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Saturday Aug 16th

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    Saturday Aug 16th

    Top of the Saturday cats and kitties!

    it's the weekend but the show must go on.....

    I'm quite happy to be home and over my cold. To those new at AB's or having a hard time here's something that might help: stitting there stewing over fighting a craving is usually just a good way to torture yourself. Get up and do something. anything. it really will help. Weekend are hard I know. I have a whole decade + of blurry weekend memories...ugh.

    I'm getting packed early for 'burning man' got some groovy music activated lights that are too cool.

    be well friends,
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Saturday Aug 16th

    Good evening Det - I am getting on late due to lack of access to my personal comp. I'm off to bike over to Georgetown and get out some craving energy!!

    Have an awesome weekend!


      Saturday Aug 16th

      Hi Saturday abbers!! Deter, is the burning man thing that camping trip you go on every year? My memory is fuzzy but I recall a BIG event that your went on toward the end of last summer. Then I stupidly went back and stuck my head in the bottle, and obviously killed off the brain cells containing more information. At any rate - music activated lights sound awesome. Is there a description that would be google worthy? Like maybe the manufacturer name and whatever they officially call those lights?

      Hi Doglvr!!! You bikers are making me want to bike!! I may have to dust off the seat and pump up the tires and talk Mr. Doggy into heading to the forest preserve trails one of these evenings.

      Made it through dog training Saturday AF!! I can't believe the difference and I'm not sure when things "clicked." I used to dread and fret over this day SO much...and now I'm wondering why. Well yes, people sit around and drink after training. (I would drink pretty much all day, and hope not to get outed) But it's really feeling a lot more like... "and so????" than it used to feel like "AAAACCCCKKKKK! The world is coming to an end! How on earth will I stay AF through this!!!"

      Life is good. Tomorrow is going to be "Doggygirl Day."

      Happay Sober Saturday!

      Day 87 AFHF
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Saturday Aug 16th

        tomorrow is Doggygirl day? like...with a dogfood cake with candles in it? we'll throw you a woofer of a bash!!

        ok, here's where I get my EL wire kits, cold cathode kits and music activated inverters:

        WorldAglow - Worldaglow is glow paint el wire, solar and LED signs, New York City LL26 approved, real estate. MEA, solar ventilation, safety, fire, CCFL, EEFL, boise, worldwide, free, shipping, safe
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Saturday Aug 16th

          WOO HOO Deter!! Mr. Doggy is gonna love that site!

          No - save the Woof roarin' Doggycake bash (with candles) until I get to Day 100, OK? Then you have permission to throw me a party as long as you promise me some hot, scantily clad male cheerleaders to go with it. :egad:

          Doggygirl Day will be whatever Doggygirl wants to do, or not do, I'm feeling a couch potato vibe coming on. :sofa:

          Have a good one everybody!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Saturday Aug 16th

            Doggy, Burning Man is like an artists "Woodstock". Thousands of people get together in the Nevada desert with all kinds of incredible artistic creations. I think it lasts a week. I would love to have Det tell us some of his experiences. From what I have heard, it is quite a "trip"! Do you have 2 days left until day 100? I want to be ready for the celebration. kriger
            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


              Saturday Aug 16th

              Hey Kriger - Tuesday is the Big 1-0-0 and all kidding aside, I have really had my eyes on this prize for a long time. Of course I must be ever vigilent as AL likes to knock on my door right around important milestones. But I'm ready this time. He got me once at 60 days last year, but no more. Been there done that.

              OK - so I AM thinking of the correct event!!! Thanks kriger for confirming that. I'm sure I missed a post along the way - Deter I assume you leave tomorrow or very soon? I hope you and Dx have lots of fun. It sounds so cool.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Saturday Aug 16th

                You can google burning man. The website has lots of pictures from prior years; it is a pretty incredible event. The prople have to leave the desert "exactly" as it was before they arrived- not a scrap of anything left behind- a real "green" event. Tues is my day 14, so we'll have to celebrate together, in the evening. I am in charge of a BBQ for a golf tournament Tues during the day so I won't be online until evening. I will be with you in spirit during the day. kriger
                I think some are "testy" today because of the recent eclipse-energy shift.
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  Saturday Aug 16th

                  kriger;385109 wrote: Doggy,
                  You can google burning man. The website has lots of pictures from prior years; it is a pretty incredible event. The prople have to leave the desert "exactly" as it was before they arrived- not a scrap of anything left behind- a real "green" event. Tues is my day 14, so we'll have to celebrate together, in the evening. I am in charge of a BBQ for a golf tournament Tues during the day so I won't be online until evening. I will be with you in spirit during the day. kriger
                  I think some are "testy" today because of the recent eclipse-energy shift.
                  I should never try to count at the end of a long day!! Tuesday is my 90 days and we can sure celebrate that together with your 14 - I LOVE MILESTONES!! But 100 is the one where I'm not so secretly hoping for doggycakes and half naked men so we gotta wait until Aug 29 for that - if I'm reading the calendar right.

                  I can't wait to hear from Deter about the event this year. Kriger have you ever gone to it?

                  Happy AF Sunday to you kriger and all Abbers!!

                  Day 88 AFHF
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.

