Day 15! Congratulations to everyone on all of your abs days!!
We have such a great group of people - thanks to all of you for your contributions here. I love reading all the posts everyday, and there is so much I want to respond to, just gets me thinking about so many things. It's exciting, and daunting at the same time! Just wish I had more time... and could type faster...

Susan, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. He sounds like a great guy, and obviously he brought something very special into your life. I think you're fortunate to have known him. Hope you're not feeling too sad today.
Coming to terms with death and loss is not easy or fun. But at least we are now dealing with it instead of hiding, or dulling the experience with alcohol.
Jane, your grandmother sounds wonderful. Sorry to hear about her passing. You seem to be handling it well. It was painful reading your post, because she reminds me so much of my grandmother. I just don't know what the world will be like without her. She is so much a part of my everyday thoughts.
You never know which bodies those special souls will be in... the ones you connect with. I guess all we can do is recognize them and enjoy them while we have them around.
Matt, I hope your night out was AF and FUN as you predicted! I'm so pleasantly surprised at how soon we can begin to have fun again without alcohol, even if others around us are drinking. Because I'm secure in my decision to abstain, it doesn't pose a threat most of the time. Although, it can start to wear thin if I hang out too long!
I must admit that sometimes I relish the fact that I don't drink when I'm around others that do. I get that "I've got a -clean- little secret" feeling.

Have a beautiful day everyone!
Suffering cracks open the shell of ego, and then comes a point when it has served its purpose. Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary.
Eckhart Tolle