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Sun. - July 27 - Daily Thread

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    Sun. - July 27 - Daily Thread

    I'm having one of those stubborn insomniac nights again. I actually don't fret about them the way I used to. I really began my solo drinking career w/drinking to fall asleep at night. I loved falling into bed half drunk & just letting my mind do whatever it wanted. Of course, I didn't realize that the drinking at night would progress to the extent that it did.

    The evening w/the family was just wonderful. I'm so grateful that I stayed sober. My daughter & SIL brought a bottle of wine, & they & my husband had a few glasses. They got that nice glow that normal drinkers get when they've sipped a little wine. They ended up taking home the bottle which still had about a third of its contents. I cringe when I think that I've polished off that size bottle all by myself. This just underscores to me that I just do not drink like a normal person drinks.

    I'll have a lot going on during August: a week-long visit from my son & his kids, a trip to my parents to get some things done for them, another dinner party here where wine will be served, etc. I'm taking it one day at a time & keeping my sobriety as a priority.

    It's experiences like tonight's dinner w/the family that reinforce my committment to remain AF. I would be so sad & guilty if I had taken even one drink...additionally, I'd be planning my next binge.

    Thank you MWO. None of my limited successes would have been possible wo/all of you out there. I know for sure that I'd still be struggling all by myself.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sun. - July 27 - Daily Thread


    I too am having trouble sleeping after an AF night at a party. i too drank to fall asleep in the past. But after a while you wake up distrubed and then of course the next day is just horrible.

    while i am reching the point where i feel i too cannot drink at all (the entire bottle you refer to in your post was just a start for me) i do wish i could moderate. the little glow you talked about would be good ......

    well i hope we both get back to bed soon. thankfully it is sunday and i will try to sleep in a little.

    best regards,


      Sun. - July 27 - Daily Thread

      Good Morning Mary and Diane,

      I just woke up a bit early today but did have a good night's sleep. I cheated with Benadryl, though.

      Getting through the first few after a couple day binge and still having those night sweats.

      It feels good to be sober, though. Very good.

      Mary, so happy you made it through last night. You are right ODAT is how we do this because every day sober is a blessing. Every day sober is incredible.

      Love to all to come.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Sun. - July 27 - Daily Thread

        congrats to you teach you got me thinkin if i can find it im gonna thread a poem,when i was in a sanitarium,yes a sanitrium in march ,this kinda helped me gyco


          Sun. - July 27 - Daily Thread

          Good Day AFers. Congrats Mary and Diane for surviving your social events AF! I got back from the Dad visit just in time for the "afterglow" of dog training. After spending time with Grumptactular Dad at that horrid place, a couple AF beers tasted pretty good and amazingly, I realized later I was NOT wishing they were real beers, or fantasizing about some other AL beverage. That's progress.

          In case it's of interest to you ladies, my sleep issues are substantially better since getting on bio-identical progesterone (I was producing hardly any of my own, and sleep difficulty is a symptom..). I've come to really appreciate what it feels like to be well rested AND Hangover Free!!

          Cindi, I bet you are counting down the days now!! I just know that yours will be another success story.

          Happy AF Sunday to all yet to come!!

          Day 67 AFHF
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Sun. - July 27 - Daily Thread

            Good Sunday Aftenroon all. I'm feeling proud that I might be back on track - starting day 7 - successfully made it through the weekend. It was a little easy since my Sat nite plans included a 5k - very painful for me - but it keeps me on track.
            This place is critical for me to be mindful/conscious of my drinking and sticking to a plan. - Thanks to everyone who posts here!


              Sun. - July 27 - Daily Thread

              Happy sunday AB-enators!

              Glad you all are sounding up and in the game of life.

              Dx and I went shooting this morning with another couple and had just a splendid time.

              now I'm packing for an early morning flight to south Califunny for work the next few days. Home again late Wednesday. Will be with my hard-drinking coworkers whom I've not had to be with in some time now. Just gathering my fortitude for the next few nights.

              be well everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Sun. - July 27 - Daily Thread


                Just gather up the Antabuse and there will be no issue.

                I wish it was that easy, though...

                AF April 9, 2016

