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Sunday 10 August

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    Sunday 10 August

    I can't believe I'm actually starting the thread! The weather here has warmed up again, so hoping to get in the water today. The dogs enjoyed their walk to the coffee shop and now I am trying to figure out plans for the Day.

    WIP - love the mindfulness info - there is a place called Miraval in Tucson that I've visited a few times - and that is their entire theme.

    DG - congratulations on the 80 day milestone - that is awesome and you are sounding great!

    I hope everyone has a strong Sunday!

    Sunday 10 August

    Happy Sunday ABworld!!

    DogLvr thanks for the kick start. All is well on the homefront, just a quiet day around the house and getting packed up for 3 days on the road starting Monday.

    Hope you and all to come have a super butt kicking heck of a day!

    be well friends
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Sunday 10 August

      Hi Everyone: Congratulations on the milestones to everyone who has hit one. As for me: I'm fine. My son & g-kids left yesterday, & while it was a very hectic week, it was fun. I didn't use drinking as a crutch.

      The trip to my parents looms, but I'm determined to take it ODAT & NOT DRINK.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Sunday 10 August

        Just checking in before heading to bed.

        Hope everyone did ok on the AF days congrats to everyone at whatever milestones you are at.
        Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
        AF 8 June 2012

