i moved to my dad's a couple weeks ago and all is fine.
a couple nights a week he drinks whiskey.. i'm fine.. not tempted but starting to get annoyed w/it.
when he drinks he gets all chatty. starts coming into my part of the house to talk some crap to me about what's on tv and dumb commercials.
he's my father, i have to be respectful, but COME ON!
i'm used to living alone and he knows it. every time i live w/him he thinks he's going 'break me of this.' i doubt it.
i'm not sitting around watching televison! i either have work to do on the computer or i'm going to read. pretty harmless, no?
any ideas?
this friday will be week 6 AF for me. Yesterday was a trigger afternoon... I was at work and got into a fight w/three of the guys doing construction at our school. they couldn't find something they "left on the floor." so sorry... don't leave important items on the floor and come tell me off when it gets thrown away.
stupid is as stupid does, isn't that the saying?
anyhow... i didn't do anything besides get really pissed off.
i'm still irritated clearly.