Start of another week and for once not really looking forward to work.
Had a great weekend when I wasn't tempted once by Al which I think is a first for me.
Found the blog about the monkey in the lift which really tickled my funny bone. It was doubly apt as I was working my way through the book on how to cope with panic attacks. Apparantly alcohol abuse is an inappropraite coping mechanism that is often used by sufferers.
When the dickens would alcohol abuse ever be an appropriate coping technique?????
So now I know. I've spent the last 16 years, pissed as a fart to avoid the panic attacks which were always going to come back the second I stopped using my inappropriate coping technique. What a waste.... but at least I am not doing it anymore.
Well that's enough moaning from me. Hope everyone has a good week and finds themselves all fired up to achieve their goals.
Take care