I went about it like I used to, bought a case of beer-coors light and started drinking Saturday afternoon. Woke up Sunday, went to the in-laws pool and started at about noon. Got a good buzz both days, I've never been one to get $hit faced regularly.
Nothing changed as far as waking up at 2 am with heartburn and that disgusting pasty alcohol breath, I felt like crap and the same feelings of shame, guilt, regret, and general disgust arose once again.
However, what is different is that I feel a sort of detachment from the alcohol, beer in my case. Whereas before thinking of my persona, I identified or viewed myself as a drinker. I don't feel that way anymore (Forgive me if this sounds convoluted). I am not yearning that next drink like I used to. Everything doesn't remind me of drinking like it used to. The obsession and planning of virtually all my activities around drinking are also gone.
Is this what normal people experience in relation to drinking? Viewing it as an 'activity for the day' and then go back to living a normal life once the party is over and not really thinking of drinking until the next social event?
I learned a lot about myself, these past 30 days. I tapped energy reserves I didn't know I had. After the first 2 weeks my thinking really crystallized and my memory improved tremendously, I'm shocked at how well I remember things now and I've lost 13 lbs. Blood pressure has also dropped about 10 points.
I know now, that I don't want to be a slave to alcohol. I also know that I do want to drink on occasion. Neither abstinence nor moderation is for me (I never saw the point in having just 1 beer anyway

It's very liberating to not constantly be thinking about booze. If you are wanting to stop, just do it now, don't wait till Monday, don't wait until you've drank what's left, don't wait for the perfect time, because their isn't any. Keep yourself busy if you get a craving, it wasn't all smooth sailing for me in the 30 days. Some days I thought I was gonna break , so I went out and ran until I tired myself out.
Some may disagree with my method for future drinking, but I think everyone has to have a plan that suits them. I'm not claiming victory just yet, but the first battle has been won.