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Thurs 7 August

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    Thurs 7 August

    Good morning all,

    I'll like to say what a beautiful sunny morning it is in London.... but I have never made a convincing liar.

    I read through yesterday's thread and was a bit surprised at what a rotten time some people have had on the boards. I have found everyone so supportive but then my determination to stop drinking has never waivered.... It is the doing it that has been difficult for me.

    I will try and track down that yoga dvd. I get stressed about my breathing... I know it is supposed to be relaxing but my heart starts racing the moment someone says "now breathe" With a dvd I can always walk away.

    I used to suffer badly with panic attacks but then I started drinking and they went away. I have been given a book on panic attacks by Christine Ingham so I'll read a few chapters of that on the train into work. Every bit helps.

    Amazing how a little success fires you up to keep trying. I now find it hard to believe what a black hole I have been in for the last weeks.

    Becks, hope you have a better day today.

    To all who follow, hope it all works out for you and that you feel as positive as I do.

    Just got time to cuddle a bunny before work.

    Take care all.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Thurs 7 August

    Good morning Loppy - Congratulations on making it through that dinner - felt like you won the gold right??:goodjob:

    Determinator - I did a triathlon - the mini-ones - it was the foot part of the race that I absolutely collapse on - swimming and biking are fine - but I just can't get the running down

    Doggy Girl - I saw your post from yesterday - Believe me - my slips are usually the half a bottle of wine or more variety, so while I was disappointed in myself for having just the one - I was also a little proud for curtailing it pretty quickly - how's that for my gemini sign coming out?!

    Ready2Change - I hope you keep coming back here - I found this site almost 2 years ago - was good for the first several months - then went away for a year and came back in April/May. I don't know what posts offended you - but please chalk it up to the fact that just like everywhere else - there are a lot of different personalities and everyone is different - just trying to find or has found the path that works for them. Sometimes I need a kick in the rear, sometimes I need a pat on the back and sometimes I just like to know what others are doing that I ought to try - so PLEASE stick around for a lot longer.

    Beck - I hope you feel better today - and if you're struggling - I think that's always a positive thing to share - I know I often do.

    Renegade - I echo your thoughts to R2C - and I would love to know how you gave up caffeine - I just started drinking coffee 2 years ago - and now know why people need one in the AM!!


      Thurs 7 August

      Good Morning Abbers!!!

      I completely agree with you Loppy in that the "little victories" are what are important and make all the difference in succeeding. We can get so used to "giving in" and it almost becomes normal to do so. Not drinking is a foreign experience and working on these "little victories" is where we can build up our strength and resolve to do it again and again especially on those days when it seems impossible to not drink.

      I like this thread most because it is always full of positive support for everyone who is working hard to break their habits.

      Work hard everybody and have a great AF day today!

      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
      Watch this and find out....


        Thurs 7 August

        Happy Thursday AB-land!

        yes, hooray for adding up our little victories. after all life is but the 'now moment' so enjoy it. It doesn't rewind for a 2nd's only going forward.

        in terms of drama here there are a couple things to consider.
        1) our fight against al is very complex and tricky to start with.
        2) we are in a non-verbal medium so misunderstandings WILL happen.
        The ONLY thing we are really in control of is our OWN actions so lets set the best examples we can. People here (especially lost newbies) are in need of help so lets be blind to the drama and be simply the most loving and nurturing beings that we can be. no name pointing or putting anyone down. we are above that, whether on the forums or on chat we can choose to drag everyone down...or lift them up and show them there is hope, support and goodness here.

        Monthly ABs has been a particularly positive place I'm happy to see.

        we are all wonderful beings and we deserve the very best

        be well my friends
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Thurs 7 August

          Happy Thurs ABbers!! Thanks so much for your support! It brought tears to my eyes. I got several supportive p.m.s and I really appreciate it.

          For those of you that don't know me, I joined over a year ago. I was tkeene then. This forum took some strange turns the beginning of the year and I asked RJ to delete me (as I didn't have enough willpower to stay away myself...think alkie and no willpower).

          Well I missed everyone and came back. I have kept rather quiet. I prefer to be a lurker and learn from all the folks here. It has been stated that because I have only started a couple of threads myself, I am possibly not serious about my sobriety. I am...believe me...I am. I am not out to mod...that would NEVER work for me. My path on this journey leds me astray sometimes, but I KNOW that I will find the right path, and I will never give up trying, EVER.

          So, my chin is up and here I am, grateful for your support. I'm not usually one to get my feeling hurt, but this did sting a bit. All is now forgotten...onward and upwards. Now lets go kick some AL's butt!

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


            Thurs 7 August

            Original Quote by Ready2Change
            It has been stated that because I have only started a couple of threads myself, I am possibly not serious about my sobriety.
            So sorry to hijack this thread for a minute folks. But this above comment is unfair. Anyone looking for the truth to this can go to: General Discussion, "Day 31 and Beyond". R2C's post is on the bottom of page 97 and my response to her is on page 99. I think you will find that my response was indeed trying to be supportive and the thanks I got was a rude PM.

            I am not trying to cause drama, but I will not tolerate anyone twisting my words. The comment was put out there publicly, therefore I had to respond publicly. Anyone can feel free to PM me if you think I am out of line.

            I wish you all the very best of luck in your journeys to sobriety.

            Thanks for allowing me to defend what was actually said. I am here for any of you if you need me.

            Love, Me
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


              Thurs 7 August

     I'm being followed to where I thought I was safe in the abs thread...this really sucks. What is going on here, I thought it was about sobriety, not about what he said she said.

