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Tuesday 12 August

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    Tuesday 12 August

    Good morning all, and what a wonderful morning it is ..... if you happen to be a duck.

    Pamina.. 90 days you little star.:grouptrophy: The struggle is worth it.

    Welcome to all the new starters, you really will be able to support each other. Talking about what is happeneing and how much everything changes really helps. The other thing that helps, which we don't talk much about here is the vitamins and the hypno tapes. They really help with the cravings, especially in the early days.

    I am told that excercise is highly beneficial. Doggygirl is cheerleader in chief. Personally, in the beginning I suffered from crippling exhaustion so it wasn't an option and now I spend far too much time contemplating my naval... but I have plans to get started. maybe.

    When I said yesterday that I didn't think about alcohol all weekend, that wasn't strictly true. I didn't crave alcohol all weekend which is brilliant. Such an improvement on the near constant desire for oblivion of only a few weeks ago.

    I thought about it in a curious sort of way. At dinner on Friday "Amazing how far a bottle of wine goes with normal drinkers". On Saturday at the ballet "Don't the intervals last a long time if you are not fighting your way to the bar". "Doesn't everyone drink a lot less when I am not pushing them to join me in just another bottle which naturally I was going to drink most of.

    I'm looking at life with new eyes now and on my good days I think I'm going to like it.

    Well better get going. It is going to be a long swim to work this morning!
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Tuesday 12 August

    Morning Loppy and all to're so right, being AF really makes us see life in a different light; its like the fog has lifted and I can so relate to that bottle of wine lasting longer with normal drinkers. Have a good day at work Loppy - the weather was terrible here first thing but hopefully the sun is on its way out.

    Another busy day here - my house is a real mess at the moment decorating and more decorating in September (this time by a professional!!) and of course I'm up north early Friday morning. I know it will be a stressful weekend. I'm pretty sure I know the outcome but its just my brother I'm really concerned about. He still wants mam home (after everything he went through and the things he had to do for her including personal hygiene). Every one is out this afternoon so going to make time for myself and lose myself down in the dirt in the garden - pure bliss!!

    Looking forward to hearing from everyone.........

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Tuesday 12 August

      Good morning all,

      Day 2 for me.
      I feel like I had a great sleep, but I hads the usual AF whacky dreams all night; fun dreams as far as I can remember. Still , I do feel fresh an alive. That's good.
      Enjoy your Tuesday folks!!!


        Tuesday 12 August

        Good morning to all in Abs Land!

        Loppy, what a great post to get the day started and to get us thinking in positive directions. I loved your note earlier about your Friday night observation (how long a bottle lasts when people like us aren't partaking!). I was REALLY smiling over your observation about intermission at the ballet. I haven't been to a live event like that since stopping AL, but I can just imagine that's how it will feel!

        Welcome Gia and Popeye and congratulations on Day 2. I second Loppy's motions about the supplements and Hypno CD's - I think you've both been around MWO awhile so you probably already have them. And yes, exercise is definitely helping. Tools tools tools to help take the edge off.

        I also like L-Tryptophan for taking the edge off during the day, and helping with sleep at night. I don't take it regularly any more, but I used too and for me, it REALLY helped a lot. Before the L-Tryp I had decent success with GABA for the day, and Valerian root for the night. I'm sure you've seen that info too....just re-stating since there seem to be a lot of people getting started in this time.

        Janice, it is so wonderful to see you back. This is a repeat but I really do admire you for seeing the slippery slope, and responding IMMEDIATELY rather than spending time in the pit. The pit really scares me - it only takes one drink for me to go straight to the bottom do not pass go do not collect $200. I wish you the best this weekend too - not easy.

        Speaking of aging parents....after Dad's setback on Friday we really don't know what's going on in terms of getting him home. I went in the morning yesterday (I've mainly been visiting in the afternoons) so I got to see the physical therapy action an meet some of the therapists. Thank goodness there is a small ray of positive hope in that craptacular place. Dad is becoming a shadow of his former self, and that's so hard to watch. My Mom wants to get him home too - and after talking to one of the therapists I believe she will have to be MUCH more assertive with the doctors than she is generally comfortable being. We had a long talk about that - I went to see her after Dad. I hope she took some action yesterday.

