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BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

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    BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

    DG - there's a novel called Paradise by A L Kennedy (Scottish writer) about a woman who's an alcoholic. In one scene she wakes up in the morning wanting a drink and goes to the local shop but thinks to herself that she can't just buy some cans of beer because it's only 10am and the shop assistant will think she's an alcoholic. So she buys some cans of beer PLUS a box of matches because that equals SHOPPING. :H
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

      these comments hit a raw nerve!!! Ouch! Throwing out milk because tomorrow is the "best before" date ..... but it was really about having an excuse to go to the supermarket in the morning.

      Speaking of doing things sober for the first time - we are on holiday next week, but it suddenly struck me today that it will be the first AF one I have had for a long time (20 years??). It is "safe" - long way from any retail outlets of any kind! But I am also caught myself mentally checking out where the nearest supplies were. My head is still in a spin over that, but I keep going back to the fact that our destination is in the wop-wops (is this a culturally translatable term??!) and that I would have to be pretty determined to drive 40 minutes to buy a bottle of wine. And I've even got to the point where my concern about carbon emissions would take priority over my desire for wine which is a pretty big step for me!!:H:H
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

        I've even got to the point where my concern about carbon emissions would take priority over my desire for wine which is a pretty big step for me!!
        I LOVE that!!! What a wonderful thing to see your that your mind/brain has actually begun to shift her priorities and values!



          BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge


          Thanks for the insight/food for thought. Obviously, my state of 'trying' isn't working. My habit pattern while away for work needs some serious adjusting. Months ago, when I first found this site, I immediately joined up and read through the book, ordered the cd's, and began taking Kudzu. I have always exercised regularly, however interestingly, never while away from home. In any case, I felt it necessary to begin on Antabuse. I did so several days before leaving for a couple of weeks, and wouldn't you know, despite some minor unpleasantness 'drank through' the Antabuse. I stopped taking it after that. I'll spare you all my explanations.
          Now, in my new effort, I've begun taking it again. Until I can figure out what it is I need to do while 'on the road,' I find it the most effective way around this. I've doubled the dosage (took 500mg before logging on this morning) and know that that'll do it. I know what drinking on 250mg feels like. So, this is me trying...
          I'll be honest. I was tempted to start drinking this morning before I took it; but, logged on instead. I read through the previous days' posts and was re-invigorated to make this work. So, thanks to all. I owe you all a very big thank you. Know that you certainly helped me today. I hope to return the favor in kind...

          Enjoy that hangover free vacation!!
          Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


            BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

            Good for you, Res! I am struck by your choice of names: RESOLUTE! That says it all. And as you note, and as DG pointed out so well, "trying" is kind of a weasel word that reflects a mental state that is not anywhere near the same as "Resolute." I am glad you are using the Antabuse. That can give you the gift of enough AF time to begin to get the whole set of drinking habits to begin changing, get your brain/body totally free of alcohol, and let you begin to develop new patterns of thinking and behaving. Good for you!



              BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

              Marshy - LOL on the Booze + Matches (I assume those might be free near the cash register as they often are here in the US?? or used to be anyway??) = shopping. :H Boy when I look back on some of the crazy crap I did to make sure I could drink - well - it's so pathetic I HAVE to laugh otherwise I would cry. Onward and forward!! Oh - I added that book to my list I'm keeping....

              Mame - well, you already know I can relate to the "any excuse will do" method of justifying booze shopping. I've never heard of "wop wops" but I'm wondering if that term is like "boonies" in the US. A place that is in the middle of nowhere - far away from town / stores / etc. At any rate, it's good that you are planning NOW for the AFness and HFness (yay!) of the excursion. And I love your thinking - considering the "green" aspect more than the potential drinking aspect of that 40 mile trip!!!!!! We are making progress!!!

              WIP I just put 2 and 2 together. So long as neither of us caves - and I sure don't plan to and I know you don't either - we will be forever connected with a monthly anniversary on the 22nd of each month. Life DOES suck some days, doesn't it!! hee hee. I'm not REALLY stalking you. REALLY I'm not!

