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August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

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    August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

    :b&d: :sofa:

    You can run, but you can't hide behind the sofa. The Abbercisers are here to chase you out and put you to work!!

    My goals for August:

    Continue working out at Curves 5 - 6 days a week.
    Add some extra ab work.
    Do the stretches every day for my hip that doc recommended. (need to just add that to the regular stretching I do at Curves anyway!!)

    So far so good for August - worked out Friday and Saturday. Curves is closed on Sunday, so this is my regular weekly day off. I'm a little bummed that I will have to miss my workout tomorrow. The local Chamber of Commerce has been a great organization for networking and growing our business over the last almost 5 years. Tomorrow is the annual golf outing. I'm not golfing, but "volunteered" so I can create visibility for our business without spending the $$$$ (or the embarassment!) to golf. I got a plum job - I get to ride around in a cart and take the pictures of each foursome!!!! Down side - I have to check in really early and don't have time to workout. Oh the sacrifices we have to make for *work* sometimes!!

    It's a new month and a great time to set some goals and get off that sofa if you haven't already started Abbercising to make your Absolutely Fabulous Hangover Free Days even better.

    :b&d: :sofa: (we WILL find you!)

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

    All right - I'm in. I need to gain some consistency. I ran 3 miles yesterday and am just back from bike ride today. Don't know what it is about me but I much prefer running uphill to pedalling uphill.
    Oh and I did a bit of weight work yesterday - which I detest but know is necessary. (maybe I should work on my attitude a bit...hmm...)

    Looks like you did get the great assignment DG. Sorry you will miss your workout.

    Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


      August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

      Well I would be working out right now, but there a 1 and half pages of new posts that I must scroll

      Am going to write this then get on the gazelle, for 25 minutes.

      Doggy- On my big excersise( I can never and I mean never spell that word, hence the "working out" above) ball I do sit ups like this..

      Lay on your back on top of the ball, starting out with ball in between waist and just below shoulder blade area. Arms behind head, lift head up, curl it, look at knees and back down. As you get stronger you roll on the ball with head closer to floor, ball at arch of back and then look for you knees. ( o.k. just did 10 of those trying to describe to you ha!)

      I got my first work out ball years ago when I had a hip that didnt want to work. I have hypermobility in my back and everywhere. Turns out swimming 30 min. a day is not good. Anyway needed to strengthen the lower back so got the ball and some different things to do. I will lool, later to see if I can find instrucitons on line for some of the other stuff I do...

      Beck - I used to run, not anymore see reason above.. I like running uphill but not down... so that got me stuck.. used to go down backwards.

      I did not work out yesterday but did sling alot of dirt around filling up holes in the backyard.

      I was thinking of checking out the drink tracker and see if I could use it to keep track of working out, cuz I am doing al so dont need it for that.

      o.k. enougth typin, for now...

      I will go do what I said I would do..

      It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


        August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

        Good going, everyone! My knees won't allow me to run, but I can walk ("kinda fast," is how I would describe it... ) and I have set my goals very LOW and ACHIEVABLE because I tend to get really competitive with myself, and then into a pattern of judging my performance, then... quitting. Better to shoot for something do-able. I am doing about 20 minutes of walking, most days. And that feels really good. Often I will go for a couple of those walks, or several shorter ones... my neighborhood is great in that it's about a 5-8 minute walk from my house to the grocery store, post office, drug store, my office, etc. So today I went out in the BLAZING sun and walked 25 minutes and got up a very decent sweat. Feels great.

        best wishes, all



          August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

          DG - thanks for starting the August thread!! in amongst all of the things that have been going on, I had in the back of my mind that I hoped that someone else would start it while I was busy!

          Anyway, starting tomorrow I am back on the exercise wagon!! I did manage to get to the gym over the weekend .... it was somewhat perfunctory, but all I could manage in the circumstances.

          Still planning on my October duathlon ..... way behind on training, but still manageable!! (I'll just be in a bit more pain!!)
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

            Ok, Ok already!! I have to say I've been very comfortable behind my sofa :sofa: but DG, you're right - it is time to start taking baby steps. It seems I need the incremental approach. I joined WeightWatchers before going AF in May. Then lost no weight in June while I was wrapping my head around abstaining. In July the weight started shifting again and I started reading up on ways different exercise can rev up your metabolism. Now that I've gone from looking 7 months pregnant to only 5 months pregnant [sigh] a bit of walking feels do-able - right with you on the reasoning, WIP!

            I started on Aug 1st quite by accident. I'd met a friend while it was warm but it then got windy in the evening and I just missed the bus. It was too cold to stand there, so I hot-footed it past about 8 bus stops and realised I had started my power-walk regime!

            On Saturday I got off the bus early on my way back from the market and did a loop around the park, thinking I'd need to do penance for a blueberry muffin at Starbucks. Indeed! Came home, checked it on the internet, and the bloody muffin is worth 9.5 WW points when my whole daily allowance is 20 atm, soon going down to 19. It would take about 4 hrs of leisurely walking to undo the damage of one frickin muffin! I learned my lesson.

