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Friday 25 July

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    Friday 25 July

    Good morning Abbers,

    London is finally basking in summer sunshine - YAY!! :sun:

    A group of us sat outside in the lushious warm evening yesterday celebrating someone's birthday. I went through just about every fruit juice on the menu. A bit of a challenge for the imagination re what to order when the guys around you are on their 6th pint of beer, but hey, bring on the antioxidants!

    Charlee - have a great, great time in Italy!

    Cindi - we are counting the days, you are almost there. Hang in, ODAT.

    Have a great end to the week, everybody!

    Friday 25 July

    Pamina: Many thanks for starting this thread. I'm so grateful for my sobriety today, as I've been chipping away at my fears & issues:
    -doing more things on my own.
    -getting myself into condition.
    -letting others in my life take care of themselves a little more.
    -speaking up when I have to.
    These sound like small things to some of you, but they are big for me. I went through years & years when I avoided doing these things because of drinking. Now, I'm having to learn to do them all over again. I feel calmer & much more centered.

    If you're coming to this thread for the first few times, please feel free to share. You don't have to have long-term abs to share here. All you need is a desire to change your life. All you need is a goal. There is a way out. I didn't see one until I came to MWO a little more than a year ago. I've had many, many AF days (& some slips) along the way. However, I feel my life changing slowly.
    -if I do slip, I don't go into a full-out binge.
    -I feel some of the old drinking habits falling away.

    I'm working on being fully in my life. Even w/life's ups & downs, I don't have to blur the edges all the time. I can work through issues & come out the other side. I don't need to numb out in order to feel a little peace.

    Good luck everyone.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Friday 25 July

      Good morning!
      Mary - I loved your post - the "Blur around the edges" hits me right between the eyes - that seems to be how it always starts for me - just want a little light buzz....then a bottle of wine later....

      Pamina - good to see you're going strong - and congratulations on getting through last night!

      Starting day 5 AF today.


        Friday 25 July

        Aloha Friday AB-friends!

        good line Pamina: bring on the antioxidants!

        busy busy day here but can't complain. Any day with a clear mind is a blessing.

        be well Pamina, Mary, Doglvr, and all to come
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Friday 25 July

          retteacher;369433 wrote:

          I'm working on being fully in my life. Even w/life's ups & downs, I don't have to blur the edges all the time. I can work through issues & come out the other side. I don't need to numb out in order to feel a little peace.

          I agree with your thoughts completely.


