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August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

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    August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

    I bought an exercise trampoline today at a yard sale for $10, new condition from a neighbor. I ride my outdoor bike most summer days, but once I start working full-time in September, it is harder to find the time. I figure if I even stand on the trampoline while watching TV (in the basement), it will be better than sitting in my chair! Peddaling that fake bike in the basement really doesn't motivate me...
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

      Hello!! I forgot to poste yesterday, but I DID go to Curves in the AM - that was workout #110. No luck at dice, but burned 400 calories to get the day going.

      :b&d: OK Deter - get going!! Actually, I know it's difficult to get regular workouts done when you travel a lot - no chance to really get into a routine. Hope you had a nice walk after dinner after you last posted.

      Sunbeam, that trampoline sounds really fun. I would have to be careful though (I'm a clutz by nature) - I would probably get watching TV and bounce right off of it and break a body part. Keep us posted on how you enjoy it!! I've never been able to get into home stationary bikes or dreadmills either.....

      Sunday is my day off from working out and I'm looking forward to resting up for a good week next week.

      :b&d::sofa:GET BUSY YOU ABBERCISERS!!!

      Day 88 AFHF
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

        My joints are not in good shape, so I will just be bouncing (not jumping) on the trampoline. I'm klutzy too, but I think I can handle it. I won't probably be using it until September.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

          DG - CONGRATULATIONS on the huge weight loss:goodjob: - I am just checking into this thread for the first time this week - and I am amazed at the weight and inches less in a measly 3 months (although I know it doesn't feel "measly" each and every day)!!

          MWO2 - I got rid of the jiggle by taking up the boxing - hitting the bag (soft or heavy ones) - really tones it up FAST, otherwise pushups or tricep flexes over your head (with a weight) also do the job.
          Sunbeam - try swiming if your joints give you too much problem - I see you're in rural NY, but if you have a YMCA around they might have a pool. I think my knees are getting too old for what I've been putting on them - so swimming may become my only outlet soon.

          My Log for this week: Everyday - 30 -45 min walks with the doggies
          Sun Aug. 10 - Bike and Walk
          Mon - Kickbox 1hr
          Tues - 4 mile run
          Weds/Thurs - Rest
          Fri - Kickbox 1 hr
          Sat - Box 1 hr, Bike 15 mi.
          Sun - ??


            August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

            Hi All !,

            Let's see worked out Friday usual 30 min. workout but added some planking - lay on your side with legs on top of each other, arm holding you up, arm straight below shoulder, elbow and lower arm 90 degree lift your hips offf the floor til your body is one line hold for 25. do other side..

            No workout Sat.

            Did same workout today !

            Doglvr - Wow you get a lot in ! Good for you.

            Sunbeam- little tramp sounds good, I like my gazelle because it does not stress my joints. I have hypermobility so swimming is not good for me. I got a trampoline for the kids this summer, have jumped a few times but the bladder doesn't like that so much...ooohhh Mom has got to go !!!!

            Doggygirl - You are doing FAB ! Congrats.

            Det. - Uhhh you back from that walk yet ? lol, glad that you are able to fit in a workout when you can. Road trip workouts are tough !!

            Have a good ab time !

            It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


              August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

              Doglver, what a great week!

              Sunbeam...better wear a helmet when watching tv now

              well, I'm exhausted... just did some kickboxing outside tonight (I have two of those water filled self supporting 'wave' bags) and I think they both beat me up. whew! where the heck did my cardio go?

              well done Doggygirl, MWo2 and the rest of you healthy folks.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                HI ALL
                Just got back today from a great vacation rafting the Colorado river.My wife and I spent 6 days on the river covering 188 miles .It was with a group on a motorized raft .We would put in each day at different locations and get in some great hikes to swimming holes or waterfalls. The air temp was 95-105 and all my tennis paid off felt really acclimated.
                It is a great feeling to be able to participate in an activity like this and not be strained physically.The greatest part is that although you could bring what ever you want to drink beer etc. It didn't bother me not being part of the drinking group You know what people don't care if you drink or not.Was always offered a beer but used the excuse that I am on medication and nobody gave it a second thought.
                Will get back to my workout this week but just wanted to bring up how exercising and not drinking has enabled me to enjoy life in such a positive way.I know 6 months ago i would have been waking up each day hung over and in the haze.
                Life Is Great
                Stay healthy and Keep Fighting
                Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                AF 5-16-08


                  August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                  hers' a "how not to" exercise video:

                  [ame= ]YouTube - Gym Accident. Blooper. Spring Board Breaks. Gymnast Goes Fly[/ame]
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                    Hello Abbercizers and Happy Monday!!! I have to say that after the :egad: weekend around here, it felt GOOOOD to go rev up some endorphins this morning at Curves. Had a really good workout - my heart rate went a little high today. That hasn't happened in a long time - don't know what's up with that. But I backed off a bit and life was good. The game of the week is Scattergories (Scattegories??) and I got the letter "N" and had trouble with birds, flowers and car parts starting with the letter "N." So I made shit up. It will be interesting to see if I get away with any of them.

