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BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

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    BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

    Congrats to 1year for July 23 2007!

    July, I have been thinking of you snce Igot up this morning - and before. Today is your date! I was going to post a thread for you (and may still); although I don't know you, I recognized your date. I am proud of your accomplishments. May we all be able to be as succesful as you.


      BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

      July, hope you are still here. Or better, with your family. Check in when you can. Try chat, too. We love you.

      All the best, CS


        BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

        A truly amazing achievement-
        thank you July for sharing your story


          BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

          July, Congrats very inspiring......


            BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

            Good Day Booze Busters!!

            July, I even had it written down to start you a thread yesterday for your 1 year and I still forgot! :upset: So today you have two threads as our wonderful Hannah is always together with these things!! You give me hope July, that a year from now I can be where you are. I can't wait to read your whole story - I hope you do write a good long one detailing your journey. :cheering: July!! :cheering:

            cindi, I hope your day is going better today.... I hope your job is OK but mainly I hope YOU are OK!

            Lila******, I too am on Armour. How long have you been on it? Actually, there is a thread in the Holistic Healing section called something like Bio-identical hormones. I would love to hear more about when you went on it and how it has gone - what dose you are on now, etc., etc. as I'm interested in all this hormone stuff. I'm also on progesterone and estrogen. It's all real new - still fiddling with doses. Anyway - good to hear that you are losing some weight if that is your goal! Congratulations on that ever growing star collection!

            Sheep - YOU KEEP AFTER IT!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!

            Bookish how was the fair? I used to LOVE going to the county fair and also the state fair. Haven't been in a LONG time. I hope your strategy to take MIL for help and stress reduction worked!!! Oh - those pesky stars are hiding on the "8" key on your keyboard. (just use the editing features when making a post to change color and size)

            sothankful, congrats on Day 4 today. I didn't realize your hubby also went AF - 112 days is great. Why NOT go to AA? Does hubby go regularly? Have you gone before? I've never been to an AA meeting. I don't subscribe to the "powerless" thing - but I've heard from so many people that they DO get good stuff from AA. I'm sure like any group of people, a lot of whether any of us would like a group or not depends on...the people. I want to say it takes less than a week to get stuff when I order it from MWO - I'm in Illinois. I'm surprised they haven't called you back. I haven't had to contact customer service in a long time, but I have before and I got good response. Maybe leave another message??

            Work in Progress, congrats on 2 days AF!! IMO the best way to "hide" All One is in a shake. I've started just doing a protein shake after my workouts and the All One hides well in there. I've tried the V8 route too - I actually prefer plain tomato juice rather than V8 (not sure why because I like both plain). I hope your Mom is OK. I'm dealing with a not so healthy Dad right now and I know it's not easy. And I also know that "I deserve a drink now" feeling all too well.

            Hi CS04!

            It's Day 64 here and I'm feelin' good. I spent a LOT of time in the kitchen yesterday afternoon making a decent dinner for last night, but also making a home made rub and also BBQ sauce for BBQ chicken tonight. Had a couple of AF beers which really hit the spot during that activity. In the old days it would have been either wine or vodka drinks - a couple would have felt good and then I would have continued and then probably messed up the recipes at the end of it all. And definitely would have been drunk by dinner. I'm looking forward to another AF day. Hopefully it will be gorgeous and sunny and not too hot just like yesterday!!

            Have a great Booze Bustin' Day everyone!!

            :award: + :award: + ****
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

              Hi all-
              Congrats July and thanks for sharing your story. I have noticed lots of lives gradually get so much better over time here on the boards.
              DG - I went out last night and had a beer. I don't go out ever - being a single parent, so it really was a treat. So I am starting the gold stars again - darn!
              I take one Armour pill a day - and I take it sublingually - I read that on the Stop the Madness website. I like it much, much better than Synthroid, which I used to take when I had a normal HMO doctor.
              Have a lovely summer day, all!


                BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

                July: I'd love to read your whole story. Please let us know where & when you post it. You are a wonderful example of what can be done if we put our minds to it. I want to be where you are some day. It's taking me longer from my entry into MWO, but I apparently have my own path to follow.

                Thank you so much for being here.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

                  Good Morning BB pals
                  -Af yesterday.
                  trudging along
                  thanks to all


                    BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

                    Good Morning,

                    Feeling a big need to get out here early today.

