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Monday 1 September

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    Monday 1 September

    Good morning all, and what a terrific morning it is.

    The start of a new month, somehow that always makes me feel optimisitic. It seems more so this month with it also being on a Monday. It is the feeling that it is a clean slate where anything is possible.

    Welcome to any newbies who have chosen today as their starting point. Anytning we can do to make it easier....

    For the last few year's September has been difficult for me. the anniversary of Dad's death, his and Mum's birthday's, wedding anniversay, the funeral and the ashes scattering. From the 3rd to the 30th memories.

    That always seemed like a really good excuse for spending the month bitzed. but really that didn't make it any different from any other month. If I was awake that was a good enough reason to get trashed.

    Emotions are not easy but I am now starting to see that they are preferable to that alcoholic fog. It is as if a little light has come on in my head. I want to live. If I want to do that, then there are things I just have to learn to live through.

    Hope everyone had a better weekend than I did. The llamas didn't come off but that is a boring story and soooo last month.

    Saw the piccies of burning man, that looked like the most amazing fun.

    I had a look at the smart recovery website but there are no meetings in London which is a shame.

    Have a great day everyone.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Monday 1 September

    Hi Loppy Lugs and all that will follow,

    Here's to another new month - I too feel optimistic - its also my first day back to work after 2 weeks on holiday - I'm raring to go!!

    It's the start of day 7 AF for me and I think this is the longest I've gone in quite a few years - since joining MWO I managed to go AF on weekdays ( although recently that wasn't the case) but cave at the weekend - this is a bit of an achievement for me!!

    I've noticed this week that the 1st few days went by in a haze - I was tearful (which seems to have passed) then happy and memories just seem to come out of nowhere - memories good and bad from years and years ago - whats that all about can someone tell me??!!

    It just feels so good to wake up (especially on a Monday) and feel so refreshed and ready for the day - so I better get going now - wishing you all a great day xxxxx


      Monday 1 September

      I've chosen today as my starting point! I'm feeling positive too! Busy day today!
      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


        Monday 1 September

        Hello AFers and thank Loppy for getting us started with such a great post. I feel as you do - Monday AND the start of a new month - it just feels right. I love your line
        I want to live. If I want to do that, then there are things I just have to learn to live through.
        Well put!

        Welcome Seen and vlad!! Good to have you here for some Abs goals.

        Mr. Doggy and I will be kicking off the new month with a bike ride through the forest preserve. Sorta forgot those bikes were there. One of the guys in the SMART face to face meeting I've started going to is a big bike rider and was jazzing me yesterday about "real" exercise. (in a fun way) He'll probably fall out of his chair next Sunday when I report some actual bike riding.

        I've been having so much fun cooking and I need to consult with Deter from some good grilling recipes and of course garlic tips. Today I'm going to fire up this new grill all by myself and make some hot wings. When I was heating up the marinade this morning I leaned over the pan and my eyes teared up. So I think I'm on the right track with this recipe.

        Happy Monday to all yet to come.

        Day 103 AF
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Monday 1 September

          Good Morning Abbers!!

          Emotions are not easy but I am now starting to see that they are preferable to that alcoholic fog. It is as if a little light has come on in my head. I want to live. If I want to do that, then there are things I just have to learn to live through.
          I, too, agree with this statement, Loppy. It is actually a thought just like this that kicked me off of my last binge and into AF land and HAPPY to be there.

          Doing okay here. Need to get cranking and start cooking myself DG. I have to make a meal that "Atkins" Hubby can eat and "Eat all the Fat and Carbs" rest of the family can eat.

          It is a challenge.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Monday 1 September

            Trying again

            Hi to All

            I am also chosing this day to return after a lapse after my Mum died unexpectedly last November. I had got up to 40 days plus before this happened, also had a run of 40 days plus in 2006. Although I have not been AF for all these months since November, I have been logging on regularly. For the sake of my health, I know I have got to do something about this, it has frightened me recently that I have been drinking 2 plus bottles of wine a night!!! The funny thing is is does not affect my daytime activities,(I only drink at night, can take it or leave it during the day, but mostly leave it), I hold down a responsible job, and never have any problem waking up in the morning. I am now making a commitment to stay AF for the month of September, from my experience I know it can be done one day at a time. Wish me luck, and good luck to everyone who is on board for an AF September.



              Monday 1 September

              Morning all
              To all the new folks on the abs thread.....Welcome!!!

              Just finished (again), canning tomatoes, peppers and eggplant...another mess cleaned up and I think that may be the last. Garden was ignored the two weeks we were away, my son was supposed to tend...his idea of tending was to pick a few cukes and be on his way!!

              Loppy, I too so agree with the emotions statement. Some days my emotions can turn on a dime and I have noticed that is when I most vunerable to thoughts of "the great escape"......Life continues on, good with the bad, happy with the sad and learning to deal sober can be quite the challange....that is the time we have to utilize our toolbox..somedays those tools are right on top of the box, and others days we have to dig pretty deep.....

