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August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

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    August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

    Hey, all, sorry I haven't been posting, exercise is WAY up there in my list of important Stuff To Do to battle the alcohol. Just haven't been writing about it. I've kept up with my nearly-daily "pretty fast" walking, including more hills, and then I finally hauled out the pump and aired up my bicycle tires and got back to a little riding. I used to LOVE bicycling, but with the drinking, it just wasn't happening. Felt GREAT to be back out on two wheels.

    Yoga people: it was good to read your posts, I did some yoga last year and really loved it. I automatically belong to the university gym where I am teaching this semester... I bet they have yoga classes. Will check on that today.



      August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

      Not Very Skinny, But Strong and Healthy

      p.s. I just found a nice article in the NY Times, called "better to be fat and fit than skinny and unfit." Click here for the article. Here's an excerpt:

      Despite concerns about an obesity epidemic, there is growing evidence that our obsession about weight as a primary measure of health may be misguided.

      Last week a report in The Archives of Internal Medicine compared weight and cardiovascular risk factors among a representative sample of more than 5,400 adults. The data suggest that half of overweight people and one-third of obese people are ?metabolically healthy.? That means that despite their excess pounds, many overweight and obese adults have healthy levels of ?good? cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose and other risks for heart disease.

      At the same time, about one out of four slim people ? those who fall into the ?healthy? weight range ? actually have at least two cardiovascular risk factors typically associated with obesity, the study showed.
      This totally fits the mind-set I have been trying to work within, that is, avoiding the culturally-crazy desire to be Really Skinny, and focusing on being Healthy and Fit. I know a lot of avid cyclists who appear overweight, but I am dead certain that they are healthy. That's how I want to be: strong and healthy, and if that means Really Skinny, too, then fine. If not, that's OK, too.



        August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

        Hi all! My Dad doesn't have internet and I don't have long to post when I come into town. Today is a much better day after the doctor's visit. There now seems to be a care plan in place and I no longer feel like some stand-by paramedic. That story doesn't belong in this thread, but I just wanted to tell you about a WONDERFUL long walk I took last night along the waterfront. It occurred to me I want to explore the 'walking meditation' idea, perhaps with some guided tape on an ipod. The location would be ideal - it's gone on my to-do list. The other innovation was **trying** to jog. I say that with great trepidation as I'm still very much a 'couch potato in early recovery'. But it was getting dark and there weren't too many people around so I figured why not. A few minutes of stops and starts interspersed with the walking. It probably looked idiotic, but I'm just going to have to get over that...


          August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

          Hi All
          Pam thats a great idea.Many people get started jogging just that way.It is actually a way of training for advanced runners-interval training- just done at a difference intensity level- jog -- sprint---jog . Many people find jogging to strenuous in the beginning so any combination you are comfortable with is great or continue walking.
          Why do we alcoholics worry about what other's think when we exercise.So what if we have on the wrong outfit or need machines explained to us. For many exercise may be something that has been avoided or not part of your lifestyle.If we are talking about changing our lives this is really one of the easiest ways to do that and one of the best things we can do for ourselves.It will take a little time in the beginning to get the body used to the training but the mental and physical benefits are so worth it.Considering our addictive personalities it is a great positive tool to fight our other Hobby
          Stay Strong and Keep Fighting
          Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
          AF 5-16-08


            August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

            Hey Pam, I started out exercising just as Cay described?.walking.

            I tried to jog, and finally made it up what I call heart attack hill (that was a great day) as time passed, I ran a 5K. I started this about 8 years ago,
            I have been running ever since, I?ve even completed a couple triathlons and marathons. I would have never believed that was possible. As we all know, believing in yourself is the key to success.
            I know for a fact, I?d be a bigger, fatter, more mental alcoholic if I did not run. ?. I?m with you on the meditation.

            You have to start somewhere; it does not take long to see the changes in your general health.

            Happy trails all

            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


              August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

              WOW we've got a lot of Abbercizin' goin' on today which is great!!

              Sekwet Komputer thinks todays workout was a bit over 400 calories of burn, and I WILL take that!! I was on the run so put my cap on backwards as a WEAK show of participation in Hip Hop week, and put an R&B artist name in the box for the drawing. But I did not have the time or inclination to play Scattegories today. If only they would bring back that Bean Bag Toss!! My 100 workout T-Shirt came in and that's a really big prize for this former non exerciser. There are a few ladies who have the 1,000 workout T-shirt and they are my inspiration!

              Caysea and OMW, thank you for your very inspiring posts today!! Baby steps, baby steps. And no worrying about what others might think. THAT is great.

              Pamina, good for you on exploring a new walk / meditation route and for trying a small bit of jogging!! I can't wait for you to come back and read OMW's story!! I'm sure that plan will be quite helpful as you take care of your Dad. I think we all have to find productive ways to find some inner peace and balance. I really find physical activity to give me a sense of calm when I'm done. I also don't think about much else while I'm working out, so it tends to clear my head. I hope you are also finding really good benefits to balance out the challenges life has for you right now.

              WIP I think your view of Strong and Healthy is really awesome. Sometime either right before or after the Olympics started I saw and interview with Mary Lou Retton. She has daughters and the subject of diet and exercise and body image came up. Gymnastics has quite a history of girls who develop eating disorders and body image issues. Mary Lou says that in her household, Strong and Fit and Healthy is the focus - NOT skinny or looking *like* the teen role models and such. I am having to work on that mind set as well. I don't know about "really skinny" but I never had a weight problem beyond "I'd like to lose 10 pounds" until I hit 40. My weight skyrocketed. At one point around 45 I lost it all - back to a very "ideal skinny" sort of weight for me. I gained it all back and now I find that I have low thyroid which probably contributed to the problems all along.