              I'm done...I feel like I'm being stalked. I dont need this, it won't help my sobriety. I am really upset by this. I never called attention to ANYONE...but I am being followed to try to prove how wrong I am.

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                Thurs 7 August

                Wow, stalking you? You felt safe in this thread to do what? Lie? Let's face it, you posted something that was not the whole truth. You're only upset cause I called you out on your post. I did nothing but present the facts. I have nothing to hide. I had a right to defend myself.

                I really wish you the best of luck. I truly hope that you can find health and happiness someday. But please seek out words of encouragement and stop with all your petty nonsense. It isn't healthy for anyone.

                To all the other members who post here ~ My sincerest apologies that you have to be in the middle of this. I only respond to what's posted. I do not strike the first blow so to speak. But I can't help but feel that I have to defend myself in this case. I dislike all the drama too, but sometimes it is unavoidable.

                Det ~ I agree whole heartedly with your post. But I hope you can understand where I am coming from.

                Love, Me
                Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                  Thurs 7 August

                  Loppy, I read in yesterdays thread about your success at the dinner party. I am SO SO happy for you. I know that was a big challenge, and you got through it with flying colors!! You and 4tbz and the others are so right - it IS about the little victories that add up to big changes over time.

                  Doglvr - LOL (well, not funny at the time, but NOW I can laugh...) my "disasterous falls from the wagon" were far more dramatic than a 1/2 bottle of wine. I lapsed into days / weeks / months of daily excessive drinking. That's why I can't imagine the word "slip" ever applying to me!

                  4tbz, wow I can relate to what you said about NOT drinking being a foreign experience. I never really thought of it in those terms, but as a daily drinker for years you are right - there was very little I did when truly sober. (sad) AF basically is a "re-learn" of how to live through a day, a week, a month, a season, etc.

                  R2C I hope you are able to find a way past the frustration you felt in the last couple days and just focus on your sobriety. I find that I MUST keep my sobriety my absolute #1 concern in order to be successful, and that focus automatically keeps other smaller misunderstandings from capturing too much of my attention and becoming a distraction from my goal.

                  Have a great rest of the day everyone!! I better get busy and get my work finished up!!

                  Day 78 AFHF
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Thurs 7 August

                    Hi All,
                    I'm not really sure what thread to enter when I am striving for 30 days AF? Do I just go on each day of August and post my results and feelings? I am only on day 3, so I didn't actually start Aug 1st- does that matter? I still want (desperately) to make it over the hill to day 31 AF. My husband and I have created such a "drunken" household for SOOO long that it will be a hard habit to break. Luckily, no withdrawals and feelin' fine. I am in a very hopeful frame of mind right now. I hope the "bickering" stops- tolerance is really important in these settings. Kriger
                    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                      Thurs 7 August

                      Good question K! I just go anywhere and everywhere and post stuff! Probably I am perceived as barging in sometimes... but it seems helpful to me... The August thread (where did it go?) is a really good one... the one with all the penguin stuff and it certainly doesn't matter, on that thread, that you didn't start on August 1! It is a very diverse bunch of penguins on that thread!



                        Thurs 7 August

                        kriger;377426 wrote: Hi All,
                        I'm not really sure what thread to enter when I am striving for 30 days AF? Do I just go on each day of August and post my results and feelings? I am only on day 3, so I didn't actually start Aug 1st- does that matter? I still want (desperately) to make it over the hill to day 31 AF. My husband and I have created such a "drunken" household for SOOO long that it will be a hard habit to break. Luckily, no withdrawals and feelin' fine. I am in a very hopeful frame of mind right now. I hope the "bickering" stops- tolerance is really important in these settings. Kriger
                        WELCOME KRIGER!!! Read and post whenever and wherever you feel you are getting support for your 30 Day AF goal. In this section of the board, there is always a Daily Thread geared towards those who are trying to abstain. There is also the Booze Busters thread - we start a new thread each week just so it doesn't get too long and intimidating to catch up on everything. You can jump in there at any time! (actually, you can jump in anywhere at MWO at any time!) You will find places that you feel most comfortable. The important thing is to stay focused and positive about your goals.

                        I can relate to the drunken household!! For me it was booze, for Mr. Doggy something else but the result was the same - neither of us being sober very much of the time. It has been WONDERFUL to change that picture.

                        Don't worry about the little dramatic outburst. With the large number of people at MWO, that happens from time to time. My strategy is to just stay focused on my goals and disregard the rest. (not in a mean's just what I have to do to succeed)

                        WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

                        Day 78 AFHF
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Thurs 7 August

                          Hi Wip,
                          I have certainly seen you around and enjoyed your posts. When I show up I feel as tho I am jumping in to conversations in the middle and I never get the whole story. I don't have time to read 10 pages of a thread. Even tho I'm getting parts of conversations I am enjoying them intensely. I know everyone here means well when they are posting but "email misunderstanding" is very common. Before I get upset or offended by anything said, I consider that. No one here is mean but points can be misunderstood. I feel badly that r2c felt she had to leave. Is the August thread in General Dis? Have a great AF evening! Kriger
                          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                            Thurs 7 August

                            Doggy girl,
                            I love your Avatar. I had a Beagle growing up from age 10-26; what a wonderful dog he was! You have done so great to get to day 78! What a feat. As it is now, I spend about 4 hours a day on this site- I feel like I will eventually start to remember things about all these nice people. Everyone has been my lifeline and the reason I am at day 3. I am forever grateful. doggy, thanks for your advice. Kriger
                            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                              Thurs 7 August

                              Kriger, big welcome to you!

                              I post on the Monthly AB's "daily" thread every day that I can, then here and there as well (like a rash!)

                              looking forward to getting to know you
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

