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August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

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    August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

    Hi All
    wed-15 mile bike ride
    1 hour tennis workout
    Thur-15 mile bike ride
    yard work day

    marsh in regards to your foot it sounds like plantar fasciitis.Fancy name for a sore tendon on the bottom of the foot.If it is very sore when you first get out of bed then this is probably what it is. I Have dealt with it in the past. Icing bottom of foot helps- use a soda bottle filled up with water and frozen .Put it on the floor and roll your foot on it.This can be a long lingering injury and can prevent you from doing a lot of aerobic exercises using running.Talk to your trainer avoid treadmill and running look for elliptical and biking and your swimming should be fine.Look up on the INTERNET under plantar fasciitis you should be able to get lots of advice.When it feels better you should pay attention to doing stretching exercises for it.Hope this is helpful.
    Injuries will be part of all of our attempts to get in better shape.Don't let it stop your program you can always find exercises to do avoiding the injured body part.Let it rest work on a different aspect of physical fitness don't break the routine.
    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08


      August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

      caysea;394476 wrote: marsh in regards to your foot it sounds like plantar fasciitis.Fancy name for a sore tendon on the bottom of the foot.
      Thanks Caysea. I had a look on the internet and that sounds exactly like my problem. It says I need to keep the heel cushioned and do some foot stretches, don't walk barefoot on hard surfaces (and, of course, I'm always barefoot at home on wooden floors) and don't do excessive walking (and I love to walk for miles through London when I have time). I need to start treating my feet with a little respect!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

        Marshy - I sure hope that foot starts feeling better!! Glad Caysea had some info - I was sure baffled. (but then how would I know much about exercise related injuries or problems.......surely not from 1st hand experience through my life!!)

        Caysea your exercise regimine (sp) looks grueling and effective as always!!

        Yesterday I had a really really good workout at Curves especially for so late in the week. I think I was well reseted. Funny how I always feel like I'm pushing hard, but the computer KNOWS. I'm likin' that computer. Today's workout will feel good as it's 80% day so will be a comfortable (dare I say pretty easy?) pace to end the week. I really like that aspect of the 6 day a week workout plan. Tomorrow AND Monday will be days off since they are closed. So Tuesdays workout should be a great one!

        Yesterday was workout #120 so if I keep my nose to the grindstone, I will earn my 200 workout T-shirt by the end of the year. YAY!!

        Yesterday I got one of those big exercise balls and I'm going to start adding some extra ab work. Today (dog training and cooking for tomorrow) and Sunday (going to Mom & Dad's with all the food in hand) will be busy - but I want to get the ball inflated and going on Monday along with starting to read the Tao of Sobriety recommended by WIP.

        :b&d::sofa: NO EXCUSES!!! GET OVER HERE AND GET BUSY!!!! Have a great weekend everyone!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

          DG I wanna see pictures of these Curves T-shirts! You are just about to turn me into a Curves convert... I wonder if there is one anywhere near where I live...

          I got comfortably into a pair of previously-too-small jeans today and that feels GREAT. I am not keeping track of my weight because that always drives me a bit batty (I get obsessive about it), but (and I think you've said this on here, too, DG) having "test jeans" or "test shorts" is a great way to monitor progress in getting more fit. I generally try on a pair of test pants once a week, around Friday or Saturday.

          Going for a nice bike ride today; yesterday did a very brisk hour-long walk with a friend, followed by a great big hamburger! Or at least, most of one. Then, soup for dinner. Felt great.

          How is everyone doing?



            August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

            WIP you can type in your zip code here and see if there is a Curves near you! Unfortunately I didn't see any pictures of the T-Shirts on the web site but they probably have them hanging on the walls if there IS a curves near you and you decide to visit. I really do like the atmosphere. And I feel very safe with the workout - I had back surgery a few years ago and on the couple of occassions I tried other strength training programs I would get a scary feeling about some exercises. I think Curves Corporate puts a lot into design of the equipment and such. And the Eville Sekwet Komputer. I'm sure they invested a LOT in that thing.

            Had a good workout to finish off the week! OH - and got ALL THE WAY to bucket #6 - the very last and farthest one - in buckets today. $3 Curves bucks. Life is good.

            In the "lifestyle" work department, I working on some SMART "ABC's" which is a method / format to basically evaluate situations that are upsetting, and sift out the irrational thoughts we have about it, so better thinking and problem solving can take place. I'm really liking that - it helps me take dramatic emotion out of places where it's totally not useful or helpful, and deal with the real issues. I worked on one for a situation with Mr. Doggy, and I'm going to start a couple related to family matters. (i.e. my brother who I'm so angry with for not being here - but hey, he lives in Florida!! A bunch of my anger is misplaced, and it's only serving to upset ME more...nobody else.)

            OK - I'm going to go watch dog training which is in progress, then get busy in the kitchen making some amazing creations for tomorrow. (well, ribs and coleslaw may not be "amazing" but hopefully good!)

            Day 101 AF, Workout #121 done
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              August Abbercise!! GET OFF THAT SOFA!!

              Ribs and coleslaw IS amazing stuff!!! Good for you!