        Anyway, enough of that!! :cheering: CONGRATULATIONS PAMINA!!:cheering: on 90 days AF!! I'm right behind you girlfriend, and I know what you mean about this cool time of celebrating 90 days, 3 months, then 100 days back to back. So many parties it feels like college again.

        Day 83 here and happy to be alcohol and hangover free. A big hello to all yet to come!!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Tuesday 12 August

          Pamina: Congratulations on your 90 day achievement! You should feel very proud of yourself.

          Janice & Doggy: I too have the aged parent issues. I'll be going to see my parents next week & doing some essentials for them. I'll be staying (alone) in an empty apartment upstairs from theirs. I MUST be on guard, because it would be all too easy for me to be stopping at the supermarket & buying myself some wine to fortify. I'm determined not to do that (been there, done that), as this trip will be difficult enough sober. No more coping w/alcohol.

          I can so identify w/how far a bottle of wine goes when I'm not drinking. Normal drinkers are just so different! I remember when my husband was operated on recently. One of my friends who was w/me part of the time said: "Go home & have yourself a glass of wine & relax." A glass of wine doesn't even scratch the surface for me.

          Yes, exercise & fresh air really help. I find that any kind of distraction that puts off drinking is very beneficial. Once I get a little time between myself & a drink, I can usually stave it off.

          Have a wonderful day everyone. I'll try to check back later, but in the meantime: "I DIDN'T DRINK YESTERDAY, & WILL NOT DRINK TODAY."

          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Tuesday 12 August

            Good Morning!

            Sorry to brag but it is a beautiful morning here in the US. Not a cloud in the sky and predicting a high of only 82. I am so glad I am not hungover and can enjoy it!

            Funny comment about the ballet, I was at a concert last week and was mesmerized by how all the drinkers were so mechanical about getting in line for another drink during intermission. I sat back, watched and had to chuckle to myself that I was glad I was not one of them! LOL!

            Day 16 AF

            PS Congrats give me courage!
            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


              Tuesday 12 August

              Morning all
              Loppy, thanks for starting us off, Popeye and Gia good going on day 2 and welcome to the Abs thread. Pamina..90 days!!!, and WW right behind you!...I feel the party mode coming on, Congratulations.
              Janice...Thank you for your honesty about that "slippery slope"....I often wonder why I am still spending so much time here, and after a 2 week absence, I think I now know......Still after 9 months AF I have the occasional thought of "just one" knowing full well from past experience this is not an option. I need MWO and stories like yours to keep me in check, as I am so afraid without you guys I will let my guard down and end up in that deep dark pit. I have worked to hard, and feel to good...
              My newly married son and daughter in law came with us on our trip to Italy. I made some observations regarding my DIL, but did not share them. I am now wondering if this was wise. She does know about my issues with AL, and did tell me that alcholism does run in her family. There was alot of wine flowing at our nightly dinners, and while my husband and son enjoyed a glass or two, her glass was the bottomless pit.....My initial thoughts, shes young, in Italy, on her honeymoon..let her have a good time, and although she tried very hard to disguise the "morning after"...I knew. My concerns were validated as I observed her patterns. She was not drinking to enjoy the taste of the wine, she was drinking to get buzzed....I know the difference. The capper was when two open bottles of wine that were given to us by the owner for lunch were left in the reception area of the hotel. We made a swim date, the guys napped, and as we were getting ready to leave our room she said I will meet you in the lobby, I need to run down as I think I left my book there. Bells went off (as we had to pass through the lobby anyway) and as suspected I saw her guzzling the last of the white....My initail thought was at least she is using a glass! (which I would not have done!). I kept my mouth shut, we proceeded to the pool which she lasted about 30 minutes as I knew the heat of the sun, with the booze was getting to her. She excused herself and took a 3 hr nap.....needless to say she was not feeling very well at dinner, but I am not sure if anyone noticed but me. So my dilemma..I do not want to come off as the know it all because I am now not drinking, but I do see the potential for trouble on the horizon. Hmmmm
              A day off for me!!!..Yipee
              sobriety date 11-04-07


                Tuesday 12 August

                Good Morning Abbers!

                Boy am I late for the early show or what!! It's great to see so many already up and at 'em and doing so great with racking up AF days!

