

      OK - let's get the Fugly Green Suit day over with and get back to AF. WE CAN DO THIS!!!

      CDX, I like the cleaning of the system explanation because you know what? That's a pretty truthful way of putting it! I really know what you mean about being tired of all the lies associated with drinking heavily. You have your challenges with all those bars in front of you, but sometimes getting used to a change within the thick of temptation makes us even stronger in our resolve. If you want sobriety badly, you can do it. Congratulations on your 3 days!!

      Mame, thank you for the nice note about 60 days!!! It feels good to be at this point. I was glad to go through another day of dog training yesterday and really not even want AL at all. In fact, didn't even want any AF beer yesterday. By the time the afterglow rolled around, I said my goodbyes and watched the end of Dr. Zhivago (sp) that I fell asleep on Friday night. Then Season 1 Disk 5 of Desparate Housewives arrived, and I am in TV viewing heaven. Anybody else have a Netflix subscription? I really like their service and for the price, I'll take that over the cable company premium movie channels all day long.

      Anyway....TOMORROW Day 61 will feel like the celebration day this time as I have never been there before in adult life. For me, counting up these sober days WORKS because I feel like by drinking I would just give them all up and have to start over with the hardest part. (and I've proven it to myself several times as WW said we all seem to do) No matter what sort of drinking fantasies I have from time to time, I keep going back to the dark side of AL and I just don't want to go there. I like my life and MYSELF so much better now.

      Dad was moved yesterday to some sort of care facility but my Mom is NOT happy with it. I guess there are 3 different places in the relatively small town they live in, and the one they moved my Dad to is supposedly a dump in a bad part of town. There isn't even a phone in his room. I hope they will allow a cell phone. Dad doesn't even have one!! But of course we will get him one. Mr. Doggy and I are going today for a visit and I hope this place is not as bad as my Mom seems to think it is. (Mom and I didn't get to talk live - we traded voice mails) I sure hope Dad is able to recover enough to go home....but I'm worried about that. If he can't stand up - much less walk or take stairs - he won't be able to make it at home. I hope this is just worst case scenario thinking on my part, and it's really not so bad.

      Well, that's all for now!! The tomatoes are blooming, but the dogs are not. The dogs are stinky and lazy but I love them anyway.

      :award: + :award:
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

        Hi all,
        My fourth day!!! I had the kids out and about all day - and then when we got home I felt entitled to a beer, and it was hot and I was thirsty, but I didn't!!!!! I really want my stars.
        Marshy - congrats on 100 days!!!
        CXD - are you doing a body cleanse? I didn't understand exactly.
        WW - I really wish you strength on giving up smoking!!
        Sheepish - when I did that I gave up on myself for a month or so Hope you stay right here!!
        SoTHankful - I never tried those AF beers. Are they fattening?
        Doggygirl - Desperate Housewives????? I have all seasons, execpt for season 4 - it gets released Sep. 2. I can't watch it Sun 8pm because my kids are still bugging me then.
        Happy Sunday everyone!
        Lila ****


          BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

          Lila, I am actually going AF for 30 days, but I sold it to my co-workers as a body cleanse. Which as Doggy said is quite true.


            BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

            Good Morning All BB Warriors
            Well- DG as usual, words of wisdom and insightfulness. Thank you. And also Wonderworld- this is one tough thing. Thankful - you and me in the suit was tough but we made it through. AF for me yesterday. And I will be AF today. So day 2 here.

            DG- hope your dad is getting stronger. How is your mom doing with all of this?

            Lila- day 4, that is great! For me that is a tough time (as evidenced by my recent appearance in green) so be on guard! I like the stars and they are much prettier than the suit!

            Mame- how is your friend doing? Is all of your moving stuff finished?

            Marshy- 100 days. Wow!

            CXD- welcome!!!!

            And last but not in any way least a HUGE shout out to our DoggyGirl for 60 days AFHF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            a great day to all-


              BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

              Yay! The puter is working!!!!! Hubby did some magic, and here I am!!! Looking forward to catching up with youse all - which may take until Tuesday before I have some free time - but I'm BAAACCKKKK!!!!!!

              And wow, am I glad I could log on - Doggy!!!!!! Way to go, girlie! You are a force to reckon with, and a star leader - my most sincere congrats - you have worked hard to get where you are today - enjoy!!!!!
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                BOOZE BUSTERS- Week of 7/14 - 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free Challenge!

                Let's carry on at the NEW Booze Busters thread for the week of 7/21!
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.

