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Friday - Aug. 29 - Daily Thread

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    Friday - Aug. 29 - Daily Thread

    Hi Everyone:

    I am starting this thread, even though it is past 8 on the east coast of the USA. I'm feeling very strong & committed. In addition to MWO, I've been reading other sites & attending meetings. I need that for now at least.

    I just know that being a non-drinker is for me. Every single time I'm out & see normals drink, I know I can't drink like that. Last night we were in a crowded restaurant w/friends. One of them went to the bar & got drinks for the table. She came back w/drinks for everyone but me (without even asking). I was drinking from the bottled water on the table. I felt good about that! She already sees me as a non-drinker.

    I'm working through the daily life difficulties that most people have...parental issues, dental problems, etc. That's life! I don't have to numb out. I can just do what needs to be done & rest when I have the opportunity.

    Take care.

    Love, Mary

    PS: MWO started me on this sobriety journey. Thank you.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Friday - Aug. 29 - Daily Thread

    Morning all
    Thanks for starting the thread this morning. A while back, I too, did some observation of those "partaking" while having dinner out. I watched people sip, and more often than not one glass got them through the entire dinner. Sippers were really enjoying the taste of a good glass of wine, probably had none before going to the restaurant, and will have none after. My initial thought was why bother, no buzz!!!!....Guess that is the difference between me and the "normal drinkers".
    Mary, isn't it a nice feeling when people in our social circles automatically bring the bottled water? No more explanations needed!!....Hope everyone has a good Friday
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Friday - Aug. 29 - Daily Thread

      Good Morning Abbers,

      Mary, thank you for starting the thread. It is great to hear you sounding so strong and resolved. Like you, MWO was my start and I am now sober again (I know, relapse Queen here) and will be a month Sep 11th.

      Actually, I am not sure of my start date so I am picking Aug 11th because it is the day I heard the "click" that just said I simply cannot drink. At all. Not one.

      I take Antabuse to help because that is a tool that helps me if I get weak. I have only had a few weak moments since Aug 11, though. I will continue to take the AB because I have relapsed so much. It is my safety net.

      I also go to AA meetings. It is wonderful to have a place to go when I am alone and out of town where I am around people who understand this journey. I am not a good stepper, I haven't got a sponsor, etc, but just listening to others who have been there done that is a huge relief.

      Glad to be here with you, Mary. Both of our lives are so much better than they were last year when we started.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Friday - Aug. 29 - Daily Thread

        Hello everyone,

        Only fitting that Cindi, Mary and Char have checked in today. You were all here when I started AF nearly 7 months ago. I need to to be away from MWO in September. There are some other issues in my life that require more attention/work. So I'm just going to take my hands off the wheel and see where my life leads me. I don't intend to drink. Thank you for all of your past support.

        When I get back, I fully expect Mary to be AF and feeling wonderful, Char to be working on the Char improvement plan and Cindi to quit thinking of herself as the Relapse Queen b/c she will about 50 days sober.

        All the best,

        Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


          Friday - Aug. 29 - Daily Thread

          Have 2 home from school sick this morning. Called off of work, really did not want to go in anyway, as I still feel pretty slugish.

          Hope you all have a good weekend, I'll be working.

          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

