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BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

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    BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge


    hello to all on Tuesday-

    BOOKISH- please don't give up. you are here, so of course you didn't! Sometimes there are a lot of detours on the journey.

    Theme for the day --- FOCUS. i think sometimes we all lose track and let the Beast in because we are trying to do too many things at once - or doing one thing and thinking (worrying)about a million other things. The things we may be thinking about could be in the past or in the future but they are not where/what we are doing now.

    So for today i am going to FOCUS on the one thing that i am doing. right now i am trying to put all of my energy into this post and not think about the dishes, laundry, messy desk , list of things to do in work ., the kids going back to school, stopping drinking--- the endless list. Well- i jotted all those things down in the last sentence - so it didn't work --- but.

    i'll let you know how it goes. i think it will be very difficult because it is so easy to get distracted from the task at hand.

    have a great day BB



      BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

      Hi All -
      good morning! My daughter - my 7 year old and I biked a little last night. We stopped at a swamp and looked at the lilypads. Evenings are so nice. I am already worried about summer ending. With all my worries, being in nature, or going to the water park really helps me stay peaceful, and enjoying right now. I do have to choose not to let all my current problems get to me. Everything is happening for a good reason, and will work itself out.
      DG - by program not working, do you mean the MWO program? I like stevia, too! I bet a lot of us have wheat allergies. We probably eat way too much. And sugar! Being a mom, I really am shocked at how much sugary stuff a lot of kids eat. For awhile, i was really into French bread and cheese, it was yummy, but now I'm not buying it anymore. Back to more veggies!
      Diane - I think you are right. I think drinking might be, for some, myself, an easy low-quality way to take care of ourselves if we have shortchanged our own needs all day. If that makes sense?
      Yes, I am going to ride my bike again!!! My errand yesterday was a bit much - but that's because I am in such lousy shape. My legs must be getting stronger, tho'.
      I'm waiting for Desperate Housewives Season 4 to come out on DVD, so now I am getting 'Six Feet Under' from Netflix.
      that's all - happy Tuesday everyone!!
      Lila ****


        BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

        Sounds like everyone has good plans in place today! Its gonna be a great day!
        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


          BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

          Hi again!

          Diane, I like your "focus" theme for today. LOL - when drinking, I personally put the "Pro" in Pro-crastination getting nothing much done. Now I'm more like you describe - a bit hectic starting multiple things without finishing some stuff, thinking about 10 other things while doing whatever I'm doing, etc. It's like I need to re-train myself to get organized, and then do stuff one thing at a time. Good topic!! I need to give a little "focus" to that.

          Lila, in my post about what I eat, I meant a diet and exercise program that *should* have resulted in weight loss that did not (not enough to matter anyway...). Now the MWO program - that WORKS if you do it!!! :cheering: You are so right about all the sugary stuff that kids (of all ages!!) eat these days. And I agree - I think a lot of people suffer from wheat allergies that don't realize it. We are so "trained" to think of an allergic reaction as either 1) itchy, watery eyes and sneezing or in the case of food 2) get really really sick that we don't recognize the signs of other food sensitivities or allergies. We often crave the MOST what our systems don't tolerate well.

          Out with the bread! In with the veggies!

          Your excursions on the bike with your daughter sound really nice and peaceful. I bet winter excursions will be fun and peaceful too. 7 sounds like it would be such a good age for discovering things out doors!!

          Oh - on Desparate Housewives....I'm currently on the last DVD of Season 1. Mr. Doggy is hooked too!! Last night at dinner he told me not to send back the DVD until I check with him to make sure he's seen all 4 episodes on the disk. It really is a funny show. Mr. Doggy isn't a big TV watcher so it takes a LOT to get him hooked - especially if it's not Sci-Fi. The only other comedy I've known him to like that much is Keeping Up Appearances. Let me know how you like 6 feet under. I just watched Score (I think that was the name) about a "one last heist." I like Robert DeNiro and I enjoyed that flick. (unlike Mr. Doggy i'm pretty easily pleased...)

          Guy, it IS a great day. You have a wonderful positive attitude. I noticed you've been reading the Booze Beast Lies and I agree - it really is helpful to stare the truth right in the face sometimes.

          OK - done with my protein shake and I gotta get showered up and head to visit Dad.

          Day 69 AFHF
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

            AF for one month today! Next goal 30 more days!

            kids have been home for a couple of days, 2 more days then they go back to dads for 2 more weeks. Having a great time will def. be on chat wed. night, so I won't trigger. Although I must say feeling pretty strong right now.

            Thanks all you mwo folks !!

            It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


              BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

              Good Morning, DG- Thank you for listing food. As for losing some weight. I know now that I can only
              get real progress is to cut out all of the AL. I would do the same stuff trying to diet and workout.
              I could only lose a little bit and back it goes. I am going to cut down on sugar a little at a time.
              I went to the store and bought veggies, protein and some berry's. I wonder if I have allergies to wheat too?? I going to do some research on that. I am going to start keeping a food diary. See how I feel after certain foods. By the way I do use agave. it's very good.

              Diane congrats on 24 days that is so wonderful.

              Lila- 4 days you go girl..

              GUY3- you have a great attitude.

