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BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/4 -30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

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    BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/4 -30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

    Marshy - yes - we are getting beach volleyball - saw china v. greece women's and some men's as well - confused as to why the men are wearing shirts and board shorts and the women are wearing bikinis.....

    So thankful - pick yourself up, dust yourself off and forgive yourself. I think you now have to put on the green suit though....


      BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/4 -30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

      Thanks Doglvr, I was sitting here thinking, I know I had a slip but I still have 20 days of AF. I am going to be proud of that. And tomorrow I will have 21 days AF and so on. I know we are supposed to start over here But I thought I will still keep counting on from 20 days. because that is an accomplishment. Just wanted to share. I am going to keep going.


        BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/4 -30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

        So thankful .... I am afraid that we are going to have to share the green suit - so very keen that we can both forgive ourselves and move on! But I think that I have some more battles to face yet ....

        I totally lost it on Saturday in the middle of unpacking - we have kept AL out of the house for obvious reasons, and I think I have come to feel that home is "safe" without it. Then unpacked and opened a bottle of port that was in the middle of a box of books and had drunk the whole thing within an hour.

        My (non)-excuses have included:
        • i'm sooooo tired ........ and soooooo sorry for myself;
        • If Uncle Mame wasn't such a hoarder it wouldn't have been there anyway;
        • my friend with cancer now has more complications and cant have any more chemo as a result;I've been giving out so much lately, I need to put something back in (yeah, right .... like alcohol is just the right solution to that problem....);i haven't been getting enough exercise and feel so bad that I might as well make myself feel worse .....i didn't want to come on here and post to say I needed help ... particularly once I had had the first drink .....

        I find all this so hard all very hard to say. I went out yesterday for everything I needed for my star chart (see abbercisers thread) but it is all sitting on top of the fridge. It is an EVA chart (Exercise, Vegetables, Abstinence!) but I have felt so un-confident about my ability to maintain not drinking for more than about 2 weeks at a time (which is about my record) that at the moment I dont want to even start it in case I fail. I cant even start to work out which of my sabotage systems is most in control at the moment.

        All today I have been vascillating between booking an immediate appointment with my Dr to start on Antabuse (I get closer to this every time I slip), and on the other hand giving up this battle and thinking about trying to moderate (I dont think I can do that long term but I find the struggle with abstinence so difficult at times that I wonder (yes, fantasise!) about a half way house to get me on my way!).

        And DG - yes Mark Todd is from NZ and a national hero - thank you for giving him a cheer!! My heros are our rowers though - plus Barbara Kendall (windsurfer) who is 41 and who won the last Word Champs after having been up all night in hospital in Thailand with her 9 month old baby who had caught an infection.
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/4 -30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

          Good Day Booze Busters!!

          First off - thankful and Mame, I'm sorry that you both struggled over the weekend but very glad you came here to talk about it. That suggests you really DO want to stop the madness.

          Mame - if you've been thinking about talking with doc about Antabuse, why not? I haven't done lots of research to understand what the negatives might be, but plenty of people here sure swear by it. I know what you mean about those moderation fantasies - which really are dangerous fantasies for some of us - for sure me. DON'T GIVE UP. Get the stuff off your fridge and make your EVA chart. Can you visualize yourself succeeding in the duathlon if you are drinking like your inner beast would like you to drink? Can you envision your relationship with Uncle Mame if your inner beast gets as much booze as it wants? Can you visualize all of us being hot, slender, fit DIVAS if we give the beast what it wants???????? I'm glad you are here and I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS. Don't quit quitting.

          so thankful, I can completely relate to the :egad: with weight. Back last year I thought going in that SURELY giving up AL would mean a good and fast reward with some fat loss right away. I mean, that only makes sense with AL calories, right? Didn't happen that way. BUT...when I would fall off the wagon more weight sure came back on. I finally had to realize that other things were going on in my body, and start fixing those other things too. (see all the stuff in the hormones thread - healing section - if you are interested in more of my own sordid story on that front) But anyway....I think it's possible sometimes that we expect quitting drinking to be a panacea which it is not always. But hangovers are real!!!!!! Get right back on this wagon, OK?


          Doglvr, thank you for your thoughts re: the sibling situation. Of course thinking back on my tantrum, I'm embarassed for how petty and childish that is compared to my Dad's illness, and all the other 35674956749 more important things in life. I'm glad I vented here with you guys rather than use my old "non-coping mechanism" AL. That sneaky bastard is lurking everywhere for us mentally. On a lighter note, I absolutely agree with you about the unfairness factor of men's v. women's volleyball costumes!! I did find myself mentally suggesting the men take their shirts off when it was raining during matches yesterday, and the commentators were talking about how the wet shirts can affect their play at the net.

          Marshy, I watched a bit of archery yesterday morning too!! It was a women's team match - I think for the gold and silver medals - between Korea and China. There were 3 women on each team and Korea kicked booty. You ARE very robbed if there hasn't been beach volleyball yet. Costume fairness issues aside.

          OK - we are NOT drinking today, right team???? BOOZE BUSTIN' is what we're doing today. No AL. No hangovers. No giving up. FREEDOM. Remember why we came here. I wish I knew of better suggestions to make but I'm hoping maybe July and some of the longer termers will have better words.

          HANG IN THERE!!

          Day 82 AFHF
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/4 -30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

            Oops....almost forgot earlier!!

            See the new thread for the week of 8/11!!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.