              Resolute, I LOVE your post!! The tone of this one sounds like a person determined to succeed at this. I'm ALL FOR using every tool available to get quit. So congratulations on deciding to use Antabuse to help you, and for being honest about what dose might be required given your previous experience. You came here instead of drink. This is GOOD STUFF. Do it FOR YOU.

              I attended a SMART chat meeting on-line this morning and a good reminder came up.

              Think about how much time and effort you put into drinking (acquiring booze, planning when/where to drink, working at hiding how drunk you really are, etc. etc.). Put AT LEAST that much time and effort into quitting drinking if you want to succeed.

              That just makes complete sense to me.

              Hello to all Booze Busters yet to come!!! Let's KICK SOME AL ASS today!!

              Day 92 AFHF
              3 X :award: + **
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                Think about how much time and effort you put into drinking (acquiring booze, planning when/where to drink, working at hiding how drunk you really are, etc. etc.). Put AT LEAST that much time and effort into quitting drinking if you want to succeed.
                That's a great quote/reminder, DG. I will stick that in my brain along with some other motivators. And, yes, such synchronicity, we are sisters of the 22nd!!!



                  BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                  Well hello sisters, congrats on your multiples of 30 (!!!!) and congrats to all others for being so RESOLUTE. :welcome: This thread is sounding very determined!

                  I LOVE the concern for carbon emissions, Mame. Way to go! Stay AF and save the planet!!

                  I'm curious, DG, about the other bits you're exploring to support your sobriety. Thoughts on any and all sandbags are gratefully accepted in my current situation. That goes for your recent discoveries too, Marshy.

                  Having said that, I DO give myself credit. The last time I visited my Dad in May, I had about 10 days AF under my belt and felt much more overwhelmed by everything than I do now even though the circumstances are more challenging. Knock on wood. I hope I can keep that up. I hear you, WIP, about the 'what happened to my life' question. I have time to myself every afternoon, and I make sure I do something every day to build up a life for myself here. Today I went to get a library card. But it takes some doing to keep the me-focus in my conscious mind.

                  The doctor finally came to visit yesterday, the nurse took blood samples today, and hopefully by tomorrow we'll have medication for my Dad's infection. Meanwhile he's still under the weather and uncomfortable. He woke me up at 2am to help him deal with another coughing fit. It's scary to be the one with responsibility for judging whether an ambulance is needed. On the other hand, the longer I observe his daily problems, the better I understand what he can and can't cope with at this point in time. His physio came by today, and she's wonderful. Very down to earth and gave me good tips on how to help him. Professional support is my latest coping tool. Lots of well meaning people are already involved in my Dad's care, I just need to figure out how they can help me with the bits I'm doing to help him.

                  Hi Louise, Sothankful, July, Wild Rose and any Boozebuster I may have missed. Hope you're well.

                  Oh, and today is Day 100!! In conditions of hardship. But I'm determined to Booze Bust this obstacle course. So there! :yay:


                    BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                    Pamina, GOOD FOR YOU!!!! 100 days!!!!

                    That is just fantastic, and I know how hard it is right now...



                      BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                      :cheering:Congratulations Pamina on 100 Days AFHF!!:cheering:

                      And just for good measure.....

                      The program I'm learning more about right now is called SMART Recovery. It's a robust program so I can't comment on the whole thing. I am finding it useful so far though - the small amount I have "touched." The program is more formalized in terms of tools to deal with "AL" and lots of the struggles and problems we talk about around here. So far it has been a nice compliment to MWO. As with anything, I'm sure there will be moments where it's "take what is useful and leave the rest."

                      I'm also interested in hearing more about Women For Sobriety for those of you who have been checking out those tools. Heck, we'll have our own customized Booze Buster official program before it's over!!

                      ETA: LOL - did anyone see this before when I accidentally inserted pictures of my roof top pot garden instead of half nekkid men???? :H

                      Day 92 AFHF
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                        GOOD DAY BOOZE BUSTERS!!!

                        It's Friday and high time to make sure we have a terrific Booze Bustin' plan for the weekend.