              DG- day 69 you are such an inspiration. hope your dad is doing better


                BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                DG- I was wondering how do you make the bark?? I can't have coco Migraine trigger I can have carob Thanks DG


                  BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge


                  Great job on 30 days.

                  Just reading the posts. Good night friends.


                  One year + AF


                    BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                    Hi Guys, justy popping to say hello. It's a credit to you, DG, that there are so many new people on the thread that I can't keep track anymore. Congrats to everyone who is sailing through their summer sober. Life is so much better, isn't it?

                    DG - being a MK fan myself, love those body lotions. Good for you for treating yourself. Girlie girl stuff - good for the soul!

                    Re dieting - I agree that most folks eat way too much, period. Although I'll be the first to a admit I can pig out on occasion, most of the time I tend to eat rather lightly - but I do eat, I definitely don't starve myself. Scientists on the whole think we would all live longer and be much more healthy is we all cut down on calories. And for me, a lot of those extra calories used to be Al. Instant diet once the Al goes away! Food (:H) for thought.

                    Have a good rest of the evening, everybody.
                    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                      BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                      Hi all - late posting tonight. I'm like Hannah - hard to keep track of all the posts. I am nervous about accessing the site from my work computer - so don't always have access to the internet when i'm travelling.
                      July23 - so how does it feel to say you're 1 year + AF??! That is so impressive!
                      MWO2 - congratulations on the 30 day accomplishment - I love to read abaout people's successes - keeps me focused on the right path.
                      My focus tomorrow is to be AF and continue this program

                      Also - I have found the L-Glutamine supplements help significantly curb my cravings.
                      Have an aweome day all!!!


                        BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                        AACK!! Just lost a big long post. Hope that means The One Sucky Thing that was bound to happen today is now over!!! Anyway... Happy Wednesday Booze Busters!!

                        :cheering: Congratulations MWO2 on 30 Days AFHF!!!! :cheering:

                        And best wishes for your next 30!

                        sothankful, the bark melts in your fingers because EVOC (extra virgin coconut oil) melts in your fingers. But it tastes good and the EVOC is good for you , I think.

                        Melt 6 tbs EVOC in the microwave just 'til its warm liquid.

                        Stir in 3 tbs cocoa or carob powder until completely disolved.

                        Add stevia to taste. (mint flavored stevia is good too, or you can add nuts, coconut, whatever you might find in a candy bar...)

                        Pour this into a wax paper lined container. I use a plastic storage container that is about 5 inches by 5 inches square. Put wax paper up the sides too - it's really runny at this point. Put the container in the freezer until the chocolate is solid, then move it to the refrigerator. I don't know why, but this recipe doesn't work right if you skip putting it in the freezer first - it sort of separates.

                        Once it's up to refrigerator temperature, you can break pieces off and EAT 'EM!!!

                        Hi July Mr. One Year Plus AFHF Man!!!!

                        Hannah, we have SO MUCH catching up to do. So what's going on with your own Mary Kay adventure? Has the panty hose issue been resolved? I've been watching my own Mary Kay person each week when I see her, and she definitely wears slacks and cute sandals and NO PANTY HOSE!!! And she's a regional director. Any golf? Any Curves? What's new girl? You are so wise to just eat right and light. And with no AL, no problem. Knowing that at least part of my own weight issue is attributable to hormone imbalances, I don't feel quite so guilty. But I definitely have eating habits to continually focus on.

                        Hi Doglover!! It must be hard to travel and not be able to get on MWO!!! Glad to hear that the L-Glut is really working for you!!

                        Day 7-0 here!! Still breaking new ground each and every day with AF time and it feels really good. AL was callin' my name when I got home from visiting Dad yesterday (that nursing home is ....well...I hope I never have to stay in a place like that...). A couple AF beers did the trick. It's so funny that I can drink an AF beer and not even think about AL or wish it was the real thing. That is not quite so with lemonade or tea when the AL call is strong. I haven't quite figured that out, but for now I'm OK with it.

                        Glad to be AFHF!

                        2X :award: + **********
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                          That sounds yummy!
                          I used to eat a lot of coconut oil - it cured my excema - did I spell that right?
                          DG - did you say something about endorphins in an earlier post? My youngest daughter and I went biking twice yesterday. I actually feel kinda good and I don't know why.
                          Also, I do have hypothyroid and I just ordered some CLA at Vitacost while I was ordering my Perika St Johns Wort. Any opinions? I'm 140, and I am 5'4', and I am used to being pretty thin.
                          I am already dreading winter and no sun, I am trying to enjoy summer the best I can.
                          Anyways, good day all!
                          Lila *****


                            BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                            Good Morning BB Buddies
                            Checking in- have resorted to lurking a bit but still here. I seem to have hit an every other day drinking pattern- not drinking too much but not AF either. I am processing and absorbing all I can from others experiences. I do keep coming back to the simple fact: I FEEL 100% better when I don't drink. SO WHY DO I STILL HAVE A DRINK?????? Today's question.
                            Great job on the 30 days MWO2-
                            Anybody heard from Mame lately?
                            Agree with Hannah- it is great to see so many people here on this thread but tough to keep up.
                            Hope you are all having a successful day- whatever that means for you


                              BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                              GREAT JOB MWO2!
                              "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                                BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 7/28-30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                                the general discussion forum is kinda crazy and scary today....unsettling...this is not a public place, huh?

