Pamina 101 days AF :jumpwow:
Yesterdays thread seems to have been anothe thought provoking one.
Perfectionism in alcoholics is a whole new topic, along with comparing ourselves to others.
I bought the workbook on amazon and it is Relapse prevention counselling workbook - practical excercises for managing high-risk situations by Terence T Gorski and Arthur B Trundy. There is a whole series of books but I thought i would try this one first. If I take away one good idea ot insight into my behaviour it will have been worth the money.
I got one useful strategy for the panics from that other book I was reading. The one that described alcoholism as an inappropraite coping strategy. For some unknown reason an attack started on the train home from the BBQ last night. I was making myself worse since it was a high risk situation to be vulnerable in and naturally I was on my own. I remembered the bit about sensory overload and put my sunglasses on. It took the edge off it enough for me to make it to the end of the line. Now what I was doing with sunglasses in my bag with the summer we are having is another question!
I haven't heard of Alan Marlett but I'll look him up at the weekend when I have some me time.
Does everyone else pick up little ideas from all over the place?
Have a great Friday everyone and if you are shooting off somewhere nice for the bank holiday I hope the traffic isn't too bad and the weather improves (dramatically)