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BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

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    BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

    hi all -
    DG, that's great on no smoking! It is good to hear that life is so much better not drinking. It is encouraging. Thanks for the advice on the house - it is strange, and wherever we move, I want to stay for a good long time. The house is in a good location....but I'm sure more will pop up in the location I want. I hope your dad keeps improving, and gets to go home soon!
    Another day 2 for me!
    Take care, all!!
    Lila **


      BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

      Good morning-AFHF

      hello to all

      today seems to be a quiet day on the posting. i think that is a good sign that all BBs are happily occupied with their new AFHF life.

      Lila- i see you are in the upper midwest. i dodn't know about your ecoonomy there but there may be a potential to buy a house from a bank that that has foreclosed on it. Generally banks don't want to hold them for too long and will give it for a good price. the only risk ( and you will know it because you will see it) is that the house may need some work. often when folks know they will lose there house they will skimp on the upkeep. Depending on how much refurbishing it needs and the price it may be worth it.

      DG- thanks for your sage advice regarding moderation. i think i know i can not control but we will see. day 22 and its not so bad. i am taking camporal and don't know it that is a large contributing factor or not. i am anixious to make the "free" or "mod" decision. but i have decided i will wait until day 60 to make that decision.

      i have to totally agree i am really AF when i stop thinking about it. when i was drinking that is all i thought about whether i had a glass in my hand or not. i would sit around a table at work in a meeting and while feeling a little hungover wonder how many people there had a drink (or too many ) the night before. it was not productive and isolated me and i did not focus on the subject at hand. i will be patient for that mind to come. there are so many better things to think about.

      regarding your DAD- it is good he is grumpy. in my mind i t means he is fighting to get out of there rehabilitation center. it also indicates he is not depressed or given up. Yipee for your mother hagning in there. she is a good role model for you and all of us.

      good day to all


      day 22 for me - yeah!!


        BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

        Hi everyone,

        A weekend of lovely sunshine here and now I'm hobbling around on blisters from new sandals that I hadn't broken in before setting out on a three-hour walk. Ouch! I never hurt my feet when I was falling down drunk for all those years. Hahaha.

        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          BOOZE BUSTERS - Week of 7/21 - (A)bsolutely (F)abulous Hangover Free 30 Day Challenge

          Please carry on posting in the new weekly Booze Busters thread!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.