                        My thoughts of booze are always less when I eat, so dinner is already in the crock pot. Might seem strange for this time of year, but I had some sirloin I needed to use up so it's beef stroganoff at my house. I have plenty to keep me busy + I can spend time here so AL won't be knockin' today. I've got some AF beer in the fridge for Saturday dog training day just in case AL pays me a visit tomorrow. I don't like the number of carbs though, so AF beer is truly a back stop. I don't drink a lot of diet sodas, but I had a hankering this week for Root Beer so have some Diet A&W on hand too. Now THAT tastes GOOD on a hot day! Sunday is a "me" day of Olympic watching and reading my book.

                        What's YOUR plan for an AFHF weekend?

                        Day 93 AFHF
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                          Thanks for the reminder, DG, making a plan is SO important, and I haven't done that yet, for this weekend. Here's a start: I have not cooked out on the grill in quite a while... it is something I used to love, but closely associated with drinking, for me, so it is an activity I want to reclaim. So long as there is no whisky or vodka in the house, I am fine. The last of the wine that I served to a recent guest is in the container of cooking wine that I keep in the fridge, and I am not tempted to drink it. Actually, I think I will put some salt in that wine, just to be even safer. Saturday and/or Sunday, long bike rides, which always make me feel so healthy and virtuous that AL loses much of its power or ability to tempt me. That's the beginnings of a plan, anyhow.



                            BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                            Morning everybody! I don't have much of a plan, but that root beer sure sounded good. I need to start getting myself to the gym or doing something. Maybe see if I can make it to the end of the pool. Take doggie to the park or swimming or something. Visit my dad. My stress level is so high with this marriage stuff. Have to do paperwork on that - ugh! Browse the want ads for a job although I'm hardly in the frame of mind for that. It's hard to imaginge being on a middle-aged interview. Plus I have no idea what I want to do. Bit of a quandry isn't it. In fact, it's downright scary. But I know good and well AL would not help, so that's not part of the plan. I AM going to get some root beer though.

                            Good Friday night luck everyone. DG, 90 days! I'm truckin' along behind you!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                              Hi Doggy, WIP and Greeneyes,
                              I haven't decided on my plan either but my house needs much attention. I need to find something "fun" to do; maybe I'll try to incorporate some exercise into that fun. I have been wanting to take a hike in the mountains but I am VERY out of shape so I can't go alone (that's not a great idea anyway). I think I'll get my neighbor to go with me-he is actually trying to get healthy also. I can pick a trail that is relatively flat. It is cooler up there and more pleasurable with pretty trees and just getting in the midst of nature is always good for me. I know I will enjoy this weekend and I don't have any fear of drinking- I just feel happy I can choose things to do rather than drinking my way thru the weekend and feeling crappy Monday morning, not to mention Sat morn and Sun morning. Thanks to all of you!!! kriger
                              Day 18 Have a great Friday everyone!!!
                              "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                                BOOZE BUSTERS-Week of 8/18 30 Day (A)bsolutely (F)abulous (H)angover (F)ree Challenge

                                Hey All, Glad to catch up with everyone via your posts..

                                Doggygirl- Actually I would like to see the picture of your rooftop garden, I mean the guys were nice and all but your rooftop sounds

                                Kriger - Your doing great ! 30 days will be here before you know it!

                                Hiya WIP - Sounds like you have got the biking fever, and a bbq after would hit the spot. Unlike that salty wine, iiickkk

                                Greeneyes - I am truly proud of you not drinking through all of your stressors.. I so empathize with that stack of papers you have and the job situation....Hope you can tackle that paper and get it checked off...Do you have friends that may be able to help you network some job opportunitys... I thought about what do I like to do? and realized that I was spending tons of time volunteering at my kids school, so I got a job with the school dist. subbing around and then found the job that I do now and I love it. Not that you want to go from one job to the next to the next, but you maybe could see this as an opportunity to explore some different things that you would never have thought of.

                                MAME - Less gas = less al , love it ! Hope your time away was great.

                                Pamina - Congrats on the triple digits !!!

                                Resolute - One can never have too many tools in their bag, sounds like you are on your way.

                                As for me, my kids and I are just hanging out and going to Dr.s appt. and shopping and getting lockers assigned and going to the fair and waking up a little earlier everyday and finding out how we feel and loving each other and talking and going to music in the park and talking and just good having the kids home.

                                HAPPY AFHF 55 DAYS for me.

                                Filled with and giving Gratitude and love everyday,

                                It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.