              BUT...I may not be able to achieve a weight and body proportion like I used to have. We'll have to see. I needed to lose the weight I have lost so far, and would like to lose this much again. But it may not be practical and I've just gotta get my head in the right place about that. Anyway....timely subject there WIP!! Mean time, glad you're back on two wheels!! That is really cool about being an automatic member of the gym at the University. I bet there is tons of stuff you could consider once the school year starts. That's really soon now??

              Mame!! Good to see you as always. For a mere $10 in cash, I will keep your little secret about chasing Triathlete Tail from Unlce Mame. Meet me at 5PM at the park bench and have the money in a brown bag.

              We are going to be so strong and healthy and HOT we are not going to know what to do with ourselves.


              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                Hi All
                2 hours of Tennis- singles - felt great to be back on the court
                Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                AF 5-16-08


                  August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                  I feel like a massive pessimist. I never ran, I did not bike. However I did a lot of bitchin to myself. I took care of poor, sweet barfing child and waged battle on a massive yellow jacket hive inside my compost heap. Sevin powder, Diazanon powder sp?? Pitch fork, bee spray, fire…I think I won, maybe.

                  Now it’s the mind battle “it’s not miller time”

                  Think I will go to bed early, sort it out in the morning
                  Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                    August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                    Nice going Cay, hope you enjoyed!! Also hope Fay stays away!

                    Lost my last post...hope I did not double. omw
                    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                      August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                      Hello Abbercizers!!!

                      Had a good workout at Curves today. It was an 80% day so rather than glide on through it, I made a point of paying attention to form on each machine. That was a good exercise - caught myself in some form breaks which just make the exercises less effective. I also had the circuit coach re-set the computer for me on a couple of machines where it's pushing me past a limit where I can achieve the proper range of motion AND form. I procrastinated that for a bit, and am glad I took care of it today!!

                      I feel like I made a big step today on the "diet" side of Healthy Lifestyle. My new doc (hormones and such) is ADAMANT about the down side of eating meets that have been given anti-biotics and/or hormones which is basically everything in the store. I did make a trip out to a farm that raises beef and pork that way - but it's REALLY far to be practical. I found out there is a Whole Foods closer than whatever the next farthest one is away. It's still too far for regular shopping, but close enough to go once a month or so and stock up on meats without antibiotics and hormones.

                      Now for a tom boy country girl type like me, going to Whole Foods is a hysterical adventure all by itself!!! In keeping with the silly Curves games for Curves bucks, I was thinking of this new game as a walked through the produce section. The name of the game would be... "what is it?" Phase one would be viewing an item, and guessing whether it is a fruit or a vegetable. If you get that one right, you could win Bonus Bucks by actually identifying the fruit or vegetable.

                      Anyway, I feel like that's another positive plan component in the bigger lifestyle picture!! I even got a couple of bison burgers to try and also some stew meat to make lamb stew. I need recipe suggestions for the lamb stew!!

                      The closer I get to the New Healthy Me, the further away I get from AL. THAT is a wonderful thing!!

                      Caysea, with the workouts you do, I think you will be in the next Olympics!!!

                      :b&d::sofa: GET OUT FROM BEHIND THE SOFA ABBERCIZERS!!!!! ON THE FLOOR AND GIVE ME 20!!!!!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                        i want to exercise since I'm feeling a bit better today but better not push it. maybe walk after dinner. I'm like the little kid that wants to go outside and play in the snow even though I'm running a fever! lol

                        definitely no snow...toooo hot.

                        keep up the great work you healthy peoples
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                          Bicycled to the university offices and back home today. Counts as a small workout. Fighting with the computer much of the day... does not count as any sort of workout. Oh well! Tomorrow I plan to do a nice long ride.



                            August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                            WIP, what do you spin on ??
                            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                              August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                              Doggie, I order bulk meat products from an online site for Wellshire Farms. You can get hormone free etc. kinds of stuff. My 2 celiac kids love their ham etc, it GF....we buy 10# deli thing and slice it here. Worth a look. The shipping is $$$ although it's not as high as their site quote.
                              Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                                August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

                                Deter, can't blame you for not pushing it - especially with Burning Man coming up!!! WE WANT STORIES!!

                                WIP - good for you on that biking. Hint for future: If you use a sledge hammer to fix your computer, that DOES count as exercise.

                                OMW I'll check out that web site and try to compare a bit between their prices with shipping and Whole Foods with gas. Thanks for sharing!!

                                I didn't sleep well last night - that hasn't happened much lately (THANK GOODNESS) and being tired sure affects the workout. I felt like I was working my ass off, but Sekwet Komputer knows the truth. In my tired state I didn't get as much accomplished. I can't IMAGINE what challenges Sekwet Komputer would come up with for daily hangovers. Now THAT would be :b&d: for sure. Tomorrow will be an 80% day (thank goodness!) to end the week, then Sunday off. On Sunday I'm going to my first face to face meeting (SMART - not AA) ever. I'm nervous. I just have this vision that the first person I see will be someone I know.........

                                Anyway...TGIF and Happy Lifestyle Improvements to ALL!!

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

