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Tuesday 22nd July

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    Tuesday 22nd July

    Well this will shock all my lovely daily abbers!!!! Hope you don't mind me jumping back in and starting today's thread.

    Going for a swim with my son then we're off to Bluewater shopping!!!

    Today will be an AF one. Have a great day everyone.....

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Tuesday 22nd July

    Shopping sounds like fun - can I come too?? Janice it's so nice to see you back!

    Today will be filled mainly with Dad stuff. I haven't posted about the weekends events - he was moved to a nursing home / re-hab facility. Mr. Doggy and I went there on Sunday and it's quite depressing. I will be going back today. I just hope Dad can get strong enough to get the hell out of that place soon.

    Day 62 AFHF
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Tuesday 22nd July

      Thanks Janice for starting us off....have fun shopping!!!

      DG, doesn't sound like a fun-filled day, but something that must be done. I have found that the stuff I dread, I now look at as " it will be over soon", instead of my alcoholic induced behavior of "I can't do this today", "a drink will make it easier", just stressing and palpitating thru situations I am not looking forward to......I have adopted "it is what it is" attitude, get thru it and move on....doesn't make anything go away, just alot less stressful...for me anyway....
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Tuesday 22nd July

        Good Morning Abbers!

        Thanks for the early start Janice and enjoy the swim and shopping away with your son.

        DG, not fun for sure having to navigate through that kind of environment but it so great that you are there for your Dad!

        Charlee I agree if you don't take ownership of the negative things in life, it is a lot less stressful when they do appear.

        I get to have another fun filled day at work :upset: but do look forward to hangin with the kids after work.

        Have a super great AF day today everyone!
        Is Addiction Really a Disease?
        Watch this and find out....


          Tuesday 22nd July

          Hi Everyone: I'm so glad to see an almost full contingent here today.

          DG: I too am helping to care for aging parents. It isn't easy, but sober is the better way to be doing it.

          Renegade: I read your post from yesterday. I know you're having a hard time, but it would be great to see some posts from you on this thread. It sounds like you know in your heart that abs is the best route for you (as is the case w/me), but getting there isn't easy. Keep trying & reading. Posting about where your at in your program is very helpful even if you have some rough spots.

          As for me: I once again have jumped on the abs wagon. It feels good to be saying that. When I slip, I tell myself that maybe, just maybe I can have a drink or two now & then. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. When I do drink, I go overboard. I have a lot of activity coming up starting next week. That is when I tend to be vulnerable to the wrong kind of "stress-reducer." I won't leave MWO no matter what!

          Take care everyone.

          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Tuesday 22nd July

            Thanks Mary and 4tbz and Charlee for your kind words on the Dad situation. 4tbz, yes I am glad I can be there for him. My brothers live pretty far away and while I'm a little miffed that the one in FL hasn't ever come to visit Dad outside of his 1 trip per year with his wife, the day to day stuff falls to me because I'm the closest. I know that situation exists in most families.

            Charlee and Mary you are both right that this is so much easier to handle while not drinking. For starters, since I was a day time drinker, I would have started each day being HIGHLY resentful that my Dad's health issues were interfering with my drinking. Sick and sad, I know, but the truth. If anything, these circumstances are just solidifying my need and desire to stay AF.

            If I find one spec of poop in my Dad's bed today there will be a facility administrator with a bullseye on her forehead. Thank you for listening to my rant.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Tuesday 22nd July

              Good afternoon all -

              DG - Good luck with your Dad, my thoughts are with you.
              I needed all of your posts today. Helps with my resolve to make this another A-F day today.

              Have a great Tuesday.


                Tuesday 22nd July

                Hi all!

                Just wanted to stop by and say a big fat HELLO!! to everyone here..................all sounding great right now, that is AWESOME

                Take care.:l


                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Tuesday 22nd July

                  Hi everybody mind if I join you , you all talk so much sense and share so much, my day is doing fine, althought having so confusing thoughts and feelings. going out to a quiz with friends tonight , it is in a pub but I am concentrating on the pork sctachings I can have ( i love them but they are sooooo bad for you) rather the drink I won't be having and as I will have the scratchings with a diet coke won't feel too bad about the calories .

                  DD x


                    Tuesday 22nd July

                    Happy late check in ABerooos!

                    whew! been a wacky busy day, but all's well in my part of the universe. Janice thanks for the nice start, great to have ya back.

                    sorry, not had a chance to read back to yesterday yet.... huff pufff....

                    be well
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Tuesday 22nd July

                      Daisy-Doo, very glad to have you! hope you have a fun quiz and stay in touch here.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

