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July 21 - Mon. - Daily Thread

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    July 21 - Mon. - Daily Thread

    Hi Everyone:

    I think there is a lot of vacationing going on w/the absters from this forum. I hope everyone is having a great time.

    I've had 2 days of drinking during July but am grateful that they didn't tip me into multi-day binging. I learned from the drinking that social events are much more pleasant for me when I do not drink. I'm much more present to what I'm doing & what I'm eating.

    I'm not beating myself up for the drinks. I'm just getting back into my program. I know that at some point, drinking just won't serve me at all, & it will fall away naturally. Right now, I'm enjoying a sober day of rest.

    The rest of July & August are going to be very busy for me. I will always try to get to MWO, as that grounds me as nothing else does.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    July 21 - Mon. - Daily Thread

    Top of the morning ABers!

    Mary, glad to have you here safe and sound

    I guess when we are super busy it can both help and hinder our efforts to be healthy...just have to keep our guard up no matter what.

    we actually had a few moments of rain last LOL it just never rains here.

    Cindi, where you been?

    my appetite has suddenly dropped and I'm not sure why that is....I seem to feel ok but it's very odd for me. Maybe I'll lose some weight and all will be well.

    hoping you all have a kickass great day!

    be well
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      July 21 - Mon. - Daily Thread

      I just got back from an Alanon meeting. One of the members (she's also in AA), spoke about readiness. For some people, I think readiness to stop drinking happens when they have some sort of turning point occurrance (DUI, divorse, etc.). Some people just let the drinking fall away, as something they no longer need to do. I've replaced so many of my old drinking patterns w/non- drinking:
      -getting dinner ready.
      -entertaining guests.
      -going to social events.

      However, I still have my weak moments when I think drinking is going to help me in some way. I know that if I just continue to have abs as a goal, I'll achieve it. For today, I didn't drink & won't be drinking tomorrow.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        July 21 - Mon. - Daily Thread


        You are in good company. Stay with us. A day AF, then more. Keep at it.



          July 21 - Mon. - Daily Thread

          Renegade, you will never be a loser as long as you keep trying. I do understand the feeling of not wanting to post when drinking (not necessarily at the time of the drinking, but during periods of drinking). I felt the same way and had some long absences from here. The bottom line is that eventually you will get sick of the merry go round and just want to get off of it WAY more strongly than anything drinking has to offer. YOU CAN DO THIS!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.