              Hope everyone is enjoying their Monday!!!
              sobriety date 11-04-07


                Monday 1 September

                Hi abstainers,

                It looks like Sep is going to be an active month here in abs. So many of us have related to the idea of Sep being a new start. I always thought of it as a "new year" as it was the beginning of the school year and, believe me, it's been many ,many years since I started back to school. Anway, it feels like it's time to turn a new leaf for many of us and I suppose, a the weather changes so can our ideas about the necessity of alcohol in our lives.
                Charlee, I loved your statement about how some days we had to dig deeper into our toolboxes. Some day are easy and then others you have to fight for every minute.
                DG, I have not enjoyed AA meetings in the past and am curious about Smart Recovery. There is meeting in our area but I have to call the leader before attending. I have hesitated to call as I'm afraid I'll get stuck in a group that I don't like. What have been your experieces with those meetings. I have to assume that you like them, otherwise , you wouldn't go back. How do they compare to AA? Maybe I just need to find another AA meeting as I know they are all different.
                It's good to be here. Have a great day all.



                  Monday 1 September

                  Janet, my guess is that the SMART ones are all different too. Right now the group I go to is very small (I was person #4). Me and another guy are fairly new to the group and the leader and one other person have been involved for awhile - the leader since the very early days of SMART.

                  As with any organization it sounds like there are sometimes conflicts within, but I find the basic tools very helpful, and this is my first time being part of a face to face recovery group, and I'm liking it.

                  No harm in contacting the group leader and checking it out to see if you like the people. I'm really liking the people in my little group. Very diverse and I find them interesting.

                  Best wishes to you!

                  Good to see you and also Mary (madisonmay - two Mary's now!!) in abs and here's to a ROCKIN' September.

                  Charlee you just reminded me that I promised myself to do another 12 quarts of tomatoes this week. I better get my rear to the farmers market tomorrow. Your garden sounds awesome. LOL on your son's "tending" of it.

                  Cinders - Mr. Doggy is not a low carber but I am. The only thing standing between his plate and mine is a baked potato.

                  I'm going to grill all by myself today. LOL - I was reading a grilling for dummies type book to figure out the mystery. Here are my notes:

                  1. Turn grill on high and when it's hot, brush old gunk off.
                  2. Put temperature where you want it for cooking i.e. medium
                  3. Spray some oil on the grill rack.
                  4. For indirect cooking turn on the outside burners and leave inside burners off.
                  5. Put food on grill and set timer.
                  6. Turn food and set timer.
                  7. Eat food.

                  Is that all there is to it?????? And the men in my life have made this seem like Big Mystery for all these years????

                  Well, we shall see how the hot wings turn out, and then decide if I've been duped or not. :H I hope they taste like Hooters hot wings. Much to Mr. Doggy's dismay, I will NOT be wearing hot pants and a low cut top today.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Monday 1 September

                    hi loppy,had a great weekend,it can do nothing but get better,im on a mission,starting tomorrow,as i said this modding is an intresting task,i will see starting tomorrow,today is a holiday,and just easing up,my sons 20th on the sept,23 and i have no more teens in the house,will see what happens on the 23rd of the month,and tomorrow can only do one day at a time nc to here from you gyco


                      Monday 1 September

                      What a lovely, optimistic thread today! I too feel a renewed sense of committment w/the arrival of Sept.

                      Last night, my daughter, SIL, & 2 g-sons came for dinner. I had told them they should bring wine if they wanted it (then they take home the remainder. My SIL (whom I love dearly) is a pretty heavy drinker from an alcoholic family. When they came in wo/the wine, I said he could get the lone bottle of beer left over from a dinner we'd had. He said he wasn't drinking at all. I wonder if he realized he would be the only one drinking...since I don't drink & my husb & daugher only have one or 2 at the most.

                      In times past, my SIL & I would finish off the bottles of wine after my husb & daughter had their modest share. I feel so good that I didn't drink. We had a lovely time...relaxed & calm. When I think that I used to drink to try to achieve a relaxed & calm atmosphere & never got it. Once I had a drink, I ALWAYS became about:
                      -how much can I drink wo/anyone noticing.
                      -how can I get extra glugs.

                      I have a lot to be thankful for today. I wouldn't be here to day if it weren't for MWO. Thank you, Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Monday 1 September

                        Sublime September ABeroooos!

                        great to see so many enthusiastic faces here! Vino nice to see you back, big welcomes to Vlad.

                        the wind was a bit better today so I got to the shooting range and had a ball. I bumped into an old friend who was there teaching his son and a neighbors son to shoot. They also attend a 4H shooting program which is great to see. I guarantee one thing: this will be the safest and most responsible kids in whatever school they go to....their maturity was excellent. Maybe there's hope for the world? LOL
                        Doggygirl, that's it for grilling...just one note: be sure to baste the wings often (bout every 5 to 10 minutes) with the marinade as it's cooking. the flavour will be much more pronounced that way.

                        Seenthe light, I have also had the emotions and memories flooding my idea how to explain it from a physiological point of view but it can be overwhelming at times, but also wonderful.

                        a garlic a day keeps the neighbors away!

                        be well friends
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

