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BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

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    BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

    Happy Monday all you Booze Busters out there!!

    (and Happy Tuesday to our New Zealand Booze Busters and anyone else in the way out time zones!)

    On-going Booze Busters, go to the next post! For anyone new, here's what us Booze Busters are all about.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

    Q: What the sam hill is a Booze Buster?
    A: Anyone who has a serious goal of staying Hangover Free (HF) (=Alcohol Free (AF)) for 30 days in a row, no matter what.

    Q: Do I have to join at the start of the month?
    A: NO!! Your "Day 1" can be at any time. And if you are already into your first month or your hundredth month AF, you can join at any time. All who desire to be AF for at least 30more CONSECUTIVE days are welcome.

    Q: Why are you being such a hard a$$ about 30 consecutive days AF?
    A: Because that's how tough I have to be on myself to succeed, and this challenge is meant to be "tough love" when it comes to the goal.

    Q: What if I fall off the wagon - do I get kicked out?
    A: NO!! We do hope you will let us help you dust off the seat of your pants, and drag you right back onto the Booze Busters wagon. You will get your butt kicked, but you won't get kicked out. Oh - and we have a Fugly Green Suit you have to wear for a day during your butt kickin'. That polyester green suit with high water pants is worse than the butt kickin'. Give back your stars and bling and start over at Day 1 (for purposes of this challenge).

    Q: What if I am tempted to drink - really really badly tempted?
    A: Come here for a kick in the seat of the pants! Read inspirational threads from start to finish, and if the desire to drink still exists, scream for help in the "Need Help Now" Section and yell for someone to join you in chat. (I wish I had done all that before the falls!!)

    Q: What does the Booze Beast look like?
    A: :alf: Is one ugly SOB.

    Q: How does the group keep track of what day people are on?
    A: We count on YOU to shout out your stats loud and proud every day in whatever way suits you. For me, I'm collecting a gold star *
    for every AF day out of due respect for my inner child. At 30 days, collect your :bling (thank you Liv for the bling bling word!) Grab a shiny gold :award: for every consecutive 30 days. SHOUT OUT YOUR OWN MILESTONES so we can help you celebrate!

    Speak up if you have other questions!! We are here to prove that WE CAN DO THIS! And that we can have a little fun while we're doing it! Let us know if you have suggestions as to how we can improve the BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Perpetual Challenge.

    Day 68 AFHF
    2X :award: + ********
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

    Good Day Booze Busters!

    From yesterday... Lila, you are on Day 3 today, right? Congratulations!!

    Diane - One week to go until you hit your first 30 days!!! I bet you feel good about your decision to wait awhile to consider moderation - just having the decision made one way or the other takes some stress off I think. I believe you are right that Dad being grumpy is a GOOD sign. (unless you are my mother that is!!)

    Marshy, I am so sorry about your sore feet! Hope they are feeling better today.

    I'm VERY glad to wake up and feel good (aka Hangover Free!) on a Monday. I think back to the hangovers after a boozed up weekend - what a horrid way to start the work week - behind the 8 ball before the week even gets going. I'm making it my mission this week to have 3 specific AF benefits to concentrate on any time AL comes knocking with some fantasy or other. I truly do NOT want to drink and I'll be glad when my brain 100% catches up to that concept.

    It will be a busy morning so I'm gonna get going. Have a great AFHF Monday everyone!!

    Day 68 AFHF
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

      Great day

      Good morning all BBs

      i have the feeling that today is going to be a teriffic day for all of us. Today i am going to try to work on positive thoughts. Sometimes i think we feel overwhelmed and try to do way too many things at one time --- work to0 long and hard, diet, make everyone happy, have a perfect house, etc. etc.

      For me this leads to to the beast - for i can't do it all. So i throw in the towel for relief and permission to slow down and have a drink or 2, 3, 4 ..... And therefore very little gets down.

      So just for today i am going to focus on positive thoughts as my main objective. i will go to work, take care of my house, family and body but the only ONE thing i will make absolutely sure I do today is think positive thoughts. That does not mean i don't want to be AF -- but i will not think about AF (intentionally at least) .