            Yesterday it was raining so I only walked to the shopping mall. Found an interesting article about sleep patterns and exercise, though. I'm a night owl so for me it's beneficial to get some exercise in the early afternoon. My plan for this first week is to get in at least 20 minutes most days. I'm now off to amble along the river before lunch.

            Good luck with your goals, everybody. :rays:


              August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

              Hi All
              Great to see everyone still going strong and some new teammates jumping in.I will be stepping up my workout this week combining tennis workouts with either the stepper or biking.My endurance is good I need to build more strength in my thigh muscles for the longer tennis matches. I plan on being ready to start playing in the league matches in October.What ever your workout or activity to get in better shape its such a positive step toward a better lifestyle.None of us are going to make the Olympics but it sure makes you feel better stringing exercise days along with AF or mod days.Enjoying the hangover free lifestyle and its great
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08


                August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                Hi all,

                I managed 30 minutes on the eliptical (hate that damn thing) and some weight work. Would have preferred a run but slept in b/c the dog kept barking in the night. Can't roll over in bed without the dog alerting me that there is a noise!!! ARGH!!!

                MWO2 - running backwards down hills???LOL I've never actually seen anyone do that before. I used to worry that I would get hurt running downhill and then just decided one day that I would run downhill like a 10 year old (whee!!!). I may get hurt yet - but at least it is fun.

                Mame - good to see you back.

                Pamina - you are walking along the Thames aren't you??? I miss London.

                Hi Caysea and WIP

                Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                  August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                  Hi everyone! I walked everywhere today! Couldn't quite make it to the gym though! Tomorrow I am going to try to get back into my normal routine. But if I miss first thing in the morning, I am going to try going in at lunchtime just as an experiment!
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                    Hello Abbercisers!!!!

                    I gotta make this fast, but just wanted to say hi and report that it sure felt good to get back to Curves today. I really missed yesterdays workout (had to be at that golf outing!). But after two days off, it was a GREAT workout and I burned over 500 calories today according to Eville Komputer (EK). EK pushed me hard, and I pushed back. It felt good.

                    It's another run-run-run (as in too many errands, meetings, etc.) kind of day, so gotta go! But I hope everyone has a GREAT workout.

                    Day 76 AFHF
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                      In the spirit of trying out new routines, I went to the gym today after work instead of before. This is partly because we are still in the middle of winter and it is so cold and dark in the mornings. Apart from the fact that I was grumpy and tired by then, and there were far too many jocks it wasn't too bad!! Think I'll keep doing that until things are a bit lighter in the mornings and my body clock feels okay about getting up at that time!!.... which should be in a months time .......
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                        Good morning everyone!!

                        Mame, I can understand your change of schedule due to dark and frigid mornings. I dread having to deal with that in a few months time!!

                        Congratulations to Beck, Pamina, WIP, mwo2, and fitness lifestyle leader caysea for all that exercise you are putting in!!

                        I haven't gone to Curves yet (of course - it's only 4:45AM here!) but I will. I also wanted to share some GREAT news from last night. For grins, I went shopping in my closet. (trying on stuff that used to be too small). I have BOXES of stuff in every size from here on down to my goal. I'm pleased to report that I put away a few things that are now just TOO baggy, and was able to button and zip (fairly comfortably too LOL) THREE pairs of jeans - two shorts and one long pair. I am REALLY REALLY REALLY happy about that!!

                        I still have a long way to go, but progress is motivating!! Have a great abbercise day all!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                          Finally got up before my dog for my morning run. Came back and took him out for a walk. Tried to jog with him but that only lasted a few minutes before he crossed over in front of me. I didn't actually fall but he nearly knocked me down. Goofy dog.

                          I'm off to have a busy day

                          Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                            August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                            Got up and did my gazelle for 25 min. and did my 25 sit ups on the big ball....

                            Now must jump in the shower and get going....

                            I asked folks in chat last night for someone to ask me today if I got my workout done....darn I forgot to tell them I post here...oh well If someone "stops" by that is why and then we can recruit them !!

                            Nice to have this thread to report too and to be inspired by. Yeah I read it last night !!! but didnt work out ......:H

                            It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                              August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                              Hi all,

                              I went to my first ever yoga class today and really enjoyed it. There was one balancing posture that I couldn't do - just kept falling over! - but the rest of it was good. Apart from that one posture, the bit I found the hardest was the breathing meditation at the end - my mind was whirring about what I had to do after the class, what to have for dinner tonight etc. So there's work to be done!

                              I've also been doing gym 'n' swim every other day but have had difficulty motivating myself some days. One of the things I liked about the yoga class was being in a group, so maybe I'll try a few different classes instead of doing gym stuff by myself.
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