                    July, thank you for posting and I would love to read more about your journey. It was what I needed this morning. I barely made it through yesterday and I was having the "if this is so hard today feeling how will I ever make it tomorrow", but I did it.

                    The fair was fun, substituted junk food for beer. I told my MIL I was not drinking until I lost some weight (she noticed I didn't head right for the beer stand), but she did laugh when I came back with a big Orange Float in my hand and said "the beer would have less calories". Just an observation, at our fair, all the big beer and wine stands are next to the little kid rides and arcade, What the Fudge is that all about. I was very tempted.

                    I need to get out for a jog to clear my head and lift my spirits a little before I head into work. I should be back later.

                    Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                      BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

                      Hi all,

                      DG-Thanks for the info on the MWO I left another Message today. I haven't received a notice that they are shipping it out. As For the AA thing yes I have been to a meeting. I thought it might be a good way to stay out of the bars to keep myself occupied for at least an hour over the weekend. LOL
                      I really don't understand all of the steps. My hubby doesn't attend AA meeting He told me that he would like a chip for his accomplishment. I am very proud of him. He is doing great. He still feels like a drink once in a while but then he says I have time behind me and that means more to him as of now.

                      Hi, Sheep hope you having a nice day.

                      Hi Lila- I see that you went for a drink was wondering Did have the Kudzu before hand Wondering???

                      Oh, I take Armour too for the last about 6 months only 1/2 grain and I have been on bio-Identical progesterone for about 4 years it save my marriage LOL I am really not kidding. I was a real mess before the hormones.

                      I plan on doing them for the rest of my life. I really think that if I didn't have the hormones my drinking would have been much worse. I don't know why but that is also connected.

                      Hello to everyone. AF 4 DAYS busting


                        BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

                        Hello BBers,

                        CS04 hello and great to hear from you. Sothankful, Sheep, Book, DG, Hannah, Lila, Mary what a group we are. I hope you all are having a quiet AF night.

                        A quiet night here in the mountains of Tennessee now that we have returned from a baseball game and the kiddos are in bed.

                        Hope you all have a good night.


                        Day 364 AF


                          BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

                          Hi all -
                          ST - I didn't take kudzu that day - but the one beer seemed to really get me buzzed! Maybe it builds up in the system. I really like the Armour - and I take Perika St Johns Wort. I think it is working - I think herbs are really great. A few years ago, I was on a bunch of medications. In fact, I was diagnosed with ADD, and I was taking Adderall. But then, when I switched to Armour, the Adderall made me jittery and crazy. Yikes - I was taking Adderall, Zoloft, Sythnthroid...I think I am doing much better on the more natural route. THings are getting better. It is a nice summer evening, and I am feeling kind of positive but scared about life...
                          I love summer!


                            BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge


                            Well, we?ll try this again tonight ? I did write a substantial post last night, and then lost it somehow ? makes me so frustrated when that happens!

                            It?s been a big day around here ? so great that we can toast our good friend July for his incredible achievement ? one year AF ? and with style and grace, no less. Now that I am almost done my third month, I have decided I am no longer counting days ? just years! When I went AF for my last ten year stint, it was without the support of an online community, and the notion of counting days never occurred to me then ? and I think I will go back to not counting. But that doesn?t mean I won?t pop in!

                            So many new faces ? so good to see. Forgive me if I can?t address everyone singly, I?ve been away too much to keep up! But hopefully the computer will continue to work, and I can catch up again.

                            So anyhoo, before my ?puter problems I was facing a rather huge challenge ? a golf tournament in our former home town, with my hubby?s boss (and CEO of the company) and wife coming up from Texas. They stayed with us at our new home one night, and then we all travelled back to the old stomping grounds??..What was going to be a challenge for me was that ?the boss? is a huge drinker ? and loves company. Almost won?t take no for an answer ? you know the type? Love him to pieces, but he does have a problem?and I wasn?t sure how I was going to fare with the week! One of my buddies from this forum pm?d me and gave me some advice ? when I felt tempted to drink, to look around me at those who were drinking to excess ? and watch for ?funny? stories. I don?t mean the ?sad and demeaning? stories ? there are always too many of those when people are drinking. So, anyhow, I did exactly that. I lucked out, actually, because ?the wife? doesn?t drink much at all, and was taking antibiotics, and was drinking not at all ? so it was easy to not drink! Phew! In fact, she drank nothing but plain old bottled water ? made me feel absolutely decadent ordering diet coke!

                            As to my mission to observe funny stories ? there are two that stand out ?

