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Mon. - July 28th - Daily Thread

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    Mon. - July 28th - Daily Thread

    Good Morning Abbers!

    I hope everyone else is doing good today! I know how hard it is to keep the AF days going and to break that endless cycle of drink and dread, but when you do life is truly good!

    I remember the awful Monday mornings where I just hated myself for the way I felt. Those kind of Monday mornings are what help keep me focused on the ball and going AF.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great AF day today!
    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
    Watch this and find out....

    Mon. - July 28th - Daily Thread

    Happy HF Monday 4tbz and all to come.

    LOL - _________ (great or sick or intelligent or warped) minds think alike!! My thoughts for my first post of the day at MWO today were about Mondays, and how much better they are in AFHF mode!!! It feels good to feel good.

    I like NOT being hungover and getting so much accomplished early in the day. The workout is done, my Monday leads group meeting is done, my quarterly meeting with the accountant is done, a load of laundry is done, etc. etc. My whole mind set is so much better when I can feel a sense of accomplishment early in the day.

    AFHF life is good. Hope everyone is having a great Monday but if not.....WE WILL SEND THE GOOD VIBES YOUR WAY!!

    Day 68 AF
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Mon. - July 28th - Daily Thread

      Mondays for me are a whole different ball game now that I'm sober on Sundays. Sundays = drinking for me. How did I ever get up & go to work or take care of the g-kids? I guess I just pushed myself through, but is that a way to go through life? For what? Just to feel numbed out.

      It has been one year since I realized that mod drinking probably would not be for me. I've had some breaks in the AF runs that I've had, but I don't think I've had more that 15 - 20 days of drinking since July of 07. That's pretty good for me. I know I've changed & am breaking the back of the booze beast. There were so many habits (involving drinking) that have been broken & replaced w/non-drinking.
      -drinking while cooking.
      -drinking at social events either at my home or at someone else's.
      -drinking when bored.
      -drinking all day on Sun.
      -drinking when I'm nervous or conflicted.
      -drinking whenever I could do it alone.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Mon. - July 28th - Daily Thread

        Just popping in to say a quick hi!!! Had a lovely weekend, the weather has been beautiful here, summer at last in England!! Got loads of gardening done and plenty of scratches and bites to show for it!!! Feel good and feel free from the hold that alcohol once had over me.

        love Janicexxx
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Mon. - July 28th - Daily Thread

          Happy HF Monday ABerooos!

          well, I find myself typing from the convention center in Anaheim just down the street from Disneyland. here for a tradeshow so sorry but no pictures of garlic breath with Mickey.

          gotta be strong here...will be the next couple nights with my hard drinking coworkers that I see rarely.

          well done Mary with your guests!

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Mon. - July 28th - Daily Thread

            Hello to Mary and Janice.

            Deter - sending you some HUGE Booze Beast Booty Kickin' Vibes to help get you through the this time with your old drinkin' buddies. YOU CAN DO THIS.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Mon. - July 28th - Daily Thread



              nows the time to pull in that deterrmination and be strong.

              also just think how silly your drinking buddies are when they've had one too many.

              if it gets too tempting maybe you should come down with a cold or a little food posining and go bakcto your room to watch a movie. You don't have to hang around with them if it gets too uncomfortable. and you will feel much much better than they do the next day.

              stay well



                Mon. - July 28th - Daily Thread

                Hi all,
                I haven't posted much in this section - I guess now is the time to start. I was AF in Feb and March, moderated pretty successfully in April May June, but July was a steady increase, and so now I'm AF again. Live and learn! Part of the problem is that I work only part-time in the summer (what a privilege to spend so much time gardening and biking!). I haven't developed enough of a repertoire of new behaviors to manage my free time. I also recognize that I may not be able to moderate - that certainly is true for many here. I definitely need to stay AF until September - there! I've written that down!
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

