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Sat. - July 26 - Daily Thread

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    Sat. - July 26 - Daily Thread

    I was surprised to see that this thread was not begun at 2:36PM Eastern Time. Vacations & funtime for everyone. We're having the family (daughter, SIL, & g-sons) for dinner. It'll be fun.

    My husb surprised me today by asking me to stop by the liquor store for a bottle of pinot for tonight's dinner. Either he didn't realize how serious my drinking prob was or he forgot. I conveniently "forgot" to get the wine & called my daughter to bring whatever AL they might want. I can always get them to bring it home w/them afterwards. I do much, much better when I don't have anything in the house tempting me...especially wh. wine.

    I very briefly toyed w/the idea of getting the bottle of wine & "a little something for myself beforehand." I would get NOTHING out of sharing a bottle of wine w/others. It wouldn't even scratch the surface. Then I asked myself:
    -Do you want to be tired & under the influence when the family gets to the house?
    -Do you want the strain of acting "normal?"
    -Do you want to ruin a wonderful family time?

    No contest. No wine.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sat. - July 26 - Daily Thread

    top of the Saturday ABland!

    Mary, good call! you chose to push for health and happiness. I agree...sharing a bottle of vino would just be a teaser for me as well.

    so...putzing around the house catching up on little projects. taking it easy.

    be well everyone
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Sat. - July 26 - Daily Thread


      You touched on something I talked with Mags about.

      One glass of wine is torture. Oh shoot, two glasses of wine is torture.

      I am not sure how many it takes to satisfy me, usually I am blacked out by then.

      You made an excellent call!!

      Hi, Det!!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        Sat. - July 26 - Daily Thread

        I think it takes about 5 healthy sized glasses of wine for me to feel like I've actually been drinking. Anything less is (yes, Deter) a "teaser." However, by 5 I too am heading for a black-out, a sure hangover the next day, & of course, guilt & remorse. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Sat. - July 26 - Daily Thread

          Mary, you did a great job thinking that through today...



            Sat. - July 26 - Daily Thread

            Mary, congrats on a great decision. And count me too in that crowd of "one or two is just a tease." I just can't go down that path either, no matter how tempting the fantasy is sometimes. I'm sure you feel great today about that decision - especially Hangover Free!

            Hi Det and Cindi and Chief!!


            ETA: Deter I love your new avatar!!!! :H
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.