      I hope this experiment will lead to a productive, AF day.

      All my best to my BB friends.


      Day 23


        BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

        Good morning again

        DG - i think i was typing my post as you were doing your second one of the day. great idea to think about 3 benefits of AF when the beast starts knocking.

        we are on the same positive theme track this week!



          BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

          hi Good morning all!
          I listenened to one of the hypno cds and I really slept good! It was the one that sounds like water running.
          Yes - I like that idea of 3 benefits too.
          -Look younger
          -Have more money
          -Lose weight

          I have to drop something off downtown later - and I am going to bike!! I'm really starting to 'need' to bike! For the beginning of the summer I didn't bike cuz the seat was too low - and all this time it is a quick release!!! Lazy!
          It sure is a trigger having the kids at their dad's. Suddenly I have all this time on my hands. Okay another positive thing - maybe this means I am ready to put more things in my life? My kids are older, and...well, it is hard, cuz when they are here, which is most of the time, they do need me.
          I have so much to figure out!!
          Happy Monday everyone!
          Lila ***


            BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

            Hey all,

            After loosing my way I am back at it on day two and ready to kick some booze beast butt!

            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


              BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

              Hi all,

              I made it to Thursday evening last week, I guess it was a trial run. I have decided I need to wait until Monday August 4th to start my 30 days. There are events happening this week that will make it too stressful to try again. Yes, I know we always have something happening and its never seems like a good time, but I think I will have a better chance of putting those much needed 30 days together if I wait until August 4th. I so want the 30 days to turn into something permanent.

              I would like to hang out with you all and I plan on getting some AF days in this week. It was very helpful for me to get on here last week and read how you all are doing.

              I have been jogging again. I never thought I could jog and then I started walking and walking turned into jogging on a treadmill and then it turned into jogging in the nearby state park. I love it when it seems like you could run forever. It is such a great feeling.

              Have a nice day,

              Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                I totally understand, Bookish. Definately hang out here, anyways!


                  BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                  Good Morning all, I am feeling pretty good this morning. I made it through the weekend AF.
                  My husband and I had a very nice weekend. Well, I got the kudzu and I took one on Thursday night.
                  I didn't know what to expect. The next day I just got up took one in the morning and two at lunch Wow
                  I was like I didn't want to drink I mean hello it's Friday. LOL OK so On Saturday I took Two in the Morning and
                  two at lunch OK It's Saturday what? I didn't want to go to the casino and get wasted. LOL
                  This is Huge for me. Sunday I took one in the morning. Our Anniversary is today so we thought will go out for a while. I felt like a regular person I mean I didn't want any AL . I did have 3 AF BEERS and that was enough for me. I felt very Satisfied. I said to my hubby hey let's go get a steak dinner. it was one of the best feelings to feel so in control. I have to say I didn't know it would work so fast. I plan on keeping kudzu around always. you guys this was a big deal. WOW.
                  I want you all to know that I really appreciate all of the support and The info. I have received here. I know that I was led here by the grace of God.

                  DAY 8


                    BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                    Hi Everybody
                    Just got back- this is the first place I checked in- gotta lot of reading and catching up to do but wanted to say hi and hope you all had a nice weekend-
                    more later


                      BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge


                      Dear SO:

                      Where did you get your Kudzu? Was it from this site? Just wanting to know, because I bought some at a local shop and it didn't seem to help much, so I just ordered from MYO. I hope that's where you got yours and that it will help me more!!! Thanks.


                        BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                        Hi Nurseindistress, Yes I got the kudzu from this web site. I am pretty excited about this. I will take it again this week. I feel so grateful that it took those cravings away.


                          BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                          I know that I will need to work on my emotional triggers.


                            BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                            DG- I wanted to ask about the low carb is it going good for you? Are you doing Suzanne Sommer's ?
                            I am thinking about it. if you don't mind can you tell me what you have in a day of eating?

                            Thank you


                              BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                              Good Day Booze Busters!!!!