                    Sunbeam, I'm sorry to hear about those joint problems. Of course joint pain can come from a variety of causes. I have a hip that is probably close to bone on bone - not much to do to fix that. BUT...I had a LOT of joint pain in my knees - one knee in particular when I first found MWO last year. I also had pain in one foot that felt like a broken bone or something (I knew it wasn't that!). The foot and knee pain is GONE. I can't say exactly why, but I noticed a big difference shortly after I started taking All One. Even after 60 days AF when I started drinking heavily again, I kept taking the All One and that bad foot pain never came back at all, and the knees stayed much better than they had been. So if you are NOT taking the All One, you might want to consider it. What the heck.

                    Doglver - WOW what a week!! No :sofa: lounging for you!! I love the variety in what you are doing. You must be feeling great.

                    mwo2. This planking thing sounds dangerous. At least it sounds like it would be dangerous if I tried it. Which would probably also be funny in a you tube video! It sounds like exercise to me though, so good for you!!

                    Deter - today is the day for everyone to be stumping Doggygirl. What the sam hill is a water filled self supporting wave bag?????? Whatever that is, it's good to hear about your workout!!

                    CAYSEA!!!!! So good to see you back. I'm still missing so many brain cells. You probably mentioned your trip, I probably said "have a great time" then promptly forgot!! So I've been worried about where you went etc. etc. WOW that sounds like an awesome vacation. Was this a group of friends you went with, or was this a package type thing that one can purchase and sign up for a group trip?? I've always wanted to go rafting - definitely on my list of things to do before I die. I bet it felt good to be doing all of what there was to do being is such good condition as you are in. Love the story about how it wasn't a big deal to stay AF. I too find that we worry a lot about what people will think when we choose not to drink. Most people truly do not care or even notice.

                    It's a new week, and we still have two weeks in August to improve our fitness and enjoy some endorphins. So........:b&d::sofa: GET MOVING!!!!!

                    Day 89 AFHF
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                      Hi All
                      No tennis today center preparing for hurricane [don't think it will be to bad] so went out for 15 mile bike ride made it back as it started to rain. Felt great

                      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                      AF 5-16-08


                        August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                        Hi All
                        Got in a 15 mile bike ride no tennis.The tennis courts are closed preparing for a hurricane.
                        DG in regards to the rafting trip we looked into outfitters and found the one we used because it fit our time period. We just went with other people who also just signed up. Great time and lots of new friends .This was a trip we always wanted to do and decided to start doing the bucket list .One down
                        I think with all the bad weather headed my way I will switch to a stretching + lifting program to keep busy
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        AF 5-16-08


                          August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                          Caysea, STAY SAFE with the weather, OK?

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                            Well, I did it. I excavated my road bike from the bowels of the garage. Brushed off the sawdust filled spider webs, put 130# in the tires, hooked up my tots Burley cart and away we went. I had yet to ride this year. Went about 10 mi?.not too far but I feel it. Maybe I will start taking it to the grocery, no place for melting ice cream on a 16 mi round trip.
                            I plan on running later with my CC runner.

                            It?s great there are lots of people posting regularly here. I did not know how it would go when I started this a couple of months ago. I know for me when I actively exercise, sobriety is easier to achieve and sadly, easier to tolerate.

                            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                              August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                              Sorry to :b&d: and's been a busy day. I did hit Curves this morning so just wanted to check in with the workout report. Make more stuff up today in Scategories just to drive the staff crazy who have to figure out if something or other is REALLY a bird or body part or kitchen item or not. :devil:

                              OMW - good for you on that bike ride!! I have this vision of you pedaling at warp speed with melting ice cream in a little handlebar basket. Where is my brain youtube when I need it!! ITA that sobriety is easier to keep with exercise in the picture.

                              :b&d::sofa: GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUTTS AND GET BUSY!!!!! she says ever so sweetly...

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                                I have been avoiding this thread until I did 2 days in a row at the gym! With all that has been going on in my life, I have struggled with doing much more than a half hearted something every couple of days!

                                But I've kept up a minimal level of activity over the past month and this week am trying to get back into routine with 6am starts ......... still dark then but getting a bit lighter by 7. Tuesday was god, today a bit harder .... tomorrow will be fine as long as I go to bed right now!

                                NZ got a bronze in the Olympics triathlon .... so I am going to chase his tail!!!!! :H:H:H:H
                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

