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Tuesday Aug 26

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    Tuesday Aug 26

    Good morning....where is everyone?? Feel a bit better today but now have some additional mental healing to do.

    Have plans to make salsa with a good friend this morning. We do this every year but normally it is in the evening. It normally includes wine, not this year. Funny how we associate certain activities with drinking.

    Have a great day all!!

    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

    Tuesday Aug 26

    Hello everyone,

    I'm adjusting to the new school schedule. It is crazy. I'm up at 5:00am and don't have a free moment until the little one is on her bus at 7:45. Add soccer 4 nights a week and me taking 2 masters courses and well...not a lot of MWO time. Oh and I'm house training our puppy - an 9 week old black lab. The kids named her Abbey of all things

    OMW, meant to say how great it is that your kiddo made varsity soccer as a freshman. that's impressive. You are doing great. Making the salsa in the morning is a good idea as most folks wouldn't drink wine early. I too have a lot of activities associated with AL. The toughest for me at first was the list of boring chores...laundry, name it.

    Good day everyone!!!

    Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


      Tuesday Aug 26

      Morning everyone
      OMW, thanks for starting us must be feeling very proud...varsity soccer, quite an accomplishment!....

      Beck.....your posts are exhausting!!!......Would love to be a fly on the wall for those first waking hours at your house .....remember those days well, and I only had 2 boys.......

      Mental healing is what is on the agenda for me too.....I like that terminology......It kinda puts a positive spin at the "stuff" that needs to be addressed...Positive is where I am (thanks Beck)....I have to much good in my life, so much to be thankful for to let the negative get me down. I need to keep reminding myself..I have choices!!!!

      Hope everyone has a great day!!
      sobriety date 11-04-07