                            The first ? ?the boss? ? walking back into the hotel after his round of golf in the afternoon ? and having had, indeed, a few ? stumbled backward somehow, and would have fallen heavily on the hotel lobby floor, except my hubby was right behind him, and somehow caught him mid fall, and spun him back onto his feet ? he did a complete 360 backwards ? and except for losing his glasses, ended up standing upright, and non the worse for wear. Amazing! His comment was, ?Well, goll ?eee, I done plumb a full circle!? Yup.

                            The second ? after the banquet came the dance. In our printed itineraries, it mentioned the band ? who call themselves ?Men Without Shame?. Didn?t think much about the name, until they came on stage. Now, remember, this is an OILMEN?S event ? think for the most part, big, burly, fellows ? a little rough around the edges ? Well! The band climbed onto the stage ? wearing assorted shades of knee high platform (at LEAST six inch) sparkly boots ? tight striped pants ? sequined vests over pastel shirts ? assorted colors of feather boas around their necks ? sunglass, and sparkly sequined cowboy hats with chin ties. :H Well, the crowd sat there in stunned silence. Because the band was completely of the male gender. It was hilarious. I don?t know what the organizers were thinking! But they turned out to be a not bad karaoke type band ? played old favorites, that sort of thing. They kept saying to the crowd to get out on the dance floor, and it took quite a while because most people were probably thinking ?Yeah ? right!? But finally a few people got up around the time we were leaving ourselves ? so I don?t know how the rest of the evening turned out.

                            But from my point of view, highly entertaining!

                            So, Y?all (oops, the ?Texan? has rubbed off on me!) ? good to see ya ? keep on bustin? the Booze Beasts butt ? July has set us a fine example, let?s try to live up to it.

                            xxxx Hannah
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

                              Way to go, Hannah!! Great way to handle that kind of situation. And very, very funny!


                                BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

                                Good day Booze Busters!! I'm still sort of basking in my own imagination of what life will be like next May - continually getting better I hope! - if I keep following in the footsteps of July and others that are in front of me on this terrific path.

                                Lila, sorry to hear you are starting over but at least you are starting right away and not turning "one beer" into a long drawn out affair like I have done so many times. * I started taking my Armour sublinqually too based on that web site! I'm up to 1 grain per day now - .75 in the AM and .25 in the early afternoon. I've been tracking my temperatures which are still much lower than normal in the 97's so I have a feeling I still have a ways to go.

                                Sheep - keep on trudging. It will click one of these days - I promise! Keep trying.

                                Bookish - I don't have kids myself so never really gave it much thought when I was still drinking heavily (no kidding!) but it really is amazing how much booze is served at "family" events isn't it?? Glad you had fun at the fair! Do you jog a lot? I'm finding exercise is really helping this AF journey. I'm actually enjoying it now instead of it feeling like torture (on the rare occassion I tried) with a hangover.

                                sothankful - I can understand where Mr. thankful might be coming from with the feeling that the time is more important now than a drink. That's why accumulating AF days is so meaningful to me - it's the time invested that becomes an ever bigger reason not to consider drinking. Wow - another Armour and prog. person!! Saved your marriage, huh? Wow. I can't wait to see where that path leads - I have another follow up appt. in a week. Congrats on 5 days AF!

                                July, those mountains sound beautiful!!! I can just imagine you and Mrs. July enjoying that peace at the end of a good day once the kiddos are in bed.

                                Hannah - I was totally laughing at your description of the band!! That sounds like a riot. I also had some "ick" memories about the description of the boss doing the spin around in the hotel lobby. How on earth did I think I made "good saves" in those sorts of situations and was "hiding" the true level of my drunkeness? Oh brother. If I can feel embarrassed this many years later, it was really bad. Good to have you back with your working computer!!!!!!!

                                Day 65 here, and gotta run. It's my day to present at the 7AM leads group. I'm sort of burned out of "computer / network consulting" topics so I'm going with a public service message. I'm going to provide tips for the parents / grandparents in the room about teenagers and use of sites like myspace and facebook. Predator avoidance and all that. I had already planned that presentation, and then in yesterday's local paper there was a story about a local guy who just got sentenced to 3 years in prison for sexual assault on a minor - a 14 year old he hooked up with through Myspace. Anyway...gotta run! Have a Booze Beast Bustin' A$$ Kickin' AFHF Day everyone!!

                                :award: + :award: + *****
                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

