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Thursday - July 31st - Daily Thread

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    Thursday - July 31st - Daily Thread

    Good Morning Abbers!

    5 months into this little "journey" of mine I find I still have to think through and plan out these AF days and feel I always will have to, and that's OK.

    It's only early morning but I already know I will be going home to an empty house after work as the wife and kids will be out gallivanting around. This is/was always a big temptation as no one to hide from and I could drink at will. But I found having a plan ahead of time keeps me out of trouble and I will be diving head first into re-doing the plumbing in our bathroom and that should keep my hands busy for the night.

    I will be thinking of everyone here has I go through another AF day and I hope everyone can have a great AF day today!

    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
    Watch this and find out....

    Thursday - July 31st - Daily Thread

    4tb: I too went a little crazy drinking when hubby was out. I'd actually plan a binge if he was going on some sort of longer outing. I now plan sober activities when that situation comes up. I'm always so proud of myself when he comes home to a sober, productive person.

    I'm very busy w/family, & while I don't have free rein to drink, I used to fit it in anyway...just to relieve the tension. Not so today. I will be staying sober & taking each event one day at a time (ODAT). I'm trying to plan in some relief time as well.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Thursday - July 31st - Daily Thread

      Good Morning,

      4tB, I am with you. My kids are going away for a week and a half and my husb will be gone 5 of those days. In the past that would have been drinking time. I still have to carefully consider how I spend my free time to make sure I don't let AL back into the equation. I'm okay with it as well.

      Today is fairly unstructured as well. I'm sure I can find something useful to do.

      Have a great AF day everyone

      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


        Thursday - July 31st - Daily Thread

        Morning all AB'ers...Day three for me. How great is it to wake up without a hangover and guilt feelings?
        Wondering how you will possibly make it thru the day. It feels FABULOUS!! I need to ingrain this in my thick skull.

        I did not attend the concert last nite and stayed home instead and went to the gym, played with my doggies, cooked a nice dinner and watched TV. The to bed with my Allen Carr book on how to stay sober. What a wonderful evening, compared to what it could have been. I am so thankful for my strength.

        Happy thursday to all to come...may you reach your goals...whatever they may be.

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


          Thursday - July 31st - Daily Thread

          Happy Thursday and End Of July to all you abbsters!

          4tbz and Mary and Beck, OH I can relate to that alone drinking time. In the later 10 or so years of my drinking, that was a free for all. "Freedom" to drink when and how much I wanted, even though that made my home a prison. NO need to worry about "keeping up appearances" or "holding my shit together" for Mr. Doggy or anyone else. Just me in my prison - drinking away and sleeping it off and drinking some more.

          Back then I thought I loved my "alone" time with my addiction. I didn't see the prison bars very clearly. Now I just look back at that time and see the prison.

          R2C, I agree that it is WONDERFUL to wake up Hangover Free and ready for action. Congratulations on not only skipping the concert to put your sobriety first, but making the best of your evening with a good workout, good doggy time (the BEST!!) and a nice evening. I think it's good to make that choice productive and positive, rather than "oh poor me I don't get to go to the concert." I'll be forever grateful to a woman who goes by Texas2Step when I quit smoking - I was in "oh poor me" mode LOTS without my cigarettes and she kicked my butt about that!!! And I'm glad she did because staying positive about things sure made quitting a whole lot more pleasant.

          Today is a busy one. Up and out early for a stop by Jewel, then Curves, then post office (mailing quarterly est. taxes...YUCK!!! I HATE THE IRS!!!), then the bank, then back home by 8 to let the cleaning lady in. Still have more shopping to do later to be ready for the family BBQ on Sunday. No time for AL today - that's for sure.

          Hope everyone here already, and all abbsters yet to come have a great AF end of July!

          Day 71 AFHF
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Thursday - July 31st - Daily Thread

            Hi all
            I think it is very interesting that today's topic would be alone drinking time. I have passed the 90 day point and that was my original goal. Somewhere along there I realised that I can never drink. You know, the one will never be enough syndrome.
            I would love the nights alone too as i would not have to hide it or feel that I had to pretend. So two nights ago when my husband (who drinks and is really a roommate) told me he would be working threee nights in a row and Friday night would have my son with him, I immediately thought it would be the perfect drinking night. I have to say that is a scary thought. Why do I still think that way after 90 days of not drinking? I guess it just goes to show we can never let our guard down. Hope everyone has a good day.


              Thursday - July 31st - Daily Thread

              Top of the Thursday ABonominoes!!

              good stuff everyone. and a subject yer garlicky pal can relate to very well. my first big drinking challenge (which thanfully I can now do) was to be alone at home when Dx took off for multiple days and be good to myself. i tell you it was a hard one to break and I had a few disasterous slips trying at first.
              Time2change, bravo for your observations of your self. I know how difficult it is being honest with ones self, but it truly is the key to our progress and recovery.
              we have been suffering from unhealthy thinking patterns for many years, so it's going to take a while to unlearn them. This is no race....endurance sport is more like it. so put 'er in gear and get comfortable.....this ride will never end so we better learn to like it

              be well my friends
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Thursday - July 31st - Daily Thread


                I've read here on the boards that most addiction experts agree that drinking alone takes the drinking problem to a whole new (dangerous) level. I couldn't agree more.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Thursday - July 31st - Daily Thread

                  My alone drinking time was my reward weekends. The every other syndrome when kids would go to their dads. Then last summer when they were at Dads for 6 weeks, well I had me a huge reward! The trouble was, it was so much trouble and isolating! That is why I looked for help and found MWO, I knew that if I 1.) didnt stop the every other weekend it was going to be bad, but 2.) I would not survive another summer like last. So I made this the summer for changing all that, so far so good. Day 33 AF and I plan to keep on rolling that wagon. Thanks everyone!

                  It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.

