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Wed - August 6th - Daily Thread

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    Wed - August 6th - Daily Thread

    Good Morning Abbers!

    I don't mind starting this thread, no not at all! But I must try and pop back in later to check up all the posts and it is so good to see a lot of people working real hard at staying AF.

    I do agree wholeheartedly with what Renegade said yesterday about Yoga and the benefits it can bring to not only recovery but everyday - anyday.

    If you consider that we have been using alcohol to calm the nervous system and once the AL is gone we can be overwhelmed by this runaway energy that can be so hard to control. Many accomplish this with meds and such, but the deep breathing and calming poses of Yoga can do just that with even the simplest of poses and effort.

    Anybody who can go through the trouble of quitting AL and the effort that takes, IMO will greatly appreciate the calming effect Yoga can bring to taming those crazy feelings abstinence can throw our way. (I am lucky in that my DW is a yoga instructor!)

    Anyway, have a great AF day today Yogis! Namaste!
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    Wed - August 6th - Daily Thread

    Good Morning 4TB: I agree with the yoga recommendation too - now I just need to start doing it again. I'm still trying hard - had a slip with one glass of wine on Saturday - but will be AF for today - goal is to be AF forever - so I'll have to keep jumping to reach that bar (no pun intended).
    It was a 40th BDay party for a girlfriend - and I defnintely can see a major change in how I am versus how I used to be with my friends around AL. I was also a little wiped out from the race in the am, so I'm sure that helped.

    I hope everyone has a great day and stays AF if that is your goal.


      Wed - August 6th - Daily Thread

      Happy Wed ABomatics!

      4thB thanks for keeping the ball rolling here.

      I used to do tai chi and really enjoyed it. i think all forms of meditation and moving meditation are very good and sorely lacking in todays "hyper rush rush" society of instant gratification. we live in an interesting diametrically opposed world of progress and anthropological retardation. Ok, WTF was that? hmmmmm. I mean on one hand we can cure diseases we couldn't even identify 50 years ago, but now we are eating "food" from a cardboard box that is 'cooked' in the microwave.

      DogLvr, you were in a foot race? you a marathon runner?

      be well everyone!
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Wed - August 6th - Daily Thread

        Hi abbers!! I know I've been crazy busy lately and it sure seems like everyone must be - seems like less traffic than normal here in ab land. (or maybe my imagination!)

        4tbz, there is also talk of yoga in the Abbercise thread today, and you guys are all motivating me to see if there is a class at the local Jr. College that I could check out. I've never tried it, and always thought I would be too stiff / uncoordinated / etc. but it sounds like that is a myth. Arming myself with some new and far better ways to relax would be a good thing. Hmmm.....

        Doglvr, I'm with you on that AF forever goal. I try not to ponder too much on what "FOREVER" means, but I try very hard to push any drinking fantasies RIGHT out of my head. I try to just keep my sights on the near and slightly longer term future with NO Al in it. I read that back and it doesn't seem to make sense, but I can't figure out HOW to make it make sense. So maybe I'm just full of BS today!!! At least you were able to stop at 1 on Sunday. Much better than what my hard falls have been like over the last year.

        (side note - I always have to chuckle at the word "slip" which is probably an accurate description of an AF person having one glass of wine. I never do anything in moderation it seems - at least not AL - and "slip" doesn't come anywhere close to describing my disasters with AL!!! "Slip" to me would be like totalling your car and calling it a "fender bender")

        Deter, LOL on the food thing. A couple weeks ago in the grocery store I noticed they are now selling hard boiled eggs. How lazy are we in the kitchen when we can't even hard boil our own eggs any more??????? I know it's sad though when people check out with literally NO fresh food on the conveyer belt - just pre-packaged processed boxes and bags. I'm grateful to be sober and paying closer attention these days to quality meals for me and Mr. Doggy. During the hard drinking days, my own choices sucked.

        Well, I'm off to see what the days news is on 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing | Athlete, Team Profiles, Olympics News | Free Photos & Videos | NBC Olympics!!! Hello to all abbers yet to come.

        Day 77 AFHF
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Wed - August 6th - Daily Thread

          Hi Guys..whew it can be scary out there on the boards!! I joined subscribers recently to see into that "secret" world...and I can honestly say I wish I had not.

          This place used to feel so safe to me, and it no longer does. I suppose I will drop in now and again, but it seems that if you haven't totally found sobriety thru the MWO process some members here don't take you seriously. And if I feel this way after being a member here for over a year, I shudder to think what some newbies might think.

          So with a heavy heart, I feel I should take a break and check out some other sites that may have a higher tolerance for alkies that struggle with sobriety. And perhaps that aren't so opinionated and clickish as some here on this website have proven themselves to be. None of you on the ab's group fall into those catagories. Bless you for that.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


            Wed - August 6th - Daily Thread

            Good evening everyone.

            and I mean that most sincerely.

            I did it. I went to dinner for 18 people only 4 of whom I knew. Bit nervy and edgy but no panic. Nothing a few deep breaths and looking into the distance couldn't take care of. Only one "what am I doing here?" moment during the first course but a quick silent reply of "practising socialising" and I was fine.

            I know it is only dinner but I am so proud of myself I could cry with happiness. Especailly so because I was the only person not drinking and it didn't really make a difference.

            Yoga is on my list of things to look into but at the moment something so totally new is a bit too daunting. I have been carrying my swim kit around with me for weeks. I normally find lane swimming relaxing but for some unfathomable reason I never seem to end up at the pool. In fact none of my excercise plans have come to anything. The skipping rope is still on top on the fridge untouched since the day I bought it all those months ago.

            Oh well let's see what tomorrow brings. Tonight I feel so posiitve I think I could do anything I set my mind to.

            Sleep tight everyone.
            Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
            AF 8 June 2012


              Wed - August 6th - Daily Thread

              Hi everybody,

              I've been having a tough time this week and not posting much. Not feeling light and breezy so not contributing. Have noticed the thread getting pretty bare.

              Loppy, glad you are doing so well. It is tough going sometimes but worth the effort.

              R2C, sorry you are having a difficult time at MWO. The drama gets pretty over the top sometimes. People are well meaning but I think the tone gets lost. I think this thread has been relatively drama free for months. I think I've only been offended on this thread twice in my four months or so here. You are as safe here as you are anywhere at MWO. I know that I may be one of the long term abstainers that have offended you (I hope not). If I have, I apologize for that. The other thread is where I go to vent occasionally and to talk about how hard staying sober is for me. I am not comfortable posting that here for fear of scaring off those who are struggling and those other folks kick me in the ass when I need it. I'm just a person that responds to tough love - it's not for everyone I know.

              DogLvr, good to see you back.

              Hi DG, 4tB and Det,

              All the Best,

              Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                Wed - August 6th - Daily Thread

                I rounded up some more ammo today in this battle and a Yoga book was one of them.
                I feel that my body wants to stretch and reach and have my wings expand.

                After ingesting a concoction of specific herbs for a tea, I also, spent time in silence.
                It has been a while, because the "call" from that abyss is so loud and the I , thus, far have only been able to silence that one dreaded way.

                I am comforted for now, as I did not stock up today on the other.
                The smells of sage, the tea's and lavender have the room surrounded and free of the other more vile smells.

                Fragrance of support from each of your words are a lovely assist.

                Sweet dreams all~

                " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

