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    JULY 16

    Good morning all. One of those i can't sleep nights. Got home from a late softball game...WE WON BIG !!! So, i'm a bit fired up and can't simmer down enough to fall asleep. I need to be up in 5 hours UGH.

    The summer time school holiday is now half over and life here has yet to settle down. I wish i had more time to keep up with everyone here at mwo abs. You guys keep me motivated and positive

    Just a few more days and we leave on our trip. I need more time to get it all in order, but guess i will have to exchange $ and take care of phone issues when i arrive. If I dont check be in before, I'll be back the second week of Aug.

    The best to all you abbers, omw
    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

    JULY 16

    OMW - I might be one of the few people awake, so congrats on the game!!
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      JULY 16

      OMW thanks for getting us off to an early start. Congratulations on the game!!! Have lots of fun on your trip. I know what you mean - where is the summer going? I can't believe it's 1/2 over.

      I think my brain is still mostly asleep this AM. So all I can think to say is to have a great HFAF day everyone!!

      Day 56 HFAF
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        JULY 16

        HI CONGRATS ON THE GAME AND HAV FUN ON YUR TRIP PS did summer start haha gyco


          JULY 16

          Hi everyone,

          There's an actual dog in my house. Yep, another being that needs cared for. I must be insane. He's a 2 year old black cockapoo (sp). I had never even heard of that. He looks like a cocker spaniel and he does not shed. My sister's niece was going to send him to the rescue b/c she couldn't care for him properly. AND my sister will take him back if he doesn't work out. So really a big win, right? My husb is unhappy - says kids wanted a puppy. The boy must be insane. I have hardwood floors and a brand new house. Husb will have to adapt.

          OMW - It's good to see you here no matter how often you check in. I used to think that leaving MWO would decrease my AL thinking - didn't work that way for me. Have a fun vacation and maybe even a bit of downtime.

          DG, at a loss for words???

          Hi Gyco and Mame!

          Off to get the kiddos awake and the dog walked.

          Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


            JULY 16

            Good Morning Abbers!!

            Good to see you OMW hope you got some rest!

            Howdy to AM, DG and Gyco and everyone else out there in ABLand.

            Congrats on the new little furry friend Beck!

            I'm still going strong grinding out the AF days one at a time. Last night while watching the All Star marathon sipping my lemon ice water and I found myself staring at it wishing it was Vodka there for a moment. It was a happy sad moment as after all this time I was sad I was still thinking these thoughts but happy I could just brush it aside and still enjoy myself none the less.

            Little Victories!

            Have a great AF day today!
            Is Addiction Really a Disease?
            Watch this and find out....


              JULY 16

              Beck: You're doing something wonderful taking the cockapoo. He'll be great! We adopted a shelter dog, & it's not easy or pleasant for them there (at a shelter). The people up the street lost their cockapoo this summer & are heartbroken. They're great dogs.

              Everyone: I'm doing well. We're seeing neighbors for dinner of Fri., & I'm bringing that bottle of white that's in the fridge. Amazingly, I really haven't thought about it. On Saturday, we have a wedding to go to, & I'm going to try cranberry juice & selzer (which I've seen suggested here). I know from experience that once I get through the first few minutes, I'm pretty good.

              Someone on a previous daily thread (4tb?) mentioned watching other people drink while staying sober. I've done that a lot in the year since I've been here. I've seen even the normal drinkers get a little sloshed. I can see how drinking is fun to start off & then gets tiring & blurry quickly. If I could be a social drinker (which I can't), it does oil the social gears in the beginning of the party, but toward the end, even the most moderate drinker starts to see the negative effects. I don't feel morally superior not drinking, but I'm sure glad I don't

              Have a great day everyone.

              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                JULY 16

                Beck;364510 wrote: Hi everyone,

                There's an actual dog in my house. ........I have hardwood floors and a brand new house. Husb will have to adapt.
                Good for you on taking in the pup and also for "training" hubby in this situation. Eaiser to train husbands than potty train baby pups, especially with all your kids who probably don't like to follow precise potty training rules 100% of the time. Love doggies!

                DG, at a loss for words???
                Mark your calendar.

                4tbz - I know what you mean about the fantasizing vodka sometimes. I was in Walgreens this AM and while waiting to check out I smelled smoke on somebody's clothes and realized I haven't actually thought about WANTING to light up a cigarette in a really long time. Then I was thinking I can't wait for the day it's like that with booze - long times between any serious wishes or fantasies of drinking. Just gotta stay on the path 'til we arrive at that point I guess.

                Mary I'm not sure if my post is the one you are thinking of, but I found myself in that place last Sunday watching people go from pleasantly buzzed where I knew they were having fun to that point where you are either too drunk and hence too stupid, or just need a nap. I was glad to be sober once people were obviously past the point of no return.

                So Beck, what is this doggy's name and where are the pictures???????

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  JULY 16

                  DG: Come to think of it, it was probably you. It was a dog show event, right?

                  Isn't it amazing the different kind of good time one can have when sober?!

                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    JULY 16

                    Good Morning ABarooos!

                    just a quick helloooo from the high desert. Gotta run and make some sales calls way out in the boonies, but will be back tonight by dinner.
                    tonight we are going to see Andrew Bird in concert...can't wait! unusual style of music. Kind a cabaret with a twist is the best I could describe it.

                    be well my friends
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      JULY 16

                      Back in the groove

                      Hi all - back again for the 2nd day in a row (starting day 1 AF today) - sounds like everyone is doing great - I am struggling with the desire for the wine thing - forgot my vitamins on this bus. trip - but fly home tomorrow.

                      Mary - the Cranberry & selzer is my old standby - noone gives you any pressure b/c they think you're having a mixed drink.

                      OMW - where are you going for your trip - just asking because you mentioned changing money - you always get a better exchange rate if you just wait and use your debit card at ATM at your destination.

                      Beck - great luck with your cockapoo - I've seen quite few of those lately - I highly recommend the "Cesar's Way" book (the Dog Whisperer guy on National Geographic) - his suggestions have changed how my rescued golden reacts to loud noises.

                      Good night all - I'm happy to be back.:thumbs:


                        JULY 16

                        guess, I'm the beginning and the end of this thread

                        OMG, we won our game tonight!! We beat the best team in the league!! (10-0) We have the worst record in the league (1-9) regular season. We've won the first 3 tourney games!! 2 more and we are league champs. I’d be happy with not in last place:banana::banana::banana:

                        I love to smile!!

                        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

