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Sunday Aug 24

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    Sunday Aug 24

    Happy sunday ABeroooos!

    this may be my last post for a few days if I can't find an internet connection at 'burning man'. we depart late tonight and will be out there 4 or 5 days in the super-heated desert dust. woooooo! It will be like Xmas in Iraq. ? ok, my coffee is still kicking in.....

    hope you are all having a fantastic and healthy weekend. Remember always that you are in deed stronger than you likely give yourself credit for.

    I will be visiting some sober camps at BM which surprisingly they have several of. There are 12 step camps and other non-denominational ones...this will be interesting!

    be well my friends
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Sunday Aug 24

    Ha you little burning man you!! I was gonna ask you soon about it!! Is it the 28th? Will have to check out the site again!!!. Det my buddy have a wicked............and I mean WICKED time there mate. If not next year me and dolph are definitely gonna make plans for it sometime soon and I really mean that.

    Will be thinking of you stuck in the big wicker man burning your flesh and oozing garlic!!

    Have a great time man!

    Love ya loads
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      Sunday Aug 24

      Det, have a great time. I hope you come back with great pictures like you did last year. Be safe and stay sober! That is great that they have sober camps.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Sunday Aug 24

        Deter!! Have LOTS of fun on your trip. Sober camps sound interesting. You are leaving tomorrow, right? Hope you can find a connection. But if not, we'll be waiting to hear the good stories when you get back.

        I updated about Kimba in Booze Busters so won't go through that again. It is sad to see her dragging that dead leg around. At least she has 3. I'm still hoping the other leg resolves.

        It's a beautiful day here after such a hot and humid one yesterday. It felt good to get out and go to the SMART meeting - frist time ever at a sobriety type meeting. It's a small group which was nice for starters, and really nice people - the guys there today all have LOTS of sober time in which is really good and educational for me. Their lives post - AL sound very interesting. My life revolved around drinking for SO long....but I've talked about that. I'm exciting about forging ahead with my new life.

        It was a big step to go out in the face to face public. I might have a chance at an even bigger step in a couple of weeks. Apparently there is a recovery type event - all denominational if you will - at one of the big local parks. If the SMART people decide to set up a table with info, I might join in. Yikes. Stepping out.

        Have a great AF day everyone!

        Day 95 AFHF
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Sunday Aug 24

          Det, Have fun!!! Sounds like a great time.

          DG, Good for you for going to the SMART meeting. Stepping away from AL life is scary at first but you will get used to it. And yes I know I need to do more of that myself...

          Kiddos start school tomorrow. Can't you just see all the Moms giddy at the bus stop in the morning? Even with the little ones - so sad to see the 2nd grader off - right until she boards and waves good-bye...

          Have another great AF day everyone

          Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


            Sunday Aug 24

            Hi Everybody!!

            Det and Dx, have a lot of fun and enjoy yourselves at Burning Man. Can't wait to hear about it when you get back. Take lots of water.

            Hi, Hipster!! Say "hi" to Dolph when you chat. I miss her on here.

            Hey, there, Lushy. So glad you are back from vacation. The f thread needs you!!

            DG, It sounds like you are still evolving! Yay!! You will have to let the rest of us know a bit about SMART. I have no groups here where I live. I have already looked.

            Beck, I always thought those first few school days were a little lonely. But after a week or so, seemed like I found things to do. :H

            All y'all and all to come, have a wonderful, blessed Sunday!!

            Your sober friend,
            AF April 9, 2016


              Sunday Aug 24

              Maybe this is not the place for this question, but did Dolphin leave? I remember she said that she might. I am not sure why.


                Sunday Aug 24

                Hi again all.

                The SMART meeting was good. The group is small - I guess it ebs and flows which only makes sense. There were four of us there today - nice and small so we had lots of informal conversation. The leader of the group is 8 years sober. He reminds me of a friend from college oh so many years ago who was a philosophy major. So yes...I expect to be provoked into quite a bit of thought keeping this company!! I've started working on the SMART tools from their web site, and interacting with people who actively use the tools - so can offer that perspective will be valuable I think.

                The homework assignment for this week (should I start a thread on it??). He picked this assignment as everyone in the group this week happened to already be sober - me being the shortest tenure today:

                "We all have a long list of what's bad about drinking. For next week, make a list of WHAT STOPS YOU FROM DRINKING when that drinking voice gets going in your head. (in other words, a step beyond a list of the bad stuff...)"

                Initially this sounded like an easy question...but as I think about it, the answer seems to be more complex than I originally thought. I've started a note page that I will add to as the week goes on, then try to consolidate my thoughts for next Sunday.

                Beck, it must be hard to put them on the bus for second grade!! (growing up...)

                Cindi - it's too bad there aren't a lot of meetings for SMART. Have you checked out the on-line chat meetings? There is now one on Monday early evening (it's at 5PM CST) that goes through a web site that allows both text chat and voice if you have a microphone, etc. to do that. Just another weapon in the war....

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Sunday Aug 24


                  I am thinking about that homework assignment.

                  It is a good one.

                  If you start a thread on it, I will work on it, too!!

                  Love ya!!
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Sunday Aug 24

                    Det and Dx - Know you will have a grand time!!!

                    It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.