                              Diane, happy Day 24 to you today! Hope the positive thinking was...POSITIVE yesterday! Back when I quit smoking that was really under duress as Mr. Doggy just finally HAD IT with me smoking. I was M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E in BOLD for the first couple of months. A woman on a support board reminded me that in there are some things in life we CAN'T change that are bad (her husband was being treated for bladder cancer at the time) much of our own misery is by our own creation. We CAN get up in the morning and decide to be in a good mood or bad mood. We CAN decide whether to make a big negative deal out of something minor, or to let it go. She taught me to CHOOSE to be happy much of the time. (for whatever that little diddy is worth!)

                              Lila**** I LOVE this new biker chick in you!! Hopefully you enjoyed the errand on your bike yesterday. I'm sure you should be thinking of other things to do now that your kids are getting a little older. I'm sure the transition from the time when they need you for every little thing to the time when they become a bit more independent is a challenge for Moms. There is lots of good stuff out there in life for all of us - and we DESERVE good stuff in life!! And we are SO COOL that we deserve to be sober too.

                              Guy welcome back!! Hope today is Day 3 for you - let's kick some BB Butt together.

                              Bookish - I'm sure we all wish our first attempt had been The One (I sure do!) but for many of us it is not. Keep tryin'.

                              Nurse - just wanted to wish you well in your quest to give up the booze. Feel free to hang with us Booze Busters if you like!

                              Sothankful - you are almost a double digit girl now!! Glad the Kudzu is working so well for you. Hope you and hubby had a nice time for your anniversary yesterday!

                              On low carb - the plan I follow is actually closest to Protein Power. Suzanne's plan incorporates some food combining principals so part of her plan is low carb, but part is not. Here is a typical daily meal plan for me..

                              Breakfast - Usually a protein shake, sometimes including fresh fruit (berries or peaches - low Glycemic Index) and it's my favorite way of getting my All One. Sometimes I will have a "regular" breakfast with eggs as the center piece. I love spinach and feta cheese omlettes.

                              Lunch - usually either dinner leftovers (yesterday was crab crusted grouper & cole slaw made with Stevia, not sugar) or a salad (i.e. lettuce, cucumber, little tomato, radishes, onion, turkey, ham, cheese, avacado, almond accents, dressing that is low in carbs / sugar)

                              Dinner - I rotate protein sources throughout the week - pork, chicken, fish, seafood, beef and experiment with new recipes because I enjoy that or just grill things simply. Plenty of veggies and or salad to go with it.

                              Snacks - some cheese although I limit that. I usually have something called "Bark" made from Virgin coconut oil, cocoa (or you can use carob powder) and stevia in the fridge - it's like a chocolate bar that melts FAST in your hands LOL. While I'm trying to minimize use of chemically altered sweeteners like aspartame and Splenda, I admit to having sugar free popscicles and sugar free jello around for emergencies. I will also snack on low GI fruit in small quantities - like berries, peaches, cantalope.

                              Now that my hormone imbalances are getting fixed, this way of eating (can't call it a diet when I pigged out on baby back ribs on Sunday!) plus the exercise at Curves plus not drinking AL are working to get me back in shape. I suspect I have an allergy to wheat, and I know I don't deal well with sugar even though I love it.

                              So...that's what I eat!! This program was NOT working very well before I got my Thyroid and other hormones tested and started treatment. It was so frustrating to be doing the right things but getting very little by way of results. For whatever it's worth...

                              Well, it's Day 69 and I'm feelin' fine. I got some new Mary Kay stuff yesterday so I'll be feelin' like a girly girl today! (got the red tea and fig body wash / lotion / spritz for those of you who know Mary Kay stuff) I'll be working out at Curves then going to my Tuesday Chamber of Commerce leads meeting. Then I need to trek to the health food store to get a couple of things I need in order to try out some new recipes. Then to Aldi for chicken & turky for the dogs (we feed raw). Then back to the office for awhile, then down to see Grumpy Dad. I hope he is still in fighting spirits and doing well with physical therapy anyway! will be a busy one.

                              Have fun out there and KICK SOME BOOZE BEAST BOOTY today!! Be happy!

                              :award: + :award: + *********
                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