                Cmh I can so relate to you experience where I was at the Cubs game last Friday and I forgot that they stop serving at the 7th inning and it was laughable (and sad at the same time) watching all my buddies lining up glasses of beer for the last few innings, only last year I did too.

                WTG Pamina!! Very nice with the 90 days!

                Keep focused everybody as it is sooooo easy to let one slip by and we all know where that leads to...

                Have a very great AF day today!
                Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                Watch this and find out....


                  Tuesday 12 August

                  Happy Tuesday

                  Good afternoon all!

                  I'm joining the ducks here in France - tipping down non-stop so out with the wellies, or just swim...

                  Congratulations on everyone's achievements! - it will take me a while to catch up on names but it's great to see how everyone's doing and feel the motivation/inspiration from the long-time AFers (Well done!) and the mutual support from those of us starting out or starting over - We'll get there!

                  Funny to think about the ballet, because it was only last week that I was in London and taking advantage of a couple of shows there - and I was the one knocking little old ladies flying, climbing over seats to make sure I got to my place at the bar in the interval! And then they ask, small or large red wine?? I mean, duuuh - I could probably have downed the bottle during the interval, let alone a glass! Also thinking about how long a bottle of wine lasts when I'm not sharing it - I went to a special celebration on Sunday and there was a sit down meal with free wine. Unfortunately the bottles were small ones (you get 50cls here) - I lost count as to how many times I went to get another bottle - I have to say I wasn't the only one drinking, but it was usually me doing the asking - to stop the near panic when I saw the bottle approaching empty! - BUT NO MORE! That was the evening that decided me that, again, that enough was enough so here I am!

                  Great to be back among friends old and new and look forward to catching up with y'all over the coming months - and counting off those AF days!

                  Have a great, if somewhat wet, Tuesday!

                  Arial x
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
                  30 days DONE
                  60 days
                  100 days


                    Tuesday 12 August

                    Good evening,

                    Day 1 for me :-) The most I have ever lasted is a week so this time am determined to quit forever, need to do this for my son and my new partner who I have been hurting both in this journey.

                    I am looknig forward to having fun minus the alcohol :-)

                    Good luck to everyone too, I pray all of us abstain forever!


                      Tuesday 12 August

                      Char: I found your observations about your DIL so interesting. I've done it all:
                      -drunk more than anybody else.
                      -guzzled booze when nobody was looking.
                      -invented reasons to go to the open bar at a wedding.
                      In my life, alcoholism was progressive. I didn't always drink the way I did at the end. That came on gradually. Perhaps, that will happen to your DIL. I can't advise you as to whether you should speak to her or not. My inclination would be to wait until she approaches. She knows you have experience w/AL. That may be enough to open communication. Readiness is the biggest motivator.

                      You sound so great. I too did Italy sober. It was definitely the way to go for me. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. There's no way that touring in the heat of the Italian summer can be done comfortably while hungover.

                      I was so glad to see your post.

                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Tuesday 12 August

                        Happy Tuesday AB-landers far and wide!

                        Loppy, great kickstart, thank you.

                        big welcome to you Polar Bear!

                        Arial, glad to see you back.

                        congrads to all with new and old AF times!

                        well I'm on the road with a nasty cold which would have landed me in big trouble in days past as I always would drink to mask the misery of a cold or flue. Of course with all the driving I'm doing that would be insane, so I'm extremely grateful to have at least a handful of wits about me.

                        off to continue work...everyone be well
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Tuesday 12 August

                          this seems like a nice serious thread on this forum.. i took a look last week or so and thought people were here to have fun and im serious about abs for my life. have been abs for nearly a year now and wanting some support
                          ok to join in here?


                            Tuesday 12 August

                            enuf: What a great accomplishment! Nearly a year! This is a very positive thread. None of us are perfect, but speaking for myself, I'm ready to be a non-drinker. Drinking has caused me enough misery in my life. Welcome & please feel free to share any & all your strategies & insights. Mary
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              Tuesday 12 August


                              Hi Enuf - welcome! - and any insights on how to get to one year please share! - that's an amazing achievement ! :goodjob: Look forward to hearing more from you.
                              :rays: Arial

                              Last first day - 15th April 2012
                              Days 1-7 DONE
                              Days 8-14 DONE
                              Days 15-21 DONE
                              30 days DONE
                              60 days
                              100 days

